Romulus and Remus
753 BCE: two twin brothers. Father was MARS. King thought they were a threat to the throne. Saved by Tyberinus god of the river. When they became adults, they disagreed on what hill to make the city on. Romulus wanted to make it on Palatine Hill and Remus. They ended up in a fistfight. Romulus wins and Rome is named after him. It is in Italy.
Terrain and other stuff I don't know how to classify
Natural Defence
Tiber River
Plays a big part in Rome
Transport agriculture.
Fertile Land
Rome’s ground forces were one of the best
Apennines are mountains. Separates north and south.
Rome is 15 miles inland from the ocean
Rome became the most popular trade route because of the Tiber River.
When the Tiber River flooded Rome, it produced very fertile soil. There are also tons of volcanos near Rome.
They were overproducing and traded.
Welcomed foreigners
Rome sits in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.
It is compared with Greece.
Palatino (Palatine)
Main sight today
Romulus wanted to build Rome here.
Aventino (Aventine)
Remus wanted to build Rome here.
Poor people lived here.
Campidoglio (Capitoline)
The epicenter of the Roman Empire
Quirinale (Quirinal)
Favorite spot
Viminale (Viminal)
Just kinda there
Esquilino (Esquilino)
Houses museums, tours, etc
A mix of social classes
Celio (Carlian)
Group and where they settled
Native to Northern Italy
Don’t know much about them except were enemies with the Greeks and Latins
Colonized Southern Italy in Sicily
Built the Original settlement at Rome
Spoke Spanish
Latins built the original settlement at Rome.
Some other ones are the Kelts, Umbrians, Samnites, Messapians, italiotes, Carthaginians, and Sardinians).
Set up territory in modern-day Switzerland
Ordinary (average) people
Born a Plebeian, stay a Plebeians
They were not allowed to marry Patricians
Republic and Democracy
Rome was a kingdom; the king ruled for their entire lives.
Democracy chooses a leader and the votes everything
The praticians could vote. (NO ONE ELSE)
Only people who were born to the original tribe could vote.
They had to be 15+ and a male.
HAd first branches of government
Only people born to the original tribe could vote. Branches of Government: They had the Senate and a Consul. The senate helped the king rule. The Senate was originally 100 people and over time it grew to around 300. There are only two consuls.
Senators when in were there forever.
When there was war, they could get one of the consuls could be a dictator.
When plebians got the right to vote, one had to be a consul.
Senators passed laws
Tributes could strike it down
Eventually when the plebeians got their rights; one of the consuls had to be a plebe. Because of some protests; the tribunes were made. The tribunes confirmed laws.
Rome influenced the US government a lot.
The Roman kingdom was from 753 Bce - 509 Bce. 7 kings ruled in the Roman kingdom. They did not use any military force to keep their land.
Romulus created most of Rome’s political society and most of Rome’s political areas.
Numa helped make Rome’s mythology. Numa married romulus’ son. The Romans thought of Numa as a staple of wisdom. Numa added January and February to the Roman calendar. There were not many wars during Numa’s era.
Tullus saw the peace and he was like “NAW THIS IS TOO PEACEFUL” so he made it violent.
Population grew.
He reigned for 31 years.
Many reasons for death.
He got struck by lightning by Jupiter
He died from the plague.
Ancus marcius was born in 678 Bce. and died in 616 bce.
His first act as king was to make the religion shared across the country.
Peaceful and religious leader.
Grandson of Numa.
Prioritized defense rather than offense.
Started infrastructure.
Built bridges.
Died of natural causes after 25 years of reigning.
Tarquinius Priscus
5 King of Rome
Helped the people of Rome by making them all rich.
Enhanced Rome's spiritual identity
Brother hit me with an ax.
Was an immigrant
Ancus adopted Tarquinius.
Servius Tullius
Started as a slave
Created Serbian constitution
Created serving wall
Roman senses
Assassinated by daughter
Built walls around all the hills
Married his daughter
Tarquilius Superbus
Last king of Rome
He was exiled after his son raped someone.
He was the most tyrannical of the kings.
He was like “I dOnT cARE aOUT thE sEnAte. I’m just better”
Roman Republic 509-27 BCE
The conflict of Orders - lasted 200 years.
Half population left Rome
Lex Canuleia was passed – permitting Plebians and Patritians to get married
Quintus Hortentius
Plebian Dictator
Quintus Hontentius was a plebeian dictator. The plebes elected this person to be the leader. He passed laws called Cortentian laws. He made the system where one of the consuls had to be a plebe. He added the tribunes.
The sacking of Rome lasted for 15 years. It was 387 BCE.
A tribe led by Brennus invaded northern Italy and Rome. He is part of the Gaelic tribe that originated in Rome. He led the battle of Alia which won against Rome. He died in battle.
