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Government Regulations of Business

What is a Patent of Trademarks, and Copyright protect?

  • Patent of Trademarks and Copyrights protect the intellectual property

Background information l

  • What are Regulations?

    • Regulations are rules imposed by the government on businesses to to achieve some desired goal.

  • What issues happened in the 1900s that are related to industrialism?

    • Monopolies

    • Child labor

    • Bad working conditions

    • Unsafe, unhealthy products

    • Pollution

    • Bribery

  • What are some effects of these issues?

    • The government created the antitrust laws

    • The Federal trade commission being created

    • Other regulatory commissions like the FCC and SEC


  • Some people even to this day argue over whether or not we should have more government regulations

What are some Arguments in favor of government regulation?

  1. The government will prevent unhealthy monopolies and oligopoly as existed during Industrial Revolution.

  2. The government will protect consumers from unsafe and unhealthy products.

  3. The government will protect consumers from unsafe products

  4. The government will protect working people from unsafe working conditions

  5. The government will protect consumers against excessively high energy prices.

What are some Arguements against regulation?

  1. The government is not needed, the market forces will compel the businesses to work for the benefit of consumers.

  2. Government regulation is inefficient

  3. Government regulation will kill jobs

  4. Government regulation will increase prices.

Government Regulations of Business

What is a Patent of Trademarks, and Copyright protect?

  • Patent of Trademarks and Copyrights protect the intellectual property

Background information l

  • What are Regulations?

    • Regulations are rules imposed by the government on businesses to to achieve some desired goal.

  • What issues happened in the 1900s that are related to industrialism?

    • Monopolies

    • Child labor

    • Bad working conditions

    • Unsafe, unhealthy products

    • Pollution

    • Bribery

  • What are some effects of these issues?

    • The government created the antitrust laws

    • The Federal trade commission being created

    • Other regulatory commissions like the FCC and SEC


  • Some people even to this day argue over whether or not we should have more government regulations

What are some Arguments in favor of government regulation?

  1. The government will prevent unhealthy monopolies and oligopoly as existed during Industrial Revolution.

  2. The government will protect consumers from unsafe and unhealthy products.

  3. The government will protect consumers from unsafe products

  4. The government will protect working people from unsafe working conditions

  5. The government will protect consumers against excessively high energy prices.

What are some Arguements against regulation?

  1. The government is not needed, the market forces will compel the businesses to work for the benefit of consumers.

  2. Government regulation is inefficient

  3. Government regulation will kill jobs

  4. Government regulation will increase prices.