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Describing Variation & Distribution of Data


  •  A measure of a single characteristic that can vary

Causes of Variations:

  • Biologic Differences

    • Genes

    • Nutrition

    • Environmental

    • Exposures

    • Age

    • Sex

    • Race

  • Presence or absence of disease and extent of disease

    • Ex. Cancer of the cervix may be in situ, localized, invasive, or metastatic

  • Different conditions of measurement

    • Often account for the variations observed in medical data

    • Factors: time of the day, ambient temperature or noise, and the presence of fatigue or anxiety in the patient

  • Different techniques of measurement

    • Can produce different results

  • Measurement error

    • Can also cause variation

Types of Errors:

  • Systematic Error

    • Can distort data systematically in one direction.

    • Can introduce bias

  • Random Error

    • Does not introduce bias

Quantitative Data 

  • Numbers and measurement

Qualitative Data

  • Generally use words

Types of Variables:

  • Nominal Variables

    • Naming or categoric variables that are not based on measurement scales or rank order.

    • Ex. Blood groups, occupations, skin color

  • Dichotomous (Binary) Variables

    • Variables with only two levels

    • Ex. Study of heart murmurs (systolic or diastolic)

  • Ordinal (Ranked) Variables

    • Data that can be characterized in terms of three or more qualitative values

    • Ex. Satisfaction of care

  • Continous (Dimensional) Variables

    • Continous scales

    • Observation differs over time

    • Ex. Height, Weight, Blood pressure

  • Ratio Variables

    • If a continous scale has true 0 point

    • Ex. Kelvin Temperature

Frequency Distributions

  • Frequency Distributions of Continuous Variable

    • Can be shown by creating a table that lists the values of the variable according to the frequency with which the value occurs.

  • Range of a variable

    • Range is the distance between the lowest and highest observations of the variable.

  • Real and Theoretical Frequency Distributions

    • Real Frequency Distributions

      • Obtained from actual data or sample

    • Theoretical Frequency Distributions

      • Calculated using assumptions about the population from which the sample was obtained

    • Normal Distribution

      • Also called the Gaussian distribution after Johan Karl Gauss

      • Bell-shaped curve

  • Parameters of a Frequency Distribution

    • Measures of Central Tendency 

      • Mean (x̄) – Average value

      • Median – Middlemost or halfway value

      • Mode – Most frequent value

    • Measures of Dispersion

      • Based on Percentiles

        • Percentile of Distribution

          • A point which at which a certain percentage of the observations lie below the indicated point when all the observations are ranked in descending order.

      • Based on Mean

        • Mean Absolute Deviation

          • Seldom used, but helps define the concept of dispersion

          • Does not have mathematical properties (as based form many statistical tests)

        • Variance

          • Fundamental measure of dispersion

        • Standard Deviation

          • Square root of the variance

          • Used to describe the amount of spread in the frequency distribution

          • Average of deviations from the mean

Problems in Analyzing a Frequency 


  • A horizontal stretching of a frequency distribution to one side or the other, so that one tail of observations is longer and has more observations than the other tail

  • Skewed to the left

    • When histogram or a frequency polygon has a longer tail on the left side of the diagram

    • Negatively skewed distribution

  • Skewed to the right

    • When histogram or a frequency polygon has a longer tail on the right side of the diagram

    • Positvely skewed distribution

  • Kurtosis

    • Characterized by a vertical stretching or flattening of the frequency distribution

      • Leptokurtic: Distribution with heavy tails.

      • Platykurtic: Distribution with light tails.

      • Mesokurtic: Distribution with moderate tails, similar to a normal distribution.

Graphical Representations

Graphs provide a visual way to understand the distribution and variation in the data.

  • Histogram: A bar graph that shows the frequency of data points within specified ranges (bins).

  • Box Plot (Box-and-Whisker Plot): Displays the median, quartiles, and potential outliers. It helps visualize the spread and skewness of the data.

  • Dot Plot: Shows individual data points and their frequency.

  • Stem-and-Leaf Plot: Similar to a histogram but retains the original data values.

  • Density Plot: A smoothed version of the histogram, often used to estimate the probability density function of the data.

Descriptive Statistics Summary

Combining various descriptive statistics provides a comprehensive overview of the data.

  • Five-Number Summary: Consists of the minimum, Q1, median, Q3, and maximum.

  • Summary Table: Includes mean, median, mode, range, variance, standard deviation, and other relevant statistics.


Outliers are data points that significantly differ from the rest of the dataset.

  • Detection: Using methods such as the IQR (1.5*IQR rule) or Z-scores.

  • Impact: Outliers can skew the results and give a misleading picture of the data distribution.

Comparing Distributions

Comparing different datasets involves looking at their central tendency, spread, and shape.

  • Side-by-Side Box Plots: Useful for comparing the spread and central tendency of multiple groups.

  • Multiple Histograms: Placing histograms side by side or overlaying them for comparison.

  • Summary Statistics Comparison: Comparing means, medians, ranges, and standard deviations.

