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PSYC 201 Unit 11

Unit 11: Personality & Psychology 03/02/2023 Psychic energy (not very reputable)

  • Finite level to expel everyday -get it out somehow

    • Survival form and sex form

  • Eros (libido)-sexual energy

    • Can’t get rid of in socially acceptable way—get rid of through painting or poetry

    • Desire for creation and beauty

    • Online example

      • Porn, painting apps, TikTok

  • Thanatos-death and destruction

    • Innate psychic energy for destruction

    • Desire to be aggressive

    • Survival/competitive side

      • Sports or argumentative politics

    • Holocaust was an example of this potential for destruction

    • Online examples

      • Twitter, random comment ranter

Parts of the mind (more entertaining than science)

  • 3 motivators-what you should be doing, what you want to do

  • Id

    • Animalistic part

    • Primitive (sex/wants)

    • Pleasure loving

    • Impulsive

    • Short-term gain

    • No impulse-control

  • Ego

    • Reality based

    • Pragmatic/practical

    • Rational

    • Balances

  • Superego

    • Angelic

    • Morals, ideas of society

      • Parents, school, organized religion

    • Extremely high expectations

    • Against our biological nature

    • As maladaptive as an id

    • Worried and anxious-leads to burnout and stress

Defence mechanisms (techniques to minimize anxiety and stress/defend self-esteem)

Universal characteristics of humans

  • Denial

    • Refuse to accept something

    • Refuse to pay attention to obvious facts

    • May occur in people questioning sexual orientation

    • Bad long term

  • Repression

    • Bury into unconsciousness

    • Unable to remember

    • So anxiety provoking to the point you don’t know its there anymore

    • Helpful short term but comes with maladaptive side effects

  • Suppression

    • Keeping ideas in the preconscious

    • Effortful blocking

    • Rise to the surface

    • Can be adaptive in the short term

    • Long term can shorten your life span

    • Pop up as soon as you relax

  • Displacement

    • Always maladaptive

    • Transferring negative emotions

    • Accessible targets

    • Not safe to yell back at your boss, so get mad at someone else or yourself (hurting yourself, eat your feelings, glass of wine)

    • Abusive parents leads to children who are bullies

  • Projection

    • Attributing your own flaws to others

    • Accusing others of your views

    • May combine with denial

    • Don’t accept it in yourself but you see it in others

    • Cheating partner gets paranoid their partner is cheating

  • Reaction formation

    • Adopting beliefs contrary to your own

    • Appearance of more social acceptance

    • Punishing others for your flaws that you don’t acknowledge

    • Politicians opposing gay marriage when they’re having same-sex affairs

    • “People in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks”

  • Rationalization

    • Swapping truth for a socially desirable excuse

    • To manipulate others

    • I was late because… (other person you can’t control)

    • Could be gaslighting

    • “Its your fault I had an affair”

    • Can fully believe their own gaslighting, can convince themselves of it

  • Regression

    • Less mature emotional response

    • Accept it

    • Less mature for context and age

    • Start sucking your thumb

    • Child may start wetting themselves

    • Makes a very clear beacon that you need support

  • Anticipation

    • Anxious preparation and preoccupation

    • Relatively adaptive because it protects you from the threat

    • Self-rewarding

    • Reinforcing behaviour

    • Run on a full time fear circuit

  • Humour

    • Self depreciation

    • Dark humour

    • Many professional comedians come from a lot of trauma

    • Serves a functional purpose

    • Takes the edge off

  • Sublimation

    • Most adaptive and best defense mechanism

    • Redirect energy and emotion

    • Constructive

    • Go to the gym if you had a bad day at work

    • Opposite of displacement

    • Is it making you better (sublimation) or worse (displacement)

Personality Types

  • Cluster individuals in groups

  • One group per person

  • Historical types

    • Ayurveda

      • Type on body type

      • Vata-tall and thin, air element

      • Pitta-passionate, fire, strong

    • Hippocrates humors

      • 4 humors-phlegm (water), blood (air), yellow bile (fire), black bile (earth)

