World History Test

What were some of the bold new ideas during the Enlightenment? 

•  freedom of speech and religious tolerance

• a government’s power should come from the people

• It is necessary to give up personal freedom for the common good, every person is equal, society should be governed by direct democracy

•  separation of powers within the government and separation of church and state

• equality for women through education

What were the causes and effects of the French Revolution?

Causes: unfair treatment of the poor by the rich and the government

Results: Monarchy is gone (France becomes a weak democracy, then

Napoleon becomes Emperor)

Ends Feudalism ( nobility owns land, peasants must work that land in exchange for protection)

Brings people into politics

Growth of nationalism

What were  the first, second, and third estates?

1st estate:

The Clergy People who worked in the Church

2nd estate: The Nobility The king and queen, nobles of the sword: princess of royal blood, dukes, marquises, counts, viscounts, barons, knights, and nobles of the robe

3rd estate: Everyone Else

Includes lawyers, doctors, businessmen, merchants, soldiers, craftsmen, shopkeepers, peasants

What was the “Reign of Terror?”


• Radical phase of French revolution where all "suspects" against the revolution were executed without trial

What were the causes and effects of the Haitian Revolution? 


enlightenment and the American revolution

The French Revolution


Freedom from slavery

Effects: freedom from slavery, inspiring other revolutions

What is voodoo and how does it relate to the Haitian Revolution?

Voodoo united ensalved Haitians which inspired them to rebel against

French rule.

What are the causes and effects of the U.S. occupation of Haiti?

Causes: US wanted more power in Haiti and the region


the US changed Haitis laws

The US built some things, but used forced labor

Many Haitian deaths

The US kept control for a long time

What are the causes and effects of Latin American Revolutions?

Causes: New Enlightenment ideas, The americana nd French Revolution

Results:Indepence, Policital instability, economic changes
