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The new deal ig

  • New Deal: Series of programs and reforms by FDR to combat Great Depression in 1930s.

  • Great Depression: Severe economic downturn in 1930s marked by high unemployment and poverty.

  • New Deal: The New Deal was a comprehensive series of programs and reforms implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) in the 1930s to address the devastating effects of the Great Depression. FDR's New Deal aimed to provide relief, recovery, and reform to the American people during one of the darkest economic periods in the nation's history. Through a combination of government intervention, public works projects, financial regulations, and social welfare programs, the New Deal sought to stabilize the economy, create jobs, and restore hope to millions of struggling individuals and families across the country.

  • many causes of the 1929 stock market crash, some of which included overinflated shares, growing bank loans, agricultural overproduction, panic selling, stocks purchased on margin, higher interest rates, and a negative media industry.

teddy Roosevelt, good guy promoted trade, conservation and business

4 year term

  • Great Depression The stock market crash of 1929 served as a catalyst for the economic turmoil that followed, leading to a sharp decline in industrial production, widespread bank failures, and a sharp increase in homelessness and hunger. The Great Depression fundamentally altered the social and economic fabric of the United States, prompting the government to take bold action through programs like the New Deal to address the crisis and pave the way for recovery.

  • immigration act effect of American nativism due to fear of jobs being taken and the name of the country

  • criticism of the Spanish American war began with people who were anti-imperialism, and believed the war should be fought to free Cuba not seize the Philippines. believed it was hypocritical to condemn Europe while fighting its own imperialistic war.

  • Cultural Shift of Women in the 1920s: In the 1920s, women experienced significant cultural changes in the US. This era, known as the Roaring Twenties, saw women embracing new freedoms, such as voting rights, entering the workforce, and challenging traditional gender roles. Women's fashion and behavior reflected a more liberated and independent spirit, symbolized by the flapper. Despite progress, many women still faced discrimination and unequal treatment.

  • During the Great Depression (1929-1939), unemployment rates soared to over 25%. This economic crisis was marked by widespread job losses, poverty, and social unrest. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs aimed to address unemployment through initiatives like the Civilian Conservation Corps and Works Progress Administration. The Great Depression had a lasting impact on American society and led to significant changes in government policies and regulations. Various factors like bank failures, reduced consumer spending, and the Dust Bowl exacerbated the crisis.

  • Isolationism in the United States (1890-1910)

    During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the United States adopted a policy of isolationism, characterized by a desire to avoid entanglement in foreign affairs. This period saw a shift towards focusing on domestic issues and economic growth, exemplified by the Monroe Doctrine and the avoidance of involvement in European conflicts. Isolationism was also influenced by a sense of exceptionalism and a desire to maintain sovereignty. However, events such as the Spanish-American War and the acquisition of overseas territories challenged this policy, leading to debates on America's role in the global arena.

    immigration led to isolationism—> lots of german’s and

  • progressive populist party

    • Advocated for women's suffrage

    • Called for direct election of senators

    • Proposed labor reforms and minimum wage laws

    • Supported conservation and environmental protection

    • Focused on anti-trust legislation and business regulation

    • pro union


The new deal ig

  • New Deal: Series of programs and reforms by FDR to combat Great Depression in 1930s.

  • Great Depression: Severe economic downturn in 1930s marked by high unemployment and poverty.

  • New Deal: The New Deal was a comprehensive series of programs and reforms implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) in the 1930s to address the devastating effects of the Great Depression. FDR's New Deal aimed to provide relief, recovery, and reform to the American people during one of the darkest economic periods in the nation's history. Through a combination of government intervention, public works projects, financial regulations, and social welfare programs, the New Deal sought to stabilize the economy, create jobs, and restore hope to millions of struggling individuals and families across the country.

  • many causes of the 1929 stock market crash, some of which included overinflated shares, growing bank loans, agricultural overproduction, panic selling, stocks purchased on margin, higher interest rates, and a negative media industry.

teddy Roosevelt, good guy promoted trade, conservation and business

4 year term

  • Great Depression The stock market crash of 1929 served as a catalyst for the economic turmoil that followed, leading to a sharp decline in industrial production, widespread bank failures, and a sharp increase in homelessness and hunger. The Great Depression fundamentally altered the social and economic fabric of the United States, prompting the government to take bold action through programs like the New Deal to address the crisis and pave the way for recovery.

  • immigration act effect of American nativism due to fear of jobs being taken and the name of the country

  • criticism of the Spanish American war began with people who were anti-imperialism, and believed the war should be fought to free Cuba not seize the Philippines. believed it was hypocritical to condemn Europe while fighting its own imperialistic war.

  • Cultural Shift of Women in the 1920s: In the 1920s, women experienced significant cultural changes in the US. This era, known as the Roaring Twenties, saw women embracing new freedoms, such as voting rights, entering the workforce, and challenging traditional gender roles. Women's fashion and behavior reflected a more liberated and independent spirit, symbolized by the flapper. Despite progress, many women still faced discrimination and unequal treatment.

  • During the Great Depression (1929-1939), unemployment rates soared to over 25%. This economic crisis was marked by widespread job losses, poverty, and social unrest. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs aimed to address unemployment through initiatives like the Civilian Conservation Corps and Works Progress Administration. The Great Depression had a lasting impact on American society and led to significant changes in government policies and regulations. Various factors like bank failures, reduced consumer spending, and the Dust Bowl exacerbated the crisis.

  • Isolationism in the United States (1890-1910)

    During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the United States adopted a policy of isolationism, characterized by a desire to avoid entanglement in foreign affairs. This period saw a shift towards focusing on domestic issues and economic growth, exemplified by the Monroe Doctrine and the avoidance of involvement in European conflicts. Isolationism was also influenced by a sense of exceptionalism and a desire to maintain sovereignty. However, events such as the Spanish-American War and the acquisition of overseas territories challenged this policy, leading to debates on America's role in the global arena.

    immigration led to isolationism—> lots of german’s and

  • progressive populist party

    • Advocated for women's suffrage

    • Called for direct election of senators

    • Proposed labor reforms and minimum wage laws

    • Supported conservation and environmental protection

    • Focused on anti-trust legislation and business regulation

    • pro union