setting: Florence
medieval and classical come together
humanists emerge: if there is no afterlife, then life should be enjoyed through the pursuit of happiness
human potential
europe is exposed to philosophy and education
christian and classic philosophy connects instead of cancelling out each other
heirarchy of the arts:
artists are considered to be intellectuals
(christ measuring the world) (rich guy)
patrons were important since the rich funded the church and art
byzantine artists run away to take refuge in Italy
byzantine art followed a formula
did not care about how realistic it can be
Visari says Giotto ends the front end mentality of 2d art
Giotto made art from observation
north: surface texture focused
italia: focused on body mass and form, perspective
the best gift of God is given through man
realistic psychologically (emotions)
masaccio painting
tells story of when peter finds coins in fish mouth
peter on left catching fish, paying tax collector on right
roman style of story telling
shadow shining onto the left since painting was next to the window on the right side
this painting was considered a great model of form and figure
Battle of the nudes
awkwardly tense: a teaching tool used to display anatomy and muscle
Botticelli’s Venus
painted for the Medicii based on a classical sculpture he made
made to remind you of medieval patentry (textiles)
venus is the goddess of sex
foliage behind her make her a halo
the three graces
porus turns into flora is venus’ consort through zepher wind touches her
oranges: medicci family
nature always symbolizes sexuality and fertility
mercury vs zepher, control vs lust
Camera Picta by Mantegna
scenes of courtlife, meaning unknown
used architecture to accentuate paintings
perspective and foreshortening used
Trompe l’oeil (fool the eye): optical illusions
Di sotto in su (from below upwards)
putti/putto (loggia): toddler angel
crossing: long center aisle, intersected by the transept, aka the crossing like a cross
architecture in florence was very important
did not want to have many north techniques
Brunelleschi, a goldsmith, wins an architecture contest to succesfully make a dome over the church
octogonal dome: a completely rounded
focused the weight downward instead of sideways, did not need flying buttresses
made a dome within a dome, made the structure lighter
stone rings connect domes together
wooden support interior
used a herringbone brick pattern to help support weights
→ a northern AND Italian archtiecuture made
Medici: very rich family that lived like kings but where kind of like the mafia
helped make Palazzo Medici-Ricardi
buildings are made to be modest
1: first floor bricks are rough (place where business is done)
2. Smoother bricks (less formal, casual for parties)
3. third floor smooth bricks (intimate bedroom setting)
arcades: columns in a square in a courtyard, brunolecci invents this
Gates of Paradise by Ghiberti
gilded bronze
perspective used
scenes of the bible
very tall
David by Donatello
first full figure nude since the roman times
young childlike depiction of david who killed Goliath
was not favored
too sensual cause he was a young boy when gays were prevalent (including Donatello)
wore a hat, culturally stolen hats would mean you had to submit (predatory)
Penitent Magdelene
showed mary did not need vanity or beauty but God alone