Poetry - a form of literature that allows writers to express their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and ideas about a particular theme or topic.
Elements of Poetry
Lines - group of words that form a single line of poetry
- often organized into stanzas
Stanza - It is the group of lines
Stanza - It develops and empemphasizes one idea
Kinds of Stanza
Couplet - two line stanza
Triplet (Tercet) - a three line stanza
Quartain - four line stanza
Quintet/Quintain - five line stanza
Sestet (Sextet) - six line stanza
Septet - seven line stanza
Octave - eight-line stanza
Rhyme and Rhyme Scheme
Rhyme - words that sound alike
Rhythms - often used in poems
Rhyme Scheme - a pattern of rhymes in a poem
Rhythm - pattern of beats or a series of stressed and unstressed syllables in poem
Meter - measured beat
Meter Patterns in Poetry
Iamb - unstressed and stressed syllable (daDUM)
Trochee - stressed and unstressed syllables (DUMda)
Spondee - two stressed syllables (DUMDUM)
Anapest - two unstressed and stressed syllables (dadaDUM)
Dactyl - stressed and two unstressed syllables (DUMdada)
Amphibrach - unstressed, stressed, and unstressed syllable (daDUMda)
Pyrrhic - two unstressed syllables (dada)
Mood - feeling that a poem creates in a reader
Tone - attitude the author takes toward the subject
Theme - lesson about life or statement about human nature that the poem expresses