Saminite War
Samnite Wars happens after the sacking of Rome. The Samnite was from something 343 bce to 341
Rome fought all at once.
They fought the Latins, Campanians, and the Samnites
Campanians were fighting Samnites.
The second Samnite War is also known as the Great War.
Rome attempted to colonize a territory that was Samnite territory
They defeat the Samnites.
There was a third Samnite but it wasn’t too notable.
Punic War #1
At the start of the first Punic War (264-241 BCE), Rome had pretty much taken all of modern-day Italy.
Carthaginians were better at water
Rome was better on land
They fought the Carthaginians. Carthage was Rome’s rival during the 1st punic war. The first Punic War lasted for 23 years.
The Second Punic War
Good Carthegenian Leader
Romans were scared of Elephants
Rome sent Sipio to Carthage
Had shields that could reflect the sun and burn down ships.
HA that is only a myth (or something I think)
Third Punic War
So first…there 50 years of peace (YAY)
Rome wasn’t satisfied (BRU-)
Kato was a senator and he said CARTHAGE MUST BE DeStRoYEd
Rome was like gimme 300 children
Carthage was like um sure ok
Rome and Carthage go to war
Carthage was demolished.
Because of all the free labor; the state ended up buying farms and having slaves work on them. Those slaves don't have homes now.
There are now poor people
Tiberius and some senators came up with Lex Agraria. (I THINK)
Julius `Caesar
First roman Dictator
Assassinated on March 15.
It is possible that he had a child with Cleopatra (um)
Stabbed like 23 times, which killed him. (that’s tough)
Julius Caesar
He was born on July 12 100 BCE; he grew up in the turmoil
His father was a governor in Asia and when he died Julius inherited all the land.
He marries the daughter of a nobleman
Rome had a dictator and did not like Julius marrying her.
Caesar was like “No LoVe hER”
Julius fled Rome to pursue military
When Caesar went to go to the military he wanted to go to the atlantic sea. Caesar fought on the front line. After some time he went to go to the way with Britain.
Julius was like “iMa ConQueRE tHE WORLD HAR”
Pirates kidnapped Julius (tough luck)
The pirates made Rome pay for him back.
This happened in 83 BCE I think..
He returned to Rome as the king who made him give up his land had died. They elected Caesar as a consul.
He teams with Crassus and Pompey.
They are called something.
Oh it's called a trio ok.
It is called the First Triumvirate
Pompey had a lot of connections
Crassus was just wealthy
Caesar and Pompey had skills
Caesar and Pompey didn’t like each other but they made a really good team.
Pompey started growing very envious. They met in 66 BCE. Crassus was allowed to rule Syria, Caesar was allowed to rule the whole thing pretty much, and Pompey ruled Spain and Gaul.
3 years in Crassus got in battle and died.
He died from melted gold being poured down his throat.
The triumvirate is now a duo.
Pompey starts becoming suspicious of Caesar.
Pompey comes back to Rome.
Pompey flees.
Pompey tries to backstab Caesar.
This started a civil war and became the Caesar followers vs you know already.
Pompey fled from Rome.
A lot of the senators started to suspect Caesar.
Pompey actually fled to Egypt.
Caesar defeats Pompey in 41 BCE.
The Egyptians kill Pompey.
Caesar was upset because he wanted the 1 vs 1.
Caesar demands a meeting with a nobleperson in Egypt. This person was Cleopatracleopatre. They have a child together (
They named him dictator for life.
But… they don't do that
So he did a lot of cool things
He did….stuff
He resurrected Carthage and made it into Rome’s city.
He does become a dictator for life.
The Senate does NOT like this… Brutus is good friends with Caesar but he is convinced to kill Caesar with a lot of money.
Brutus calls him to come to Caesar.
60 senators conspired to kill Caesar.
Caesar is allegedly stabbed 23 times. Julius Caesar’s last words were “Et tu, Brutus?”
The people in Rome are like “No”
After Caesar died, Rome was in chaos.
After he dies, he wills everything.
There was a new trio: Lepidus, Antony, and Octavian.
When Julius died; he wills all of his titles and all of that to Octavian.
Antony starts falling in love with Cleopatra.
They all turn on each other
Octavius is now the First Citizen
Idk why i have this on here
When Julius died; he wills all of his titles and all of that to Octavian. Antony starts falling in love with Cleopatra.
Differences start to emerge in the trio. Antony leaves for Egypt.
Someone kills Lepidus in battle.
Octavian starts going after Antony.
Octavian has all of Caesar army and battles Antony.
Octavian’s navy kills Antony’s navy in 31 BCE.
Cleopatra and Antony kill themself.
He calls himself “the first citizen” instead of a dictator.
Agustus is a title bestowed on Octavian by the Senate.
