La clínica - clinic
El consultorio - Doctor’s office
el/la dentista - dentist
El examen médico - Physical exam
La farmacia - pharmacy
El hospital - hospital
La operación - operation
La sala de emergencia(s) - Emergency room
El cuerpo - body
El oído - (sense of) hearing; inner ear
El accidente - accident
La salud - health
El síntoma - symptom
caerse - To fall (down)
Darse con - To bump into; to run into
Doler (o:ue) - To hurt
enfermarse - To get sick
Estar enfermo/a - To be sick
lastimarse - To injure
Poner una inyección - To give an injection
recetar - To prescribe
romperse - To break
sacar(se) un diente - To have a tooth removed
Sufrir una enfermedad - To suffer an illness
Torcerse (o:ue) - To sprain
toser - To cough
El antibiótico - antibiotic
La aspirina - aspirin
El medicamento - medication
La pastilla - Pill; tablet
La receta - prescription
La cabeza - head
El ojo - eye
La oreja - ear
El cuello - neck
La garganta - throat
La boca - mouth
La nariz - nose
El estómago - stomach
La rodilla - knee
La muñeca - wrist
El dedo - finger
El corazón - heart
El dedo del pie - toe
El pie - foot
La pierna - leg
El tobillo - ankle
El brazo - arm
La radiografía - x-ray
El hueso - bone
La espalda - back
La mano - hand
El dolor (de cabeza) - (head)ache; pain
La gripe - flu
La infección - infection
El resfriado - cold
La tos - cough
congestionado/a - Congested; stuffed up
embarazada - pregnant
grave - Grave; serious
mareado/a - Dizzy; nauseated
médico/a - medical
saludable - healthy
sano/a - healthy
Ser alérgico/a (a) - To be allergic (to)
Tener dolor (m.) - To have pain
Tener fiebre (f.) - To have a fever
sentirse - To feel
golpearse - to get hurt
prohibir - to prohibit
olvidar - to forget
mientras - while
a menudo - often
a tiempo - on time
a veces - sometimes
además (de) - furthermore; besides
apenas - hardly; scarcely
así - like this; so
bastante - enough; rather
casi - almost
con frecuencia - frequently
de niño/a - as a child
de vez en cuando - from time ot time
despacio - slowly
menos - less
muchas veces - a lot; many times
poco - little
por lo menos - at least
pronto - soon
rápido - quickly
todos los dias - every day
Preterito | -ar | -er/-ir |
yo | -é | -í |
tú | -aste | -iste |
él/ella/usted | -ó | -ió |
nosotros/as | -amos | -imos |
vosotros/as | -asteis | -isteis |
ellos/ellas/ ustedes | -aron | -ieron |
No stem change
Imperfecto | -ar | -er/-ir |
yo | -aba | -ía |
tú | -abas | -ías |
él/ella/usted | -aba | -ía |
nosotros/as | -ábamos | -íamos |
vosotros/as | -abais | -íais |
ellos/ellas/ ustedes | -aban | -ían |
No stem changes
Imperfect of hay - había
Ir, ser, and ver are the only irregular verbs in the imperfect
ir | ser | ver | |
yo | iba | era | veía |
tú | ibas | eras | veías |
él/ella/usted | iba | era | veía |
nosotros/as | íbamos | éramos | veíamos |
vosotros/as | ibais | erais | veíais |
ellos/ellas/ ustedes | iban | eran | veían |
Uses of the imperfect
habitual/repeated actions
Events or actions that were in progress
Physical characteristics
Mental or emotional states
Telling time
preterite | imperfect |
express actions that are viewed by the speaker as completed | describe an ongoing past action with no reference to its beginning or end |
express the beginning or end of a past action | express habitual past actions and events |
narrate a series of past actions or events | describe physical and emotional states or characteristics |
use third person conjugation
+ verb
person performing the action isn’t defined
used for signs
unplanned events
person who performs the action is de-emphasized, implying the event is not their responsibility
se + indirect object pronoun (me, te, le, nos, os, les) + verb + subject
verbs used with se
caer - to fall; to drop
dañar - to damage; to break down
olvidar - to forget
perder (e:ie) - to lose
quedar - to be left behind
romper - to break
ones following verbs commonly end in -mente
use feminine form
accents stay