    • Astrology-based on Hippocrates

  • Jungian types-NOT scientific

    • Sensing-earth

      • Feel grass, breath air and see the sun

    • Intuition-fire

      • Passionate, gut-instinct, “third eye”, regardless of practicality

    • Feeling-water

      • Emotional, meditative,

    • Thinking-air

      • Rational, logical

  • Myers-Briggs type indicator-no science

    • Mother-daughter team

    • Magazine writers-“buzzfeed quizzes”

    • 1940s

    • 4 dimensions-scales and 16 types

      • Extraversion-introversion

      • Sensing-intuition (sense vs gut)

      • Feeling-thinking

      • Judging-perceiving (critique vs enjoy)

    • Criticisms

      • Not empirically supported

      • Not on either end-follows normal curve-70% in the middle

      • Forced choice-empirically bad

        • Choose between two statements

        • Could be equally endorsed/not endorsed

        • Ignores magnitude

      • Categories vs distribution

        • High, low, medium?

      • Type vs trait

        • Considers the extreme the same in the middle

  • Barnum effect

    • Broad statements

    • Could apply to anyone

    • Difficult to disprove

    • Keeps things addictive

    • Confirmation bias-you realize the things that are true and ignore the rest

  • Eysenck-problematic

    • Biology based personality

    • Measure as trait NOT type

    • Extraversion

      • Arousal, sociability, talkativeness, energy, assertiveness

      • Blood brain barrier

    • Neuroticism

      • Stress&anxiety, frustration, wary, loneliness

      • Fear circuit is more active

    • Psychoticism-less reputable

      • Testosterone, aggressiveness, risk-taking, manipulative, creativity

      • Element of creativity to break social norms and rhetoric

      • Based on testosterone levels (not true)

  • Cattell-good amount of scientific rigor

    • Lexical approach-20000 words

      • Read dictionaries to find words that describe differences between people

      • Looked at synonyms and clusters according to dictionaries

      • A-theoretically-to such an extreme that it was a weakness

    • Statistical approach-16 factors

      • Put math to a survey

      • Factor analysis between words

      • If correlated they went together

    • Missed if they were overlapping

  • The Big Five factor model-most scientifically reputable

    • Changed one thing in the math to make it 5 traits

    • Replicated across cultures and ages groups

    • Extraversion vs introversion

      • More energy for social things—being alone is draining

      • Leader/loud

      • Energize from alone time—being around people is draining

      • Shy/quiet

      • No gender effects-talkative vs dominance

    • Agreeable vs disagreeable

      • Willing to stop and listen

      • Deprioritize themselves

      • Not an asshole, just prioritize themselves

      • Gender effects (group averages)—women=more agreeable vs men=disagreeable

      • Agreeableness vs apathy

        • Apathy=slightly disagreeable

    • Conscientious vs casual

      • Orderly/perfectionist/attention to detail

      • Big picture/ideas over grammar

    • Emotionally stable vs neurotic

      • Emotions don’t get “bouncy” out of control

      • Simmer vs rage of anger

      • Winnie the Pooh=emotionally stable

      • Tiger=neurotic

    • Open vs closed

      • Open to new experiences

      • Learn the perspectives of others

      • More tolerant of those who are different

      • Does not mean they will vote that way

      • Tendency towards intellect

      • Conservative in taking on perspectives

      • Narrow-minded but just like what works

  • Dark Triad (Paulhus)

    • Narcissism

      • Inflated importance

    • Machiavellianism

      • Manipulative

      • False promises

      • Self-perseverance

      • Gaslight/emotionally abusive

    • Psychopathy

      • Lack empathy

      • Sense of cruelty

      • Enjoy the destruction of others

      • Don’t feel remorse

    • Low in dark triad answered by HEXACO

  • HEXACO (Lee and Ashton)

    • Lexical in non-English language

    • Honesty-humility=low dark triad

      • Sincerity, fairness, greed-avoidance, modesty

    • Can be an honest jerk or can be fake

    • More culturally robust

    • A concept that struggled to be described in English dictionaries used

    • Could correlate to morality

PSYC 201 Unit 11

Unit 11: Personality & Psychology 03/02/2023 Psychic energy (not very reputable)