Agustus is a sort of heavenly title.
The Roman Empire starts.
The first emperor of it is Agustus.
Caligula was the emperor after Augustus and he was mentally unstable.
He eliminated taxes.
He made the gladiator games free.
He began two major construction projects on aqueducts. Caligula went to war with the sea.
The Andabata
The blind warrior
Swords or clubs
A helmet that covered their faces so the warrior was blind
Specialized u fighting wild animals
Light warriors (swords or trident
Fought lions, bears, tigers, etc.
Specialized in hand-to-hand combat
Cestus (boxing glove with mods)
Gloves were outfitted with nails, spikes, etc.
Heavily armored
Thick, heavy armor made him resistant to attacks
Focused on defensive tactics
Wawa catDimachaerus
Highly aggressive, mobile, and swift
Dual wielded swords
Wore wawa catslight armor to move quicker
Rode on horses during battle
Spear and javelin
Often fought other eques and was seen as the warmup to games
Names after Gauls - the earliest form of gladiator
Long sword
Precursor for other more common styles
Female gladiators
Weapons swords, daggers, and spears
they fought animals and or criminals.
Inspired by Greek soldiers
Long spears
Minimal armor for quicker movements
Most iconic and heavily armed gladiators
Short sword
Relied on strength and endurance
Emphasized quick moves over heavy defense
Small shield and short swords
Provided high energy
More traditional and heavily armed
Short sword and large shields
Engaged in high-energy fights
Emphasized speed and mobility
Trident and a net to capture foes
Minimal armor and often seen as the underdog
Specialized in archery
Bow and arrow on horseback
One of the few range fighters in ancient Rome
Reflected style of Samnites
A short sword and a large shield
Heavily armored and aggressive
A large, bladed weapon like a scissor
Focused on cutting/trapping
Known as the Follower
Helmet, shield, and short sword
The primary focus was closing the gap between him and his opponent
Large shield and longsword that were curved
Balanced fighter but skilled in close combat
Titus killed a ton of people basically
People loved gore in the Colosseum
All would perish by Rome
Rome grew. Or something
146 BCE conquered Carthage
They had slaves in Rome
The number of slaves had a huge impact
Sold 10,000 slaves a day or something
The peasants were being driven off
Rich farm owners had thousands of slaves in some cases
Wool was a big part of Rome because clothes yk
As Rome grew so did the gap between the rich and poor
The city grew to around 1,000,000 people
Rome was the greatest importer of the time
The contrast between the rich and poor was shocking
Rome devoured 400,000 tons of grain per year
If you were rich Rome was…Rome (idk it just said that)
Rome needed 150 thousand tons of…I forgot
Rome's exports were bad
Rome spread Latin throughout places and their currency also did
All of Rome was pretty alike
Rome succeeded in spreading images of Rome throughout the country
Key mentum was the first true concrete
This is why much of Rome is still standing today
Romans built cities in a very organized way
Gladiators were there to flex, to be honest
David potter
Gladiators fought Lions, tigers, and bears
And midday the cooked criminals
Poor people could also enjoy gladiator battles
Law in ancient Rome
Customary laws: are not written anywhere and are just known.
The laws were inherited; they were passed down.
This is not the best though because they can be changed. They can be unfair because of their wealth.
Plebians rebelled against this.
When you write down laws,
Pontiffs were patricians who had judgment about punishments.
10 people called decemiurs were a group that went to Greece to study them and they stole their ideas.
They wrote the 12 tables
A law
“If someone places a curse on someone’s crops, they will be crucified”
They originally made the 12 tables. If they had a law not written down they would refer back to the customary laws.
They put the 12 tables in the center of Rome so people could see the laws. The original tablets were destroyed in the 4th BCE when to Celtics came in.
If there was a dispute → court
3 courts
Over 3 days, the court would…happen
The person accused had to defend themselves.
At the end of 1, the punishment would be decided.
After three days, if the court says that he is not guilty that means they are not guilty. If the public says that the punishment is too harsh one day wins and the public says it’s too harsh then the next day the punishment will be less harsh.
The problem was that it was all in the hands of one person.
At this time, Rome was HUGE
When Rome conquers, they offer a choice. “Live anD JoiN uS! Or DIE”
Plaintiff is the accuser
Jury Courts
3 people
4 people
Plaintiff lawyer
citizen jury,
No bias
The Judge
The Defense
Lawyers are known as jurists
Jury courts were very popular and were often better
When Agustus takes over, he creates:
Emperor’s Courts
Normally decided by an important person.
3 people
Imperial Judge
This is based on fact.
Less public opinion
Mostly patrician
Pax Romana = roman peace
Peace for us = no war
Peace for Romans = opponents had lost the ability to fight.
