Title: Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures
Author: John Lewis
Edition: Fifth Edition
Key Concepts:
Creating objects
Services of the String class
Java API class library
Random and Math classes
Formatting output
Introducing enumerated types
Wrapper classes
Object Variables:
A variable can hold a primitive type or an object reference.
Example: String title;
(No object created, just a reference variable)
The object must be instantiated separately.
Use new
operator: title = new String("James Gosling");
This calls the String constructor, which initializes the object.
String Instantiation:
Strings can be created without the new
operator: title = "Java rocks!"
Each string literal represents a String object.
Method Invocation:
Use the dot operator: count = title.length()
Methods may return values for assignments or expressions.
Invoking a method = asking an object to perform a service.
Variable Types:
Primitive variable contains the actual value.
Object variable contains the reference (address) of the object.
Reference can be visualized graphically.
-> "Steve Jobs"
-> 38
Primitive Types Assignment:
Assignment copies values (e.g., num2 = num1;
Changes in num1
will not affect num2
Object References Assignment:
Assignment copies the reference (address).
name2 = name1;
Both now reference the same object, affecting each other.
Multiple references can refer to the same object.
Useful but requires careful management to avoid unintended changes.
Changing an object through one reference changes it for all aliases.
Objects without valid references are considered garbage.
Java performs automatic garbage collection, reclaiming memory.
Unlike other languages, Java handles this automatically.
Strings cannot be changed after creation (e.g., length and values are fixed).
Methods return new modified String objects.
Accessing Characters:
Use numeric index to access characters in a string.
Example: In "Hello", 'H' is at index 0, 'o' is at index 4.
Common Methods:
Constructor: String(String str)
- creates a new string object.
charAt(int index): returns character at specified index.
compareTo(String str): compares lexicographically with another string.
concat(String str): concatenates another string.
equals(String str): checks equality based on case sensitivity.
length(): returns the string's length.
replace(char oldChar, char newChar): replaces characters in the string.
substring(int offset, int endIndex): returns a subset of the string.
toLowerCase() and toUpperCase(): convert case of characters.
A collection of classes available in Java for program development.
API stands for Application Programming Interface.
Using Classes:
Classes like System
, Scanner
, and String
are part of the Java API.
Custom class libraries can also be created or obtained from vendors.
Java API classes are organized into packages.
Using Classes:
Fully qualify class names (e.g., java.util.Scanner
Import classes for easier access (e.g., import java.util.Scanner;
Wildcard to import all classes in a package (e.g., import java.util.*;
Automatic Import:
Classes in this package are automatically imported.
This includes System
and String
must be imported explicitly as it's in java.util
Part of the java.util
Generates pseudorandom numbers using methods.
Common Methods:
Constructor: Random()
- creates a number generator.
nextFloat(): returns random float between 0.0 and 1.0.
nextInt(): generates an integer value.
nextInt(int num): ranges between 0 and specified limit.
Part of the java.lang
Contains static methods for mathematical functions.
Common Methods:
Math.abs(int num)
- absolute value.
Math.sqrt(double num)
- square root.
Math.pow(double num, double power)
- exponentiation.
- generates a random number.
Formats values for display.
Useful in presenting data clearly.
: formats as currency or percentages.
: formats based on patterns.
Defines a type with specified values.
Example: enum Season {winter, spring, summer, fall};
Type-safe, only assigns valid values from enumeration.
Each enumeration value has an ordinal integer starting from zero.
Classes in java.lang
that correspond to primitive types (e.g., Integer, Double).
Can be used where objects are required instead of primitive types (e.g., collections).
Contains static methods for type management, such as parsing strings to numbers.
Automatic conversion of a primitive type to a wrapper object (e.g., int
to Integer
The opposite process is called unboxing.