Europeans and Americans take over portions of the world and start monopolizing them (Africa, South Asia, China, and Australia)
The policy of domination or strengthening by European powers over subject territories overseas
When a European nation conquers a state, steals their resources, and dominate them
Doesn’t really have anything to do with government
3 ways to conquer
Military force
Economic imperialism (vast majority)
Age of Imperialism: 1850-1914
Scramble for Africa
When you take over an area and set up a government (purpose is taking over everything)
The United States and Australia
Australia is a convict colony
Heat stroke, elephants, and snakes (Aus biggest killers)
Causes of Imperialism
Nationalism: have to hold territory to be the most powerful
Economic Competition: industrialization/competing to sell goods (need to get raw materials from other countries), similar to mercantilism but with Africa
Propaganda Campaign
Social Darwinism: Europeans are superior to Africans
White man’s burden: their burden to do their civic duty to civilize the world
missionaries try to convert natives to christianity
Forms of Imperialism
Establish a protectorate: local governments can stay the same, but everything that’s economic the Europeans deals with
Sphere of influence: exclusive trading rights in the area
Imperial Expansion in Business
United Fruit Corporation: Central and South America
British East India Company and Dutch East India Company
Cecil Rhodes: founder of the De Beers Mining Corporation (diamonds)
Kills more Africans that Hitler did Jews in WWII
Responsible for apartheid
First British governor in South Africa
Raw materials
Congo has a lot of rubber trees
Southeast Asia: Tin and rubber
Central Africa: copper
US and Russia: #1 supplier of petroleum products (until the Middle East)
Geopolitical moves
Egypt 1882 - British take Egypt by force to control the Suez canal (political)
France goes on African Campaign in 1880’s to prove that they have a strong military (militaristic imperialism)
Capitalism has small rich class and large poor class, governments put propaganda to show that capitalism and imperialism are good
Human Zoos (1880-1930’s): Europe and US kidnap families from other parts of the world and put them in Zoo enclosures to show how imperialism is good
Political ads to mislead the public about different cultures
Rebellions, resistance movements
Leaders are somewhat educated in enlightenment philosophy and understand how to unify people (nationalize them)
Natural rights, representative government, etc.
Serbia (1815) and Greece (1832) gain independence from ottomans
Other countries are rebelling to try and get their own independence
Westward expansion takes territory from mexico, Spanish-American war start with battleship sinking off of Cuba
Before revolution, British pass Proclamation of 1763 (give native americans land)
First time someone is recognized the territories of indigenous people
America doesn’t recognize it since British signed it
Cherokee start to assimilate into American culture
Adopt farming, architecture, government, policies, reading and writing
Hope that America doesn’t steal their land
Gold discovered 1830’s in Ohio, forced onto reservations
Starts the Indian Removal Act
Sioux Tribe - very spread out
Resist through the Ghost Dances
Come together in large groups in the hopes that they can rise their ancestors and push out Americans
Doesn’t work
Indian Wars - US army vs. Native American tribes
Ends in the Wounded Knee
Us Army comes in and wipes out civilizations of indigenous people
Latin America
Tupac Amaru II - Peru
Descendant of Incan Kings, Chief of southern Peruvian people (well liked)
Spanish brutality gets worse
Child accidentally makes governor fall off his horse, gets whipped
Tupac arrests and executes the governor
Try to push Spanish out of South America, army shows up
Find Amaru and his family, arrest them, make him watch his wife get her throat slit, children decapitated, drawn and quartered
Make their presence known inside of Mexico
Overthrow the Mexican president Benito Juarez
People don’t want them in power
Archduke Maximilian becomes new emperor of Mexico
Executed 3 years later and Juarez comes back
Sepoy rebellion
British and sepoys have tensions between them
British use new animal fat grease for their cartridges (pig and cow fat)
Want to convert them into christianity
Rebel against the british to try and kick them out
Mughal government allies with the sepoys
