causes of world war 2:
dissatisfaction with the treaty of versailles: both italy and germany were dissatisfied, as italy wasnt getting any german colonies and was barely getting anything, and germany was upset due to all the war reparations she had to pay and how she felt humiliated by the treaty of versailles.
rise of facism and nazism: with the flourish of rulers like hitler and mussolini and thier respective ideologies, they appealead to the general public and gained favour
policy of appeasment: britian and france followed the policy of appeasement towards germany and italy to ensure that they wouldnt take over the world
japanese invasion of chine: japan joined the berlin- rome axis to form the berlin rome tokyo axis. with japan weakening china, the circumstances of a war were undeniable
failiture of the league of nations: the league of nations was not able to prevent the circumstances of a war and keep it underway
hitlers invasion of poland (IMMEDIATE CAUSE): he did so for the following reasons:
germany wanted to regain its lost territories
germany wanted to establish a connection with east prussia
germany and russia signed a non agression pact in 1939 where poland was accused of committing atrocities against germans living there
consequences of the war
defeat of axis powers:
FRG federal republic of germany was adminstered by uk france and USwith Bonn as capital it became a part of the capitalist bloc west
GDR german democratic republic was adminstered by soviet union with east berlin as capital. it became a part of the communist bloc east
japan and italy were weakened and american army occupied japan
the UN was formed: big 3 : winston churchill, joseph stalin, theodore roosevelt
the begining of the cold war
the cold war was defined as a period of war where there was no actual fighting or military armed struggle, but the rivals continue to maintain their peace time diplomatic relations along with their hostility.