Kinesiology and Biomechanics

Here are flashcards for Anatomy 2: Kinesiology & Biomechanics to help you study effectively!

Flashcards Set 1: Kinesiology & Biomechanics

πŸƒ Flashcard 1
Q: What is kinesiology?
A: The study of human movement.

πŸƒ Flashcard 2
Q: What is biomechanics?
A: The application of mechanics to human movement.

πŸƒ Flashcard 3
Q: What are the goals of biomechanics?
A: Optimize performance, prevent injury, restore function.

Flashcards Set 2: Planes & Axes of Motion

πŸƒ Flashcard 4
Q: What are the three planes of motion?
A: Frontal (Coronal), Sagittal, Transverse (Horizontal).

πŸƒ Flashcard 5
Q: What movements occur in the frontal plane?
A: Abduction, adduction, lateral flexion, radial/ulnar deviation, inversion/eversion.

πŸƒ Flashcard 6
Q: What movements occur in the sagittal plane?
A: Flexion, extension, dorsiflexion, plantar flexion.

πŸƒ Flashcard 7
Q: What movements occur in the transverse plane?
A: Rotation, pronation, supination, horizontal abduction/adduction.

Flashcards Set 3: Roles of Muscles

πŸƒ Flashcard 8
Q: What is an agonist muscle?
A: The prime mover responsible for motion.

πŸƒ Flashcard 9
Q: What is an antagonist muscle?
A: The muscle that opposes movement.

πŸƒ Flashcard 10
Q: What is a stabilizer muscle?
A: A muscle that holds a joint steady.

πŸƒ Flashcard 11
Q: What is a neutralizer muscle?
A: A muscle that prevents unwanted movement.

Flashcards Set 4: Newton’s Laws of Motion

πŸƒ Flashcard 12
Q: What is Newton’s First Law?
A: Law of Inertia β†’ An object remains at rest or in motion unless acted upon by an external force.

πŸƒ Flashcard 13
Q: What is Newton’s Second Law?
A: Law of Acceleration β†’ Force = Mass Γ— Acceleration (F = ma).

πŸƒ Flashcard 14
Q: What is Newton’s Third Law?
A: Law of Action-Reaction β†’ For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Flashcards Set 5: Joint Movements & Osteokinematics

πŸƒ Flashcard 15
Q: What is osteokinematics?
A: The study of bone movement at a joint.

πŸƒ Flashcard 16
Q: What is arthrokinematics?
A: The study of small joint movements (roll, glide, spin).

πŸƒ Flashcard 17
Q: What is the concave-convex rule?

  • Convex on concave β†’ Moves in the opposite direction.

  • Concave on convex β†’ Moves in the same direction.

Flashcards Set 6: Range of Motion (ROM)

πŸƒ Flashcard 18
Q: What is Active Range of Motion (AROM)?
A: Movement performed by the individual using their own muscles.

πŸƒ Flashcard 19
Q: What is Passive Range of Motion (PROM)?
A: Movement assisted by an external force.

πŸƒ Flashcard 20
Q: What factors affect ROM?
A: Joint structure, ligament elasticity, muscle tightness, pain, injury.

Flashcards Set 7: Kinetic Concepts

πŸƒ Flashcard 21
Q: What is force (F)?
A: A push or pull that causes displacement.

πŸƒ Flashcard 22
Q: What is net force?
A: The overall effect of all forces acting on a body.

πŸƒ Flashcard 23
Q: What is the equation for weight (W)?
A: W = mass Γ— gravity (9.81 m/sΒ²).

πŸƒ Flashcard 24
Q: What is torque (T)?
A: The rotational force applied to an object (T = F Γ— d).

Flashcards Set 8: Mechanical Loads on the Human Body

πŸƒ Flashcard 25
Q: What is compression?
A: A squeezing force on the body (e.g., spinal compression).

πŸƒ Flashcard 26
Q: What is tension?
A: A pulling force (e.g., muscles pulling on bones).

πŸƒ Flashcard 27
Q: What is shear?
A: A sliding force (e.g., knee joint during landing).

πŸƒ Flashcard 28
Q: What is torsion?
A: A twisting force (e.g., pronation & supination of the forearm).

Flashcards Set 9: Levers in the Human Body

πŸƒ Flashcard 29
Q: What are the three types of levers?
A: First-class (EAR), Second-class (ERA), Third-class (REA).

πŸƒ Flashcard 30
Q: What is an example of a first-class lever (EAR)?
A: Seesaw, head nodding.

πŸƒ Flashcard 31
Q: What is an example of a second-class lever (ERA)?
A: Plantar flexion (calf raise).

πŸƒ Flashcard 32
Q: What is an example of a third-class lever (REA)?
A: Bicep curl (most common in the body).

Flashcards Set 10: Kinematic Chains

πŸƒ Flashcard 33
Q: What is an Open Kinematic Chain (OKC)?
A: Distal end moves freely (e.g., leg extension).

πŸƒ Flashcard 34
Q: What is a Closed Kinematic Chain (CKC)?
A: Distal end is fixed (e.g., squats, push-ups).

These 34 flashcards cover the key points from your exam topics! πŸ’ͺπŸ“š

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