Untitled Flashcards Set


1. Call 911 to activate the chain of survival.

2. Move the injured away from danger to keep them safe.

3. Keep them alive until medical responders arrive:

ā€¢ Apply pressure to stop bleeding.

ā€¢ Help them to breathe by allowing them to sit up, lean forward, or place them in the recovery position if unconscious.

4. Talk to the injured to provide comfort.

ā€¢ If in immediate danger, get them out of harmā€™s way before calling 911.

EMS Response Time:

ā€¢ Typically 6ā€“9 minutes, but life can be lost before responders arrive.

Good Samaritan Laws:

ā€¢ Protect those who help from liability until professional help arrives.

ā€¢ All 50 states and D.C. provide protection for reasonable actions to help.

ā€¢ EMTs/paramedics are held to higher standards due to training.

ā€¢ Laws differ by locationā€”check your area.

Chain of Survival:

How emergency medical systems flow to keep people with life-threatening situations (LTS) alive.

ā€¢ Components include:

1. You

2. Non-medical first responders

3. Emergency medicine

4. Surgeons

Impact of Stress:

In an LTS, you may experience physical and psychological effects such as:

1. Distortion of Time Assessment Loop:

ā€¢ Denial

ā€¢ Deliberation

ā€¢ Action

2. Distortion of Senses:

ā€¢ Sight (tunnel vision)

ā€¢ Sound

3. Adrenaline (Fight/Flight Response):

ā€¢ Temperature changes

ā€¢ Shaky hands

ā€¢ Loss of other functions

4. Nausea

ā€¢ These are normal reactions to stress, and most people will experience them.

Calling 911:

ā€¢ 911 operators are trained to:

ā€¢ Assess the situation.

ā€¢ Take appropriate actions.

ā€¢ Help ensure safety.

Steps When Calling 911:

1. Take a deep breath.

2. Let the operator guide you.

3. Follow their specific instructions.

Types of Questions Operators Ask:

ā€¢ Specific location (floor, room, landmarks).

ā€¢ Severity of injuries to send appropriate help.

ā€¢ Safety concerns (dangers or ongoing threats).

Stay Safe:

ā€¢ Use your 5 senses (see, hear, smell) to assess the area.

ā€¢ Ask yourself:

ā€¢ Do you feel safe here?

ā€¢ Yes: Stay and provide care.

ā€¢ No: Move to a safe location and call for help.

Stop the Bleeding:

ā€¢ Humans have about 5-6 liters of blood in their body.

ā€¢ Losing 500 cc (half a liter) causes physiological problems.

ā€¢ Losing half the blood volume can cause death, no matter the hospital care.

Key Points:

ā€¢ Bleeding is irreversible if untreated.

ā€¢ Body can lose fatal blood amounts in minutes.

ā€¢ Apply pressure to stop bleeding.

ā€¢ Major blood vessels are deep under the skin near bonesā€”protect these areas.
