Whap 6.1-6.3

  • Europeans and Americans take over portions of the world and start monopolizing them (Africa, South Asia, China, and Australia)


  • The policy of domination or strengthening by European powers over subject territories overseas

    • When a European nation conquers a state, steals their resources, and dominate them

    • Doesn’t really have anything to do with government

  • 3 ways to conquer

    • Military force

    • Economic imperialism (vast majority)

  • Age of Imperialism: 1850-1914

  • Scramble for Africa


  • When you take over an area and set up a government (purpose is taking over everything)

  • The United States and Australia

    • Australia is a convict colony

    • Heat stroke, elephants, and snakes (Aus biggest killers)

Causes of Imperialism

  1. Nationalism: have to hold territory to be the most powerful

  2. Economic Competition: industrialization/competing to sell goods (need to get raw materials from other countries), similar to mercantilism but with Africa

  3. Propaganda Campaign 

    • Social Darwinism: Europeans are superior to Africans

      • White man’s burden: their burden to do their civic duty to civilize the world

    • missionaries try to convert natives to christianity

Forms of Imperialism

  • Establish a protectorate: local governments can stay the same, but everything that’s economic the Europeans deals with

  • Sphere of influence: exclusive trading rights in the area

Imperial Expansion in Business

  • United Fruit Corporation: Central and South America

  • British East India Company and Dutch East India Company

  • Cecil Rhodes: founder of the De Beers Mining Corporation (diamonds)

    • Kills more Africans that Hitler did Jews in WWII

    • Responsible for apartheid

    • First British governor in South Africa

Raw materials

  • Congo has a lot of rubber trees

  • Southeast Asia: Tin and rubber

  • Central Africa: copper

  • US and Russia: #1 supplier of petroleum products (until the Middle East)

Geopolitical moves

  • Egypt 1882 - British take Egypt by force to control the Suez canal (political)

  • France goes on African Campaign in 1880’s to prove that they have a strong military (militaristic imperialism)

  • Capitalism has small rich class and large poor class, governments put propaganda to show that capitalism and imperialism are good

    • Human Zoos (1880-1930’s): Europe and US kidnap families from other parts of the world and put them in Zoo enclosures to show how imperialism is good

  • Political ads to mislead the public about different cultures

  • Rebellions, resistance movements

    • Leaders are somewhat educated in enlightenment philosophy and understand how to unify people (nationalize them)

    • Natural rights, representative government, etc.


  • Serbia (1815) and Greece (1832) gain independence from ottomans

  • Other countries are rebelling to try and get their own independence


  • Westward expansion takes territory from mexico, Spanish-American war start with battleship sinking off of Cuba

  • Before revolution, British pass Proclamation of 1763 (give native americans land)

    • First time someone is recognized the territories of indigenous people

  • America doesn’t recognize it since British signed it

  • Cherokee start to assimilate into American culture

    • Adopt farming, architecture, government, policies, reading and writing

    • Hope that America doesn’t steal their land

  • Gold discovered 1830’s in Ohio, forced onto reservations

    • Starts the Indian Removal Act

  • Sioux Tribe - very spread out

    • Resist through the Ghost Dances

      • Come together in large groups in the hopes that they can rise their ancestors and push out Americans

      • Doesn’t work

  • Indian Wars - US army vs. Native American tribes

    • Ends in the Wounded Knee

    • Us Army comes in and wipes out civilizations of indigenous people

Latin America

  • Tupac Amaru II - Peru

    • Descendant of Incan Kings, Chief of southern Peruvian people (well liked)

    • Spanish brutality gets worse

      • Child accidentally makes governor fall off his horse, gets whipped

      • Tupac arrests and executes the governor

    • Try to push Spanish out of South America, army shows up

    • Find Amaru and his family, arrest them, make him watch his wife get her throat slit, children decapitated, drawn and quartered


  • Make their presence known inside of Mexico

    • Overthrow the Mexican president Benito Juarez 

      • People don’t want them in power

  • Archduke Maximilian becomes new emperor of Mexico

    • Executed 3 years later and Juarez comes back

Sepoy rebellion

  • British and sepoys have tensions between them

  • British use new animal fat grease for their cartridges (pig and cow fat)

