Computer Science Cheat Sheet

hey all, notes in order of the exam spec (the syllabus), nothing extra, concise and handy, covers key definitions of ALL topics, including some helpful formulas. Good Luck :))

Topic 1: Fundamentals of Algorithms

What is an algorithm? :: set of instructions used to solve a problem or complete a task

What is decomposition? :: breaking larger problems into smaller, sub-problems so that each accomplish an identifiable task, which might itself be further subdivided

What is abstraction? :: Abstraction is the process of removing unnecessary detail from a problem

Topic 2: Fundamentals of Data Representation

Data structure :: way of storing and organizing a set of data, that can easily be edited/changed Subroutine :: named block of code which can be run by calling its name in a program

Function :: a procedure which has a return value Parameter – input variable for a subroutine Assembler :: converts assembly language (low level) into machine code

Interpreter :: converts high level programming into machine code (line by line)

Compiler :: converts high level programming into machine code (whole program at once)

Scope :: which part of a program can see variables/constants/data structures

here’s a neat little comparison table between assembler, interpreter and compiler:






A High-Level Language

A High-Level Language

Assembly Language (Low Level)


No output, program runs straight away

Machine Code

Machine code

How it works

Translates source code and immediately runs it

Compiles source code so it can be run later

Assemble source code so it can be run later

Speed of execution

Slow as it needs to be translated each time it is run

Fast, as CPU runs the machine code

Fast, as the CPU runs the machine code

What users need to run program

End users need the interpreter and the program

Users need just the compiled program

Users need just the compiled program

Source Code

End users can see the source code

End users cannot see the source code

End users cannot see the source code

Bit :: one unit of data

Character set :: defined list of characters recognized by computer’s hardware and software

Pixel :: single dot of colour in an image

Bitmap :: graphical image made up of pixels

Pixel resolution :: number of pixels in an image

Colour depth :: bits used per pixel

Sample :: measure of amplitude at a point in time

Sampling rate :: number of samples taken per second

Sample resolution :: number of bits used per sample

here are the important formulas for this topic:

File size of image (in bits) = width (pixels) x height (pixels) x colour depth (bits)

think of this one as a formula triangle, with file size at the top, and the three others below

File size of sound (bits) = sample rate (Hz) x time (sec) x sample resolution (bits)

again, file size is the top of the triangle, with the three others below

Topic 4: Computer Systems

Computer system :: combination of hardware and software used to perform tasks

Hardware :: physical part of a computer

Software :: programs that are downloaded/installed onto a computer

System software :: programs which help run and maintain a computer system

Application software :: programs which help the user perform day to day tasks

Operating system :: platform for hardware to use the software

Volatile memory :: temporary storage that is lost when power turns OFF (RAM)

Non-volatile memory :: permanent storage that is kept when the power turns OFF (ROM, HDD)

Cloud storage :: secondary storage, at a remote location which is accessible via the internet

Embedded System :: computer system with a specific purpose, built into another system/machine

RAM :: stores running applications while the computer is ON

ROM :: stores the BIOS (instructions needed to turn on the computer and cannot be edited) Cache :: stores the most frequently accessed instructions from the RAM (Level 1, Level 2, L3)

here is the memory pyramid

level one cache closest to CPU so at the top, and so onLevel 1 cache is used around 50% of the time, Level 2 90%, so its no doubt that cache makes a big difference in the computer’s performance speed, as it is fast access memory location that is quicker to access than RAM and slower than registers.

Topic 5: Computer Networks

Computer Network :: a group of computers connected together to share resources

Network Protocol :: a set of rules which allow devices to communicate

Network Security :: methods which protect networks from unauthorised access and harm

Authentication :: verifying the user’s identity when accessing data/network, to prevent unauthorised access

Firewall :: protects network from unauthorised access by controlling incoming/outgoing network connections

Encryption :: scrambling data to change how it looks to prevent unauthorised access (only people with decryption key can access original)

Topic 6: Cyber Security

Cyber security :: methods which prevent data/programs from Attack, Damage and Unauthorised access

Penetration Testing :: testing the security of a system/network to find any vulnerabilities.

Black-box testing :: stimulates external hacking or cyber warfare attack

White-box testing :: stimulates malicious insider (spy) who knows something about the target system

Social engineering :: art of manipulating people to give up personal information/details Malware :: malicious software/code
