Bone Identification

Maxilla: upper jaw

Mandible: Lower jaw

Frontal Bone: forehead

Scapula: Shoulder blade

Sternum: Breastbone

Ribs: ribs

Radius: elbow to thumb

Ulna: Elbow to pinky

Coxal: hip

Phalanges: fingers/toes

Metacarpal bones: palm

Patella: kneecap

Tibia: Shin

Tarsal Bones: Ankle

Metatarsal bones: foot

Occipital bone: back of head

Parietal bone: side/back of head

Cervical vertebrae: neck bones

Thoracic vertebrae: back

Lumbar vertebrae: lower back

Humerus: upper arm

Sacrum: below lumbar

Coccyx: tailbone

Carpal bones: wrist

Femur: thigh

Fibula: side of the calf

Calcaneus: heel