Describing Variation & Distribution of Data


  •  A measure of a single characteristic that can vary

Causes of Variations:

  • Biologic Differences

    • Genes

    • Nutrition

    • Environmental

    • Exposures

    • Age

    • Sex

    • Race

  • Presence or absence of disease and extent of disease

    • Ex. Cancer of the cervix may be in situ, localized, invasive, or metastatic

  • Different conditions of measurement

    • Often account for the variations observed in medical data

    • Factors: time of the day, ambient temperature or noise, and the presence of fatigue or anxiety in the patient

  • Different techniques of measurement

    • Can produce different results

  • Measurement error

    • Can also cause variation

Types of Errors:

  • Systematic Error

    • Can distort data systematically in one direction.

    • Can introduce bias

  • Random Error

    • Does not introduce bias

Quantitative Data 

  • Numbers and measurement

Qualitative Data

  • Generally use words

Types of Variables:

  • Nominal Variables

    • Naming or categoric variables that are not based on measurement scales or rank order.

    • Ex. Blood groups, occupations, skin color

  • Dichotomous (Binary) Variables

    • Variables with only two levels

    • Ex. Study of heart murmurs (systolic or diastolic)

  • Ordinal (Ranked) Variables

    • Data that can be characterized in terms of three or more qualitative values

    • Ex. Satisfaction of care

  • Continous (Dimensional) Variables

    • Continous scales

    • Observation differs over time

    • Ex. Height, Weight, Blood pressure

  • Ratio Variables

    • If a continous scale has true 0 point

    • Ex. Kelvin Temperature

Frequency Distributions

  • Frequency Distributions of Continuous Variable

    • Can be shown by creating a table that lists the values of the variable according to the frequency with which the value occurs.

  • Range of a variable

    • Range is the distance between the lowest and highest observations of the variable.

  • Real and Theoretical Frequency Distributions

    • Real Frequency Distributions

      • Obtained from actual data or sample

    • Theoretical Frequency Distributions

      • Calculated using assumptions about the population from which the sample was obtained

    • Normal Distribution

      • Also called the Gaussian distribution after Johan Karl Gauss

      • Bell-shaped curve

  • Parameters of a Frequency Distribution

    • Measures of Central Tendency 

      • Mean (x̄) – Average value

      • Median – Middlemost or halfway value

      • Mode – Most frequent value

    • Measures of Dispersion

      • Based on Percentiles

        • Percentile of Distribution

          • A point which at which a certain percentage of the observations lie below the indicated point when all the observations are ranked in descending order.

      • Based on Mean

        • Mean Absolute Deviation

          • Seldom used, but helps define the concept of dispersion

          • Does not have mathematical properties (as based form many statistical tests)

        • Variance

          • Fundamental measure of dispersion

        • Standard Deviation

          • Square root of the variance

          • Used to describe the amount of spread in the frequency distribution

          • Average of deviations from the mean

Problems in Analyzing a Frequency 


  • A horizontal stretching of a frequency distribution to one side or the other, so that one tail of observations is longer and has more observations than the other tail

  • Skewed to the left

    • When histogram or a frequency polygon has a longer tail on the left side of the diagram

    • Negatively skewed distribution

  • Skewed to the right

    • When histogram or a frequency polygon has a longer tail on the right side of the diagram

    • Positvely skewed distribution

  • Kurtosis

    • Characterized by a vertical stretching or flattening of the frequency distribution

      • Leptokurtic: Distribution with heavy tails.

      • Platykurtic: Distribution with light tails.

      • Mesokurtic: Distribution with moderate tails, similar to a normal distribution.

Graphical Representations

Graphs provide a visual way to understand the distribution and variation in the data.

  • Histogram: A bar graph that shows the frequency of data points within specified ranges (bins).

  • Box Plot (Box-and-Whisker Plot): Displays the median, quartiles, and potential outliers. It helps visualize the spread and skewness of the data.

  • Dot Plot: Shows individual data points and their frequency.

  • Stem-and-Leaf Plot: Similar to a histogram but retains the original data values.

  • Density Plot: A smoothed version of the histogram, often used to estimate the probability density function of the data.

Descriptive Statistics Summary

Combining various descriptive statistics provides a comprehensive overview of the data.

  • Five-Number Summary: Consists of the minimum, Q1, median, Q3, and maximum.

  • Summary Table: Includes mean, median, mode, range, variance, standard deviation, and other relevant statistics.


Outliers are data points that significantly differ from the rest of the dataset.

  • Detection: Using methods such as the IQR (1.5*IQR rule) or Z-scores.

  • Impact: Outliers can skew the results and give a misleading picture of the data distribution.

Comparing Distributions

Comparing different datasets involves looking at their central tendency, spread, and shape.

  • Side-by-Side Box Plots: Useful for comparing the spread and central tendency of multiple groups.

  • Multiple Histograms: Placing histograms side by side or overlaying them for comparison.

  • Summary Statistics Comparison: Comparing means, medians, ranges, and standard deviations.