Aaron Burr:
Jefferson’s Vice President. Famous for killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel.
John Marshall:
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during the Marbury V. Madison decision.
Judicial Review:
The power of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional. This power was created during the Marbury V. Madison case.
Louisiana Purchase:
A large region of the United States, bought from Napoleon by the Jefferson administration.
Lewis and Clark:
The two men put in charge of the Corp of Discovery, the group of explorers that explored the Louisiana Purchase.
A woman who acted as a guide, translator and goodwill ambassador for the Corp of Discovery.
The Barbary War:
A war between the United States and North African pirates in the Mediterranean Sea.
The kidnapping of sailors to force them into a nation’s navy.
An official ban on trade.
Short Answer Topic-
Jefferson’s actions as president versus his Democratic Republic Ideals
Democratic Republican Ideals |
-Small Federal Government -Little Government interference in people’s lives -Strong State Governments -Strict interpretation of the US Constitution -Opposition to the National Bank -Opposition to Protective Tariffs -Emphasis on Agriculture over trade. |
Jefferson’s Actions as president |
-Purchase of the Louisiana Territory -Sent Navy to fight the Barbary Pirates -Sent Lewis and Clark to explore the Louisiana Territory -Passage of the Embargo Act |
Shawnee chief who organized a Native American confederacy to stop US settlement in the North West
William Henry Harrison:
General who defeated Tecumseh at the Battle of Tippecanoe.
Battle of Tippecanoe:
Battle fought between American troops and Native Americans in the North West frontier.
War Hawks:
Young politicians who pushed to start the War of 1812.
Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun:
Two of the most famous War Hawks.
War of 1812:
A conflict between Great Britain and the United States in the early 1800s..
Francis Scott Key:
The author of America’s national anthem The Star Spangled Banner
Battle of Fort McHenry:
A victory for Americans who successfully defended Fort McHenry from British attack. This was the battle that inspired The Star Spangled Banner.
Battle of New Orleans:
The last battle of the War of 1812. Fought AFTER the Treaty of Ghent was signed.
Hartford Convention:
A meeting of New England Federalists about the War of 1812, it proved to be unpopular and led to the end of the party.
Short Answer Topic-
Causes of the War of 1812
-Fighting with Native Americans -A desire to move westward -A desire to take over Canada -Interference with trade (denial of Neutrality Rights) -The Impressment of Sailors |
The importance of the War of 1812
-It led to the Era of Good Feelings. -Increased a sense of national unity in the United States. -Led to the end of the federalist party. -The US had now proven itself as capable of standing against Britain twice, which resulted in more respect from European nations. |
Era of Good Feelings:
The period of time following the War of 1812, marked by an increase in National Pride and a general feeling of Unity.
Strong identification with and support of one’s nation. National pride.
Strong identification with and support of one’s region within a nation. Regional pride.
Monroe Doctrine:
A US policy which warned European nations to stop colonizing in the Americas. It put Latin America into the US’s sphere of influence.
Missouri Compromise:
A political compromise which kept the balance of power in Congress by admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. It also established a line between future slave and free states at the 36° 30' N latitude line.
American System:
A government plan for economic improvement and industrial growth in the United States. It included a high tariff to protect American industry, the building of new roads and canals, and the continuation of the Bank of the United States
Short Answer-
The growth of sectionalism and the differences between the North, South, and West.
-Each region had different economic needs. (The West grew food crops, the South grew cash crops for foreign markets, The North made manufactured goods) -The North began to urbanize while the South and West remained rural. -The North benefited from Trade Regulations that made foreign goods more expensive. This hurt the South and West. -The West and North benefited more from roads and canals that allowed major trade between the two. Less of these were built in the South. -The North was now made up solely of Free states, the South had all Slave states, and everytime a new Western state was added, there was debate over which side it would join. |