Totalitarianism- government where all aspects of life are controlled by the state
Fascism- extreme nationalism
Inflation brings much poverty
Back to the stone ages
This was especially true in Germany
1 in 3 german women engaged in prostitution for food
This causes the Communist party to gain momentum
As USSR was developing
They don’t become the majority, but they become very popular
Early 1920s, communism is on the rise
Strikes, rallies, marches became routine and Italian communists called for a complete overthrow of the Italian parliamentary government
Inspired by circumstances in USSR
Stalin’s “worker’s paradise”
Many Italians began to fear their country would become communist, and feared the events in the USSR
One group of former socialists are physically confronting the communists
Not in government, so they don’t need to follow the government’s rules
Bring weapons to communist rallies
Though italians did not personally associate with fascists, but they supported them out of hatred to the communists, so they turn a blind eye to their actions
1921- Fascists get a political face
Benito Mussolini
Former socialist, newspaper editor, highschool teacher
Appealed to the people and King Emanuel III to put fascists in charge of Parliament
March on Rome
250,000 responded and marched on Rome to convince Emanuel
By dressing similarly to each other, fascists create a military image for themselves
Appealing to Italians because of recent military failures
Get rid of communists
Fix the economy
Put the communists in power in the first place
Restore Italian military pride
National image, pride
Italian communists are arrested, assaulted, forced to flee to other countries (USSR) and sometimes killed
Welcomed by the USSR
Immediately after coming to power
Realize they can use this against ANY rival
Develops totalitarianism
European economies begin to improve around the time of the fascist rise
Appears like Mussolini had done what he promised, even though he didn’t really do anything
Not affected by European inflation
Had become more democratic since the Meiji Restoration
Modernized and westernized– which included democracy
Japanese traditionalists opposed this movement
Diet- Japanese Parliament
1920s- Japan experiences a roaring 20s, economic partnerships with the United States
1929 sees beginning of Great Depression
Because of affiliation with USA, Japan suffers
Traditionalists use as ammunition for their cause
Blame USA and democracy
Japanese army in China already disliked the Diet for war conditions
Coup d’etat topples the diet and military leaders rule on behalf of the emperor, Hirohito
General Tojo- Japanese Prime Minister
Has full license to expand imperial interests in China
September 1931- Japanese invade Manchuria
What Russians had been colonizing
Japanese had previously been patrolling railroad track
Parts are blown up, used as pretext to invade
Set up puppet regime in Manchuria
Opening shots of WW2
League of Nations gets pissed
Investigate Japanese actions- determine this is not justified
Condemns Japan
…okay that’s it
League of Nations has no military or any ability to do anything
Pattern emerges of totalitarian regimes testing how far they can go
Like a toddler
A particular group takes notice of this…. And a certain art student…… a painter….. A man who painted………
Devastated by WW1, hardest economic hit
Compounded by shame of losing (War Guilt Clause)
British and French are rubbing it in
Foreigners with money coming in to buy stuff (including people??)
Harsh reparations imposed by allies
Specifically 33B
Inability to maintain control and order
Army limited to 100,000 men
German communist party becomes largest outside of USSR
20% of Reichstag
Encourages violence
Especially during election cycles
Basically a larger version of what happened in Italy
German republic was very weak
Weimar Republic
Modeled off of USA
Made too weak
Elections occur every year
Reichstag in chaos
Limited army, poor economy, and weak government leads to lawlessness
Multi-party system
Over 20 political parties, no absolute majority
Best you can hope for is a plurality (33%)
Often physical confrontations during elections
Large chance of assassination
Fascists in Munich
Small group, dress similarly
Founding members are former socialists
Where fascism originates, where the similarities end
Identify as political party
National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei
National Socialist German Workers’ Party
Very unknown except in Munich, considered ridiculous, largely dismissed
Gets attention of Weimar Republic: suggest succession of Bavaria
Here where Weimar Republic contracts spy network to investigate Nazis
Recovering in Munich from WW1, Adolf Hitler goes to investigate the Nazis
Hitler submits report that dismisses the Nazis as a credible threat
Hitler has become enchanted by their ideology
Starts to attend Nazi meetings
Hitler is really the most reasonable person there, emerges as leader
Not a drinker or brawler
November 9, 1923, Hitler and Nazis attempt to lead a rebellion that Bavaria is independent
Weimar army has been tipped off, kill 9 Nazis, scatter the rest
Bier Hall Putsch
Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders are arrested
Light sentences
Nazis become nationally known
Viewed like the Jerry Springer show
Mein Kampf- “My Struggle”, written by Hitler in jail
First written Nazi ideology
Based on Social Darwinism
Germans and others were a different species from other people- Nordics
Used Nordic religion and symbolism to promote the idea of a “state religion”
Created the Great Civilizations of the world
Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, India, Mesoamerica
Collapsed because “Cultural Creators” interbred with “Cultural Transmitters” and “Cultural Destroyers”
Cultural creators- German, Scandinavian, English
Cultural transmitters- Italians, French, etc.
Cultural destroyers- slavs, Native Americans, Africans, everyone else
First Reich- Hapsburg empire
Collapsed when incorporated cultural destroyers (slavs)
Second Reich- Kaiser Wilhelm
Collapsed when November Revolution occurred (created Weimar Republic)
Orchestrated by Semitic people
People from middle east ie Jewish people
Cultural destroyers
The stab in the back according to Nazis
Nazis would create the Third Reich
Would spread eastward and colonize a new empire
Enslave the slavic people
Hitler remains in jail for only 7 months
Hitler becomes a nationally known figure
Paul von Hindenburg- elected as president in 1925 by the Weimar Republic
Represented tradition combined with modernity
By 1928, the German economy has improved- Communists had failed, Nazis become obscure
Germany is hit harder than anywhere else
New depression, complete knee-jerk reaction
Communist party reaches over 15% of seats in Reichstag
+Socialists=over 20%
If they pool resources, game over, communists win
Nazi party achieves some political success
Lesser of two evils
Nazi party officials hire coaches to teach Hitler how to do public speaking
Hitler practices
1930 election- Nazis win 107 seats
Less than 20% but its substantial enough
1931- six more seats
Fear that maybe this was their heyday
1932- Nazi party wins 230 seats
Roughly 30%
They’ve won the plurality
To win the majority, they ally with the Communists
Goal is to shut down Reichstag
Advance vote of no confidence for chancellor
Hitler elected Chancellor
The president hates Hitler and Nazis and Communists
Conservative political parties begin to form alliances with Nazis
Nazis assure them they won’t mess with their money despite wanting to create Socialist society
“What if we give the dog the bone, allow the Nazis to put Hitler in? He’ll get rid of the Communists! If the Communists are gone, