Art history flashcards

1. Trompe l’oeil

  • Definition: A painting or design technique that creates the optical illusion of three-dimensionality, making objects appear real and tangible. The term is French for "deceive the eye."

2. Reformation

  • Definition: A 16th-century religious movement in Europe that led to the establishment of Protestant churches and significant reforms in the Roman Catholic Church, sparked by figures like Martin Luther.

3. Humanist ideals

  • Definition: Principles of the Renaissance focusing on human potential, individuality, and the study of classical texts, art, and philosophy, emphasizing secular achievements and the dignity of humanity.

4. Foreground

  • Definition: The part of a scene, image, or artwork that appears nearest to the viewer, often more detailed or prominent than the background.

5. Inlaid

  • Definition: A decorative technique where materials like wood, metal, or stone are set into the surface of an object to create a pattern or image.

6. Pigment

  • Definition: A substance used to provide color in paint, dye, or other materials, often derived from natural or synthetic sources.

7. Architectural orders

  • Definition: Styles of classical architecture characterized by specific column designs and proportions, such as the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders.

8. Facade

  • Definition: The exterior front or face of a building, often designed to be decorative or imposing.

9. Relief (carving)

  • Definition: A sculptural technique where figures or designs are raised above a flat background, creating depth and dimension.

10. Sculptural program

  • Definition: A coordinated series of sculptures designed to convey a specific theme, narrative, or symbolic meaning, often found in architectural settings like cathedrals or temples.

11. Frieze

  • Definition: A horizontal band of sculpted or painted decoration, often found on the entablature of classical buildings, above columns and below the roof.