  • Finite level to expel everyday -get it out somehow

    • Survival form and sex form

  • Eros (libido)-sexual energy

    • Can’t get rid of in socially acceptable way—get rid of through painting or poetry

    • Desire for creation and beauty

    • Online example

      • Porn, painting apps, TikTok

  • Thanatos-death and destruction

    • Innate psychic energy for destruction

    • Desire to be aggressive

    • Survival/competitive side

      • Sports or argumentative politics

    • Holocaust was an example of this potential for destruction

    • Online examples

      • Twitter, random comment ranter

Parts of the mind (more entertaining than science)

  • 3 motivators-what you should be doing, what you want to do

  • Id

    • Animalistic part

    • Primitive (sex/wants)

    • Pleasure loving

    • Impulsive

    • Short-term gain

    • No impulse-control

  • Ego

    • Reality based

    • Pragmatic/practical

    • Rational

    • Balances

  • Superego

    • Angelic

    • Morals, ideas of society

      • Parents, school, organized religion

    • Extremely high expectations

    • Against our biological nature

    • As maladaptive as an id

    • Worried and anxious-leads to burnout and stress

Defence mechanisms (techniques to minimize anxiety and stress/defend self-esteem)

Universal characteristics of humans

  • Denial

    • Refuse to accept something

    • Refuse to pay attention to obvious facts

    • May occur in people questioning sexual orientation

    • Bad long term

  • Repression

    • Bury into unconsciousness

    • Unable to remember

    • So anxiety provoking to the point you don’t know its there anymore

    • Helpful short term but comes with maladaptive side effects

  • Suppression

    • Keeping ideas in the preconscious

    • Effortful blocking

    • Rise to the surface

    • Can be adaptive in the short term

    • Long term can shorten your life span

    • Pop up as soon as you relax

  • Displacement

    • Always maladaptive

    • Transferring negative emotions

    • Accessible targets

    • Not safe to yell back at your boss, so get mad at someone else or yourself (hurting yourself, eat your feelings, glass of wine)

    • Abusive parents leads to children who are bullies

  • Projection

    • Attributing your own flaws to others

    • Accusing others of your views

    • May combine with denial

    • Don’t accept it in yourself but you see it in others

    • Cheating partner gets paranoid their partner is cheating

  • Reaction formation

    • Adopting beliefs contrary to your own

    • Appearance of more social acceptance

    • Punishing others for your flaws that you don’t acknowledge

    • Politicians opposing gay marriage when they’re having same-sex affairs

    • “People in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks”

  • Rationalization

    • Swapping truth for a socially desirable excuse

    • To manipulate others

    • I was late because… (other person you can’t control)

    • Could be gaslighting

    • “Its your fault I had an affair”

    • Can fully believe their own gaslighting, can convince themselves of it

  • Regression

    • Less mature emotional response

    • Accept it

    • Less mature for context and age

    • Start sucking your thumb

    • Child may start wetting themselves

    • Makes a very clear beacon that you need support

  • Anticipation

    • Anxious preparation and preoccupation

    • Relatively adaptive because it protects you from the threat

    • Self-rewarding

    • Reinforcing behaviour

    • Run on a full time fear circuit

  • Humour

    • Self depreciation

    • Dark humour

    • Many professional comedians come from a lot of trauma

    • Serves a functional purpose

    • Takes the edge off

  • Sublimation

    • Most adaptive and best defense mechanism

    • Redirect energy and emotion

    • Constructive

    • Go to the gym if you had a bad day at work

    • Opposite of displacement

    • Is it making you better (sublimation) or worse (displacement)

Personality Types

  • Cluster individuals in groups

  • One group per person

  • Historical types

    • Ayurveda

      • Type on body type

      • Vata-tall and thin, air element

      • Pitta-passionate, fire, strong

    • Hippocrates humors

      • 4 humors-phlegm (water), blood (air), yellow bile (fire), black bile (earth)

