Unit 11: Personality & Psychology 03/02/2023 Psychic energy (not very reputable)
Finite level to expel everyday -get it out somehow
Survival form and sex form
Eros (libido)-sexual energy
Can’t get rid of in socially acceptable way—get rid of through painting or poetry
Desire for creation and beauty
Online example
Porn, painting apps, TikTok
Thanatos-death and destruction
Innate psychic energy for destruction
Desire to be aggressive
Survival/competitive side
Sports or argumentative politics
Holocaust was an example of this potential for destruction
Online examples
Twitter, random comment ranter
Parts of the mind (more entertaining than science)
3 motivators-what you should be doing, what you want to do
Animalistic part
Primitive (sex/wants)
Pleasure loving
Short-term gain
No impulse-control
Reality based
Morals, ideas of society
Parents, school, organized religion
Extremely high expectations
Against our biological nature
As maladaptive as an id
Worried and anxious-leads to burnout and stress
Defence mechanisms (techniques to minimize anxiety and stress/defend self-esteem)
Universal characteristics of humans
Refuse to accept something
Refuse to pay attention to obvious facts
May occur in people questioning sexual orientation
Bad long term
Bury into unconsciousness
Unable to remember
So anxiety provoking to the point you don’t know its there anymore
Helpful short term but comes with maladaptive side effects
Keeping ideas in the preconscious
Effortful blocking
Rise to the surface
Can be adaptive in the short term
Long term can shorten your life span
Pop up as soon as you relax
Always maladaptive
Transferring negative emotions
Accessible targets
Not safe to yell back at your boss, so get mad at someone else or yourself (hurting yourself, eat your feelings, glass of wine)
Abusive parents leads to children who are bullies
Attributing your own flaws to others
Accusing others of your views
May combine with denial
Don’t accept it in yourself but you see it in others
Cheating partner gets paranoid their partner is cheating
Reaction formation
Adopting beliefs contrary to your own
Appearance of more social acceptance
Punishing others for your flaws that you don’t acknowledge
Politicians opposing gay marriage when they’re having same-sex affairs
“People in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks”
Swapping truth for a socially desirable excuse
To manipulate others
I was late because… (other person you can’t control)
Could be gaslighting
“Its your fault I had an affair”
Can fully believe their own gaslighting, can convince themselves of it
Less mature emotional response
Accept it
Less mature for context and age
Start sucking your thumb
Child may start wetting themselves
Makes a very clear beacon that you need support
Anxious preparation and preoccupation
Relatively adaptive because it protects you from the threat
Reinforcing behaviour
Run on a full time fear circuit
Self depreciation
Dark humour
Many professional comedians come from a lot of trauma
Serves a functional purpose
Takes the edge off
Most adaptive and best defense mechanism
Redirect energy and emotion
Go to the gym if you had a bad day at work
Opposite of displacement
Is it making you better (sublimation) or worse (displacement)
Personality Types
Cluster individuals in groups
One group per person
Historical types
Type on body type
Vata-tall and thin, air element
Pitta-passionate, fire, strong
Hippocrates humors
4 humors-phlegm (water), blood (air), yellow bile (fire), black bile (earth)
Astrology-based on Hippocrates
Jungian types-NOT scientific
Feel grass, breath air and see the sun
Passionate, gut-instinct, “third eye”, regardless of practicality
Emotional, meditative,
Rational, logical
Myers-Briggs type indicator-no science
Mother-daughter team
Magazine writers-“buzzfeed quizzes”
4 dimensions-scales and 16 types
Sensing-intuition (sense vs gut)
Judging-perceiving (critique vs enjoy)
Not empirically supported
Not on either end-follows normal curve-70% in the middle
Forced choice-empirically bad
Choose between two statements
Could be equally endorsed/not endorsed
Ignores magnitude
Categories vs distribution
High, low, medium?
Type vs trait
Considers the extreme the same in the middle
Barnum effect
Broad statements
Could apply to anyone
Difficult to disprove
Keeps things addictive
Confirmation bias-you realize the things that are true and ignore the rest
Biology based personality
Measure as trait NOT type
Arousal, sociability, talkativeness, energy, assertiveness
Blood brain barrier
Stress&anxiety, frustration, wary, loneliness
Fear circuit is more active
Psychoticism-less reputable
Testosterone, aggressiveness, risk-taking, manipulative, creativity
Element of creativity to break social norms and rhetoric
Based on testosterone levels (not true)
Cattell-good amount of scientific rigor
Lexical approach-20000 words
Read dictionaries to find words that describe differences between people
Looked at synonyms and clusters according to dictionaries
A-theoretically-to such an extreme that it was a weakness
Statistical approach-16 factors
Put math to a survey
Factor analysis between words
If correlated they went together
Missed if they were overlapping
The Big Five factor model-most scientifically reputable
Changed one thing in the math to make it 5 traits
Replicated across cultures and ages groups
Extraversion vs introversion
More energy for social things—being alone is draining
Energize from alone time—being around people is draining
No gender effects-talkative vs dominance
Agreeable vs disagreeable
Willing to stop and listen
Deprioritize themselves
Not an asshole, just prioritize themselves
Gender effects (group averages)—women=more agreeable vs men=disagreeable
Agreeableness vs apathy
Apathy=slightly disagreeable
Conscientious vs casual
Orderly/perfectionist/attention to detail
Big picture/ideas over grammar
Emotionally stable vs neurotic
Emotions don’t get “bouncy” out of control
Simmer vs rage of anger
Winnie the Pooh=emotionally stable
Open vs closed
Open to new experiences
Learn the perspectives of others
More tolerant of those who are different
Does not mean they will vote that way
Tendency towards intellect
Conservative in taking on perspectives
Narrow-minded but just like what works
Dark Triad (Paulhus)
Inflated importance
False promises
Gaslight/emotionally abusive
Lack empathy
Sense of cruelty
Enjoy the destruction of others
Don’t feel remorse
Low in dark triad answered by HEXACO
HEXACO (Lee and Ashton)
Lexical in non-English language
Honesty-humility=low dark triad
Sincerity, fairness, greed-avoidance, modesty
Can be an honest jerk or can be fake
More culturally robust
A concept that struggled to be described in English dictionaries used
Could correlate to morality