The British win, end of the Mughal empire
Dismantle EIC and takes over
Under spanish rule, given to America after Spanish-American war
Filipino-American war starts
Kills 5x as many civilians as army personnel
Americans make it known that they will destroy everything if you don’t submit
Americans use Napalm (very destructive)
Europeans rebelling against Africans
Sokoto Caliphate - come in after Housa kingdoms in Ghana
Economy is based on slave trade system (#1 supplier before emancipation proclamation)
British intercept slave ships, free them into their colonial holdings for cheap labor
Integrated into Nigeria in 1903
South Africa
Xhosa people stage revolt against british
Cattle die because of disease, believe british spirits are infecting them
They should kill all of the cattle so the british have nothing to eat
All die of famine
Xhosa Cattle Killing Movement
Yaa Asantewaa War
War of the golden stool
1823, British take over territories in NW Africa, imperialize the Asante People
Lose first 4 of 5 campaigns against british
Push british out 5th time, British come back
5th war is the last african war lead by a woman
British want the stool as a symbol of power
Yaa Asantewaa buries it in the forest (found 40 years later and given back)
1800’s - Europeans have already been in Africa (coastal areas/trading posts)
As industrialization grows, Europe needs more raw materials
Negotiate with African states for access to raw materials in central Africa
Build hospitals, schools, infrastructure
Start resorting to violence against African governments
Suez Canal - British take control from French in 1882
Egypt controlled by Ottomans, lease to French for money, British take it
Anti-imperialist views start to happen - Africans push back and Europe takes over states by force
Sierra Leone, Lagos, Gambia, Gold Coast
Set up settler colony in Algeria/Northern Africa
Overcrowding in Europeans cities, send people to North Africa
Spanish and Italians as well
Scramble for Africa
Everyone in Europe wants a part of Africa
Berlin Conference (1884)
Otto Von Bismark leads a campaign to bring European ambassadors to draw a map of who gets what in Africa
What resources you need goes to what part you get
Nobody from Africa came to the conference
Angers native people, clash together people that hate each other
Causes conflict for 100 years
King Leopold II colonizes the congo (not a good person)
Owned privately but used taxpayer money
Became super wealthy with the export of rubber and ivory
Brutalize the congolese people (kill millions in 30-40 years)
People don’t believe how bad it is
Belgian government forces him to abdicate the throne
No prison, gets to keep wealth and move on
Belgium takes over the area
South Asia
EIC takes over port cities in India
Weakening the Mughal empire
Use sepoys to do horrific things in south asia
British get rid of the Mughal empire and dismantle EIC
Economic imperialism and spheres of influence
Modernized and industrialized, then become imperializers
Only state in East Asia that is colonizing others
Meiji restorations to thank for this
Conquer China and Korea for raw materials
VOC goes broke due to corruption
Lose all formidable forces
Control small sections of southeast Asia
Australia and New Zealand
Both colonized by the british
Prisons become so overrun that navy has to make floating prisons
Don’t want them on the shore, send them to Australia (deserted)
18th century to mid 19th
Wool trade and copper make Australia profitable
Maori people very formidable population in NZ
Very sophisticated pop
British wants port cities, Maori say no, New Zealand Wars
Maoris get crushed and have to leave
United States
After American Revolution, sign treaty that says Ohio River Valley to Mississippi river belong to native americans
Revoke this in 1830, pass Indian Removal Act
Put the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Creek on reservations in OK
Trail of Tears: native americans escorted by army personal, very violent and deadly
Manifest destiny: god's given right for the US to own from Atlantic to Pacific
Mexican-American War 1890’s - America wants Mexico's land, win California to East Coast
Gets 4 Island nations: Puerto Rico, Cuba, Guam, and Philippines
Catherine the Great expands territory to Poland from Ottomans
Alexander I annexes Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Finland, and parts of Armenia
Take a large chunk of manchuria from china
Expansion of the Trans-Siberian Railroad