Opinion Essay. 26/2/25

* Counterargument (phản biện)

  • Thuyết phục hơn nếu có couter này. Vd: không đồng ý với công nghệ đưa ra bất lợi → đưa ra 1 bất lợi và phản bác lại bằng lợi ích

  • Đằng sau main argument, đoạn 2, cotrolling 2

The counterarguments are in italics and the refutations are underlined. 

E.g. 1: Physical education should be compulsory in schools.

Opponents of physical education say that it is time-inefficient (tốn thời gian) and can adversely impact students’ academic performance (kết quả học tập). However, physical activity can boost children’s attention spans (mức độ tập trung), memory as well as attitudes, which strongly facilitate (tạo điều kiện) their learning. In reality,... 

Note that what begins as a counterargument ends up as another reason in support of the claim. (Lưu ý rằng những gì bắt đầu như một phản biện lại kết thúc như một lý do khác ủng hộ cho tuyên bố)

=> approach strategy

- Active: think of your main point (refutation) in advance => its corresponding counterargument 

- Passive: present a common counterargument against the idea that you support => your corresponding refutation

* School uniforms should be mandatory => Counterargument?

Opponents of mandatory uniforms say that wearing them cannot reflect/express/show students’ individuality/uniqueness (cá tính/độc nhất). On the surface, this point has some merit/this point has some validity (this point is somewhat true), however, this stance fails to deny/negate the tremendous (to lớn) and long-term benefits that uniforms offer schools and their students. First of all/It is true that,...


Opponents of mandatory uniforms say that wearing them cannot reflect/express/show students’ individuality/uniqueness. On the surface, this point has some merit/this point has some validity (this point is somewhat true), however, school is a place to learn, not to flaunt (show off - khoe khoang) wealth or style. In reality,.../

+ however, personal uniqueness is reflected through not only  students’ clothing/appearance but also their manners and attitudes towards peers, teachers and others/

+ however, this school regulation can significantly facilitate students’ expression of their identity.  In fact, students can be greatly encouraged to exhibit their creativity and uniqueness by mixing and matching their uniform with diverse accessories such as…

* Some people believe that air travel (đi lại bằng máy bay) should be restricted because it causes serious pollution and uses up (dùng hết) the world’s fuel resources => Counterargument?

  • Đưa ra các phương tiện khác gây ra: mng thấy xe máy, ô tô => CO2 cực kì lớn >< chứng minh: máy bay thải ra nhiều hơn nhiên liệu….

  • người ta cho rằng: gây ra khủng khiếp >< chứng minh: chuyển sang sd sustainble energy

- Disagree:

Opponents of air travel say/argue that it can be closely associated with severe pollution problems as well as the depletion of the world’s fuel resources. On the surface, this point has some validity. However, several airlines today have utilised more sustainable energy produced from green plants or electrification technology to operate their flights, which contributes to mitigating the consumption of traditional aviation fuels without eliminating air travel

- Agree: 

Advocates of air travel say/argue that other vehicles, including motorbikes and passenger cars, are closely associated with severe pollution problems as well as the depletion of the world’s fuel resources. On the surface, this point has some validity, however, it has been proven that the CO2 emissions from/the carbon footprint of a plane is significantly higher than that of other means of transport. To illustrate, using a train instead of a domestic flight would reduce the CO2 emissions by around 86%.

- Indirect refutation: Opponents of air travel say/argue that it can be closely associated with severe pollution problems as well as the depletion of the world’s fuel resources. On the surface, this point has some validity. However, this stance fails to deny/negate the tremendous and long-term benefits that air travel offers people. First of all,... In detail,...

Topic: physical education

Controlling idea: health conditions

=> Topic sentence: Physical education has proven its desired efficiency in improving students’ health conditions. Specifically/In fact, when/If…

* When/If + condition (related to the ‘topic’ factor), possible results (related to the controlling idea)


Some high schools require all students to wear uniforms. What do you think about this rule? 

