Module 4

Chapter 4: Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures

Chapter Scope

  • Flow of Control: Understanding how program statements are executed.

  • Boolean Expressions: Conditions that evaluate to true or false.

  • Conditional Statements: Utilizing if and switch statements for decision-making.

  • Comparing Data: Understanding equality and relational operators.

  • Loops: Using while, do, and for loops for repetition.

  • Iterators: Processing collections of items one at a time.

Flow of Control

  • Statement execution is linear unless directed otherwise.

  • Some statements allow decisions to execute or skip statements based on conditions.

  • Flow of control refers to the order in which statements are executed, governed by boolean expressions.

Conditional Statements

  • Conditional statements (or selection statements) enable decision-making in programs. The primary types in Java are:

    • if statement

    • if-else statement

    • switch statement

The if Statement

  • Syntax: if (condition) statement;

    • The condition must be a boolean expression; if true, the statement executes.

    • If false, the statement is skipped.

Equality and Relational Operators

  • Conditions typically use:

    • Equality Operators (e.g., ==, !=)

    • Relational Operators (e.g., <, >, <=, >=)

Example Conditions

  • if (total == sum) System.out.println("total equals sum");

  • if (count > 50) System.out.println("count is more than 50");

  • if (letter != 'x') System.out.println("letter is not x");

Logical Operators

  • Logical NOT (!): Negates the boolean value.

    • Example: If a is true, !a is false, and vice versa.

  • Logical AND (&&): True if both operands are true.

  • Logical OR (||): True if at least one operand is true.

Short-Circuited Operators

  • Processing of logical AND/OR may not evaluate the second operand if the first operand determines the result.

    • Example: if (count != 0 && total/count > MAX); if count is 0, the second condition is not evaluated.

The if-else Statement

  • Structure:

    • if (condition) statement1; else statement2;

    • Executes statement1 if true; otherwise, statement2 executes.

Block Statements

  • A group of statements can be enclosed in braces {}, treated as a single statement in control structures.

The Conditional Operator

  • Syntax: condition ? expression1 : expression2;

    • Equivalent to an if-else statement that evaluates to a value based on a condition.

Nested if Statements

  • Statements can be nested, allowing for more complex decision-making.

Comparing Data

  • Floating Point Comparisons: Use caution with == due to representation issues; consider using a tolerance.

  • Character Comparisons: Based on Unicode values allowing the use of relational operators.

  • String Comparisons: Utilize .equals() for equality and .compareTo() for order comparisons.

The switch Statement

  • Provides a way to select execution based on an expression's value.

  • Syntax:

switch (expression) {
case value1:
case value2:
  • Default case: Handles situations where no match is found.


  • Types of Loops:

    • while loop: Executes as long as the condition is true.

    • do while loop: Executes at least once before checking the condition.

    • for loop: Iterates a specific number of times, ideal for counting.

The while Loop

  • Syntax: while (condition) { statement; }

    • Executes the statement while condition remains true.

The for Loop

  • Syntax: for (initialization; condition; increment) { statement; }

    • Combines initialization, condition checking, and incrementing in one line.


An iterator processes collections item by item, using methods like hasNext() and next() to control the iteration.

  • Example: Scanner class as an iterator to read inputs.


  • Understanding conditionals and loops is fundamental to controlling the flow of a Java program, leveraging boolean expressions for decision-making and repetition.

The switch Statement

The switch statement is a control structure that allows execution to be selected based on the value of an expression. It provides a convenient way to handle multiple conditions without the need for multiple if-else statements. The syntax and working of the switch statement are outlined below:

switch (expression) {
case value1:
case value2:
// more cases...
  1. Expression: The switch statement evaluates this expression. It must yield a value that can be compared against the values defined in the case blocks.

  2. Case Labels: Each case is followed by a value that is compared to the expression. If they match, the associated statements are executed.

  3. Break Statement: After executing the statements in a case, it is common to use a break statement to exit the switch block. If the break is omitted, execution will continue into the next case (fall-through behavior).

  4. Default Case: This is optional and catches any values that do not match any of the specified cases. It’s similar to the last else statement in an if-else structure.

int day = 3;
String dayName;
switch (day) {
case 1:
dayName = "Monday";
case 2:
dayName = "Tuesday";
case 3:
dayName = "Wednesday";
case 4:
dayName = "Thursday";
case 5:
dayName = "Friday";
case 6:
dayName = "Saturday";
case 7:
dayName = "Sunday";
dayName = "Invalid day";
System.out.println(dayName); // Outputs: Wednesday
  • Variable Types: The expression must be of a type that can be compared using equality (e.g. int, char, String). Note that switch statements cannot directly check for range.

  • Fall-Through: If a case does not have a break statement, execution continues to the next case, which can be useful in certain scenarios but can also lead to unexpected behavior if not handled properly.

  • Performance: In some cases, switch statements can be more efficient than lengthy if-else chains, especially when there are many conditions to evaluate.


Switch statements are useful for simplifying complex conditional logic, making code clarity and management easier when handling multiple discrete values.