Pax Romana was from 27 BCE - 180 CE
The empire expanded; the Romans had relative stability
Chain for succession
Was the first Emperor of Rome
Rome was REALLY big.
The marker for 27 was the battle of Actium.
Augustus is known for getting the two sides together
They were really greedy and were bloodthirsty
Augustus convinced the Romans that they were going to grow as the Romans and that peacetime was gonna far outnumber the time of war.
Augustus passes laws from 30-2 BCE
He is taking the power from the Senate
The Senate was like “Let's just let him have power bc he looks logical”
Roads let the empire travel to places.
Peacetime didn't mean that they didn't fight
They created buffer states
The Parthian Empire is located in Southwest Asia
Rome was like let us conquer buffer states so they make space
Tiberius Caesar
The step-son of Augustus
14-7 CE
One of the greatest Roman generals
He was able to conquer Pannonia, Dalmatia; they have complete control of the Adriatic sea
He protects Rome even more
He conquers a little of Germany
Followed Tiberius
He took from the Persian king Xerxes a bridge, the floating bridge connected one of the ports of Rome to a major city
First emperor that was born outside of Rome
41-54 CE
He had a limp
He tried to invade the UK
Waged war with the Sea (that's kinda stupid)
Sent 40,000 troops and they took the southern half of the island in 16 days. 20 navy and 20 ground
By 47 CE they had conquered half of Britain
He sucks
54-63 CE
Some people believed that his mother poisoned Claudius
He wasn't bad at first
He focused on trade, games, blah blah blah
The senators are kinda trying to get a little more power
He starts killing senators, people, rivals, yap yap yap
The Senate is kinda there
THE GREAT FIRE OF ROME HAHAHA HAHAHAj ajaajajjajajajaajjajajajajajajajaajjajaajajjaajajajjaajajajajajjaajjajaaajjajajajja
Last 6 days
Rome had 14 district
100’s died, 1000’s homeless
Nero didn't like Christianity
He started the fire to stop the local Christian
Nero was starting to get more hated
They were rebuilding the city but they needed money to do this.
Nero is declared a public enemy
Nero goes back to Rome
He receives word that the Senate is going to get beat to death
His guard kills him
Flavian Dynasty
After Nero dies, Civil war breaks out
69 CE
30 years with three rulers. During this dynasty, massive building projects come. Rome is in shambles.
The Flavian amphitheater is built. The Colosseum is built which is known as the Flavian amphitheater.
They sieged Jerusalem.
Augustus 24 79 CE. Mount Pompeii erupts. Thousands of citizens are killed.
Everything was mummified
New discoveries are still being made
5 good emperors
Good people FYI
After the Emperors everything goes bad
Trajan was the 2nd of the 5
He provided the biggest expansion in Rome’s history
He covered 2.3 million square miles
He takes over the last Marcus Aurelius
180 CE
He just watched Gladiator games
He won 12,000 contests in the Arena
He tried to
The series of protests in which the poor citizens organized and succeeded from Rome to gain a voice in new laws being created was called Conflict of Orders
The Apennines are the group of Mountains that split Italy in half from north to south
Stops a law from happening: Veto
The Gracchus Brothers supported the plebians
Julius Caesar was the first Dictator
The Empire in crisis
We are at the end of the Pax Romana (180 AD)
Power was taken by a series of short-lived emperors
High taxes on citizens.
We are getting to the division of the Roman Empire
The problem is that Rome is WAY too big
It is split into the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire.
275 AD is when they split
Emperor Constantine
Creates the city of Constantinople. The capital of the East
Rules from 312-337
Orders the building of Constantinople - a new capital on the eastern side of the Roman Empire
When Christianity became popular, they stopped believing that the Emporer was ‘holy’
The plebes start related to the Christians which is how it takes over.
Issued the Edict of Milan 313 which grants tolerance to Christians
Civil wars break out twice.
The Christians beat the Romans
380: Christianity becomes the official religion of the Romans
Foreign Invasions
A series of Barbarians invaders from the North begin to terrorize Rome.
Visigoths, Angles, Frank, Vandals, Saxons
They start controlling certain areas
These groups get stronger
The Huns
Migrated from Central Asia
Led by the feared Attila, they raided the Eastern Empire
Terrorized Italy
The Huns leave the Roman Empire
Basically up for grabs
Rome was attacked at all angles - 100-500 CE
Angles and Saxons go to England
The fall of the Roman Empire refers to the Western side
Eastern was the financial house
All the tribes that were cooking rome become bigger and rome gets more cooked and smaller. Eastern empire starts borrowing from the tribes and they are in debt for everything.
476: Romulus is the last leader of Rome
He was overthrown by Odacer; the ottoman empire
Reason for the Fall
Powerful Germanic tribe
Rebelled against Romans
Led by Alaric they captured and sacked Rome in AD 410