    • Astrology-based on Hippocrates

  • Jungian types-NOT scientific

    • Sensing-earth

      • Feel grass, breath air and see the sun

    • Intuition-fire

      • Passionate, gut-instinct, “third eye”, regardless of practicality

    • Feeling-water

      • Emotional, meditative,

    • Thinking-air

      • Rational, logical

  • Myers-Briggs type indicator-no science

    • Mother-daughter team

    • Magazine writers-“buzzfeed quizzes”

    • 1940s

    • 4 dimensions-scales and 16 types

      • Extraversion-introversion

      • Sensing-intuition (sense vs gut)

      • Feeling-thinking

      • Judging-perceiving (critique vs enjoy)

    • Criticisms

      • Not empirically supported

      • Not on either end-follows normal curve-70% in the middle

      • Forced choice-empirically bad

        • Choose between two statements

        • Could be equally endorsed/not endorsed

        • Ignores magnitude

      • Categories vs distribution

        • High, low, medium?

      • Type vs trait

        • Considers the extreme the same in the middle

  • Barnum effect

    • Broad statements

    • Could apply to anyone

    • Difficult to disprove

    • Keeps things addictive

    • Confirmation bias-you realize the things that are true and ignore the rest

  • Eysenck-problematic

    • Biology based personality

    • Measure as trait NOT type

    • Extraversion

      • Arousal, sociability, talkativeness, energy, assertiveness

      • Blood brain barrier

    • Neuroticism

      • Stress&anxiety, frustration, wary, loneliness

      • Fear circuit is more active

    • Psychoticism-less reputable

      • Testosterone, aggressiveness, risk-taking, manipulative, creativity

      • Element of creativity to break social norms and rhetoric

      • Based on testosterone levels (not true)

  • Cattell-good amount of scientific rigor

    • Lexical approach-20000 words

      • Read dictionaries to find words that describe differences between people

      • Looked at synonyms and clusters according to dictionaries

      • A-theoretically-to such an extreme that it was a weakness

    • Statistical approach-16 factors

      • Put math to a survey

      • Factor analysis between words

      • If correlated they went together

    • Missed if they were overlapping

  • The Big Five factor model-most scientifically reputable

    • Changed one thing in the math to make it 5 traits

    • Replicated across cultures and ages groups

    • Extraversion vs introversion

      • More energy for social things—being alone is draining

      • Leader/loud

      • Energize from alone time—being around people is draining

      • Shy/quiet

      • No gender effects-talkative vs dominance

    • Agreeable vs disagreeable

      • Willing to stop and listen

      • Deprioritize themselves

      • Not an asshole, just prioritize themselves

      • Gender effects (group averages)—women=more agreeable vs men=disagreeable

      • Agreeableness vs apathy

        • Apathy=slightly disagreeable

    • Conscientious vs casual

      • Orderly/perfectionist/attention to detail

      • Big picture/ideas over grammar

    • Emotionally stable vs neurotic

      • Emotions don’t get “bouncy” out of control

      • Simmer vs rage of anger

      • Winnie the Pooh=emotionally stable

      • Tiger=neurotic

    • Open vs closed

      • Open to new experiences

      • Learn the perspectives of others

      • More tolerant of those who are different

      • Does not mean they will vote that way

      • Tendency towards intellect

      • Conservative in taking on perspectives

      • Narrow-minded but just like what works

  • Dark Triad (Paulhus)

    • Narcissism

      • Inflated importance

    • Machiavellianism

      • Manipulative

      • False promises

      • Self-perseverance

      • Gaslight/emotionally abusive

    • Psychopathy

      • Lack empathy

      • Sense of cruelty

      • Enjoy the destruction of others

      • Don’t feel remorse

    • Low in dark triad answered by HEXACO

  • HEXACO (Lee and Ashton)

    • Lexical in non-English language

    • Honesty-humility=low dark triad

      • Sincerity, fairness, greed-avoidance, modesty

    • Can be an honest jerk or can be fake

    • More culturally robust

    • A concept that struggled to be described in English dictionaries used

    • Could correlate to morality