=> Topic: wearing school uniforms = the uniformity of clothing (tính đồng nhất trong mặc quần áo) = dressing in the same clothes = the requirement of uniforms (yêu cầu mặc đp) = the regulation of wearing uniforms = the obligation for students to dress in uniforms

(obligate/oblige sb to do sth = require sb to do sth = force sb to do sth)


- rational: hợp lí, có lí

- This point has some merit = this point has some validity: this point is somewhat true (điều này đúng ở một khía cạnh nào đó)

- To flaunt (v): show off (+ wealth/money)

- Equality (n): sự bình đẳng (promote equality; establish equality)

- Self-confidence = self-assurance = self-esteem = pride = self-respect (tự tin, lòng tự trọng (bolster/boost/build up/enhance/improve/increase/lift/raise one’s self confidence >< damage/destroy/dent/sap/shaken/undermine/weaken one’s self confidence)

- Clothes = outfits = garments (n): quần áo

- Background (n): type of family or social class that sb comes from (come from/have/be drawn from a privileged, wealthy background >< a deprived, disadvantaged, poor background)

- A rich/wealthy/affluent family >< a poor/low-income/economically-disadvantaged family

- Financial status = financial situation (n): điều kiện tài chính

- Individuality = uniqueness (n): cá tính (express/reflect/show one’s individuality)

- To create/build/establish a fair and positive learning/classroom/education environment: môi trường giáo dục lành mạnh và công bằng 

- A strong/great/deep sense of unity = a sense of belonging: cảm giác đoàn kết (feel/have a sense of unity; form/create a sense of unity; boost/heighten/sharpen a sense of unity) (e.g. I feel satisfied = I can feel a sense of satisfaction; I feel happy when watching movies = watching movies brings me a sense of happiness

- Be affiliated with = be connected with a group/an organisation (e.g. they can identify which schools students are affiliated with based on their uniforms)

- Self-expression (n): expression of your personality or emotions

- To place a financial burden on sb: cause difficulty regarding finance for sb

- To boost time-efficiency and cost-effectiveness (v): thuc day su hieu qua ve thoi gian va tien bac 

- To improve/ enhance/ foster/ achieve/ obtain/attain desirable academic outcome/ learning performance (v): cai thien ket qua hoc tap dang mong cho

- Equality and fairness in education environment (n): su binh dang va cong bang trong mt giao duc 

- A sense of belonging /unity /pride /satisfaction (n): cam giac lien ket/doan ket/tu hao/hai long

- Attainable goal (n): muc dich co the dat duoc

- To experience/suffer a feeling/a sense of uncomfort (v): trai nghiem/chiu dung cam giac kho chiu

- To place financial burden on low-income families (v): dat ganh nang len cac gd thu nhap thap 

- In lieu of sth = instead of sth: thay vi

- Irrespective of + N (adv) = Regardless of + N: bat ke (regardless of their age or gender)

- Inferiority (n): su tu ti

- to require sb to do sth (v) = to obligate/oblige sb

- time efficiency: quản lý tg hiệu quả

Question: Some high schools require all students to wear uniforms. What do you think about this rule?

  • nhà trường: quản lý hs, tăng độ nhận diện, quảng bá cho trường

Complete essay

Đề bài yêu cầu đưa ra ý kiến đồng ý/không đồng ý:

  • Đề bài: “Do you agree or disagree that technology is making people’s lives simpler?”

  • Luận điểm chính: Đồng ý, công nghệ đang làm cho cuộc sống đơn giản hơn.

  • Counter Argument: “Tuy nhiên, một số người cho rằng công nghệ đang làm phức tạp hóa cuộc sống với quá nhiều thông tin và sự phụ thuộc vào các thiết bị.”

  • Refutation: “Mặc dù có thể có những thách thức trong việc thích nghi với công nghệ mới, nhưng không thể phủ nhận rằng công nghệ đã giúp tự động hóa nhiều công việc hàng ngày, tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức cho con người.”

Đề bài về giải pháp cho một vấn đề:

  • Đề bài: “What are the solutions to the problem of traffic congestion in cities?”

  • Luận điểm chính: Phát triển giao thông công cộng là một giải pháp hiệu quả.

  • Counter Argument: “Tuy nhiên, việc xây dựng hệ thống giao thông công cộng đòi hỏi chi phí đầu tư lớn và thời gian dài.”

  • Refutation: “Mặc dù chi phí ban đầu có thể cao, nhưng về lâu dài, đầu tư vào giao thông công cộng sẽ mang lại lợi ích kinh tế và môi trường đáng kể, đồng thời giảm thiểu ùn tắc giao thông một cách bền vững.”