    • Want to convert them into christianity

  • Rebel against the british to try and kick them out

    • Mughal government allies with the sepoys

    • The British win, end of the Mughal empire

  • Dismantle EIC and takes over


  • Under spanish rule, given to America after Spanish-American war

  • Filipino-American war starts

    • Kills 5x as many civilians as army personnel

    • Americans make it known that they will destroy everything if you don’t submit

    • Americans use Napalm (very destructive)


  • Europeans rebelling against Africans

  • Sokoto Caliphate - come in after Housa kingdoms in Ghana

    • 1804-1903

    • Economy is based on slave trade system (#1 supplier before emancipation proclamation)

    • British intercept slave ships, free them into their colonial holdings for cheap labor

    • Integrated into Nigeria in 1903

  • South Africa

    • Xhosa people stage revolt against british 

    • Cattle die because of disease, believe british spirits are infecting them

      • They should kill all of the cattle so the british have nothing to eat

      • All die of famine

      • Xhosa Cattle Killing Movement 

Yaa Asantewaa War

  • War of the golden stool 

  • 1823, British take over territories in NW Africa, imperialize the Asante People

    • Lose first 4 of 5 campaigns against british

    • Push british out 5th time, British come back

    • 5th war is the last african war lead by a woman

  • British want the stool as a symbol of power

    • Yaa Asantewaa buries it in the forest (found 40 years later and given back)


  • 1800’s - Europeans have already been in Africa (coastal areas/trading posts)

    • As industrialization grows, Europe needs more raw materials

    • Negotiate with African states for access to raw materials in central Africa

      • Build hospitals, schools, infrastructure

    • Start resorting to violence against African governments

  • Suez Canal - British take control from French in 1882

    • Egypt controlled by Ottomans, lease to French for money, British take it

  • Anti-imperialist views start to happen - Africans push back and Europe takes over states by force

    • Sierra Leone, Lagos, Gambia, Gold Coast


  • Set up settler colony in Algeria/Northern Africa

    • Overcrowding in Europeans cities, send people to North Africa

      • Spanish and Italians as well

Scramble for Africa

  • Everyone in Europe wants a part of Africa

  • Berlin Conference (1884)

    • Otto Von Bismark leads a campaign to bring European ambassadors to draw a map of who gets what in Africa

    • What resources you need goes to what part you get

    • Nobody from Africa came to the conference

  • Angers native people, clash together people that hate each other

    • Causes conflict for 100 years


  • King Leopold II colonizes the congo (not a good person)

    • Owned privately but used taxpayer money

    • Became super wealthy with the export of rubber and ivory

    • Brutalize the congolese people (kill millions in 30-40 years)

      • People don’t believe how bad it is

  • Belgian government forces him to abdicate the throne

    • No prison, gets to keep wealth and move on

    • Belgium takes over the area

South Asia

  • EIC takes over port cities in India

    • Weakening the Mughal empire

    • Use sepoys to do horrific things in south asia

  • British get rid of the Mughal empire and dismantle EIC


  • Economic imperialism and spheres of influence


  • Modernized and industrialized, then become imperializers

    • Only state in East Asia that is colonizing others

  • Meiji restorations to thank for this

  • Conquer China and Korea for raw materials


  • VOC goes broke due to corruption

    • Lose all formidable forces

  • Control small sections of southeast Asia

Australia and New Zealand

  • Both colonized by the british

  • Prisons become so overrun that navy has to make floating prisons

    • Don’t want them on the shore, send them to Australia (deserted)

    • 18th century to mid 19th

  • Wool trade and copper make Australia profitable

  • Maori people very formidable population in NZ

    • Very sophisticated pop

  • British wants port cities, Maori say no, New Zealand Wars

    • Maoris get crushed and have to leave

United States

  • After American Revolution, sign treaty that says Ohio River Valley to Mississippi river belong to native americans

    • Revoke this in 1830, pass Indian Removal Act

    • Put the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Creek on reservations in OK

  • Trail of Tears: native americans escorted by army personal, very violent and deadly

  • Manifest destiny: god's given right for the US to own from Atlantic to Pacific

  • Mexican-American War 1890’s - America wants Mexico's land, win California to East Coast

    • Gets 4 Island nations: Puerto Rico, Cuba, Guam, and Philippines


  • Catherine the Great expands territory to Poland from Ottomans

  • Alexander I annexes Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Finland, and parts of Armenia

    • Take a large chunk of manchuria from china

  • Expansion of the Trans-Siberian Railroad
