Vocab list 5

Here's the information in a format suitable for flashcards:

1. Writ of Certiorari
Definition: A formal request for the Supreme Court to review a case.
Example: A lower court's decision is appealed, and the Supreme Court agrees to hear the case through a writ of certiorari.

2. Writ of Mandamus
Definition: A court order directing a government official to perform a duty required by law.
Example: A judge orders a government agency to fulfill a legal obligation, like processing an application.

3. Appellant Jurisdiction
Definition: The authority of a court to hear appeals from lower courts.
Example: A state appellate court reviews a decision made by a trial court.

4. Original Jurisdiction
Definition: The authority of a court to hear a case for the first time, not on appeal.
Example: The Supreme Court hears a case involving a dispute between two states, exercising original jurisdiction.

5. Judicial Activism
Definition: A philosophy where judges interpret the Constitution and laws broadly to address societal issues.
Example: A judge strikes down a law they believe discriminates against a certain group, even though the law was previously accepted.

6. Judicial Restraint
Definition: A philosophy where judges limit their power by avoiding decisions that conflict with legislative intent or established law.
Example: A judge upholds a law even if they personally disagree, respecting the legislature's authority.

7. Progressive Tax
Definition: A tax system where the rate increases as the taxable amount (income) increases.
Example: The U.S. federal income tax, where higher earners pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes.

8. Regressive Tax
Definition: A tax system where the rate decreases as the taxable amount increases, often burdening lower-income individuals more.
Example: Sales tax, where everyone pays the same rate regardless of income, affecting poorer people more.

9. Proportional Tax
Definition: A tax system where the tax rate is the same regardless of income level.
Example: A flat income tax where everyone pays 10% of their earnings, regardless of how much they earn.

10. Discretionary Spending
Definition: Government spending that is optional and decided through the annual budgeting process.
Example: Funding for education or defense that can be adjusted each year in the budget.

11. Mandatory Spending
Definition: Government spending that is required by law and not subject to annual budgeting.
Example: Social Security or Medicare payments, which are legally mandated and cannot be easily changed.

12. Controllable Spending
Definition: Government spending that can be altered or adjusted by lawmakers through the budget process.
Example: Funding for federal agencies like the Department of Education, which can be increased or decreased.

13. Uncontrollable Spending
Definition: Government spending that is difficult to change or limit because it is based on existing laws or entitlements.
Example: Interest payments on national debt, which are largely fixed and not easily adjusted.

14. Franking Privilege
Definition: The ability of members of Congress to send mail to their constituents without paying postage.
Example: A senator sends a newsletter to their district explaining recent legislative efforts, using the franking privilege.

15. Gerrymandering
Definition: The manipulation of electoral district boundaries to favor a particular political party or group.
Example: A political party draws district lines to include more of their supporters, ensuring a higher chance of winning elections in those districts.

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