Instructor: Ms. Namratha M, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
Sessions Covered:
Experimental Designs (Pre-test/Post-test, Between-group, Factorial)
Non-experimental and quasi-experimental designs (time-series, equivalent time sample, non-equivalent control groups)
Mixed methods and mixed designs, case study, ex-post facto studies, surveys, developmental designs, correlational designs.
Definition: A systematic sequence of steps designed to analyze objective data to infer cause-effect relationships between independent and dependent variables.
Essential for hypothesis testing.
Enables determination of cause-and-effect relationships.
Facilitates the selection of appropriate methodologies.
True Experimental Design: Incorporates random assignment to groups, allowing for stronger causal inference.
Quasi-experimental Design: Involves manipulation of variables without random assignment.
Duplication and deliberate repetition using nearly identical procedures across different subjects or settings.
Random assignment of subjects to ensure each subject has an equal chance of being selected, which helps control for confounding variables.
Local Control:
Balancing or grouping subjects to enhance the reliability of results.
Between Group Designs:
Randomized groups (2 or more groups assigned to different conditions).
Matched groups (subjects matched on certain characteristics).
Factorial designs (test multiple factors simultaneously).
Within Group Designs:
Subjects undergo all conditions, allowing for internal comparison.
Definition: Research lacking manipulation of independent variables; focuses on observing variables as they occur naturally.
Correlational Research: Measures statistical relationships without manipulation.
Observational Research: Behavior observed without intervention.
Importance: While it lacks causal conclusions, it provides substantial insights into relationships and trends.
Experimental: Involves manipulation, internal validity emphasis.
Nonexperimental: Observational, focuses on real-world applicability, external validity emphasis.
Definition: Resembles experimental research but lacks true random assignment.
Manipulated independent variable.
Susceptible to confounding due to lack of random assignment.
Time Series Design: Series of pretests and posttests on the same group.
Equivalent Time Sample: Repeated treatments with a single group.
Non-equivalent Control Group: Intact groups studied without reconstitution.
Ex Post Facto Research: Analyzing effects post events occurred, tracing back from effect to probable causes.
Definition: Combines qualitative and quantitative approaches for a more thorough understanding of research questions.
Enhances validity and reliability of findings.
Addresses complex phenomena from multiple perspectives.
Convergent Parallel Design: Both data types collected simultaneously.
Explanatory Sequential Design: Quantitative data collection followed by qualitative.
Exploratory Sequential Design: Qualitative data informs quantitative.
Definition: Examines the progress and changes over time in individuals or groups.
Cross-sectional Designs: Different age participants tested at a single time; quick and cost-effective.
Longitudinal Designs: Same individuals tested multiple times over extended periods; provides insights into changes over time but time-consuming and expensive.
Sequential Designs: Combines elements of cross-sectional and longitudinal by assessing multiple age groups over time.
Experimental Designs:
Advantages: Clear causal relationships, control over variables.
Disadvantages: May be artificial and less generalizable.
Non-experimental Designs:
Advantages: High external validity, real-world relevance.
Disadvantages: Lower internal validity and inability to draw causal conclusions.
Quasi-experimental Designs: Flexible but susceptible to confounding factors.
Mixed-Methods: Comprehensive understanding but may be complex and resource-intensive.
Understanding various research designs is crucial for proper methodology selection, enhancing research effectiveness, and deriving credible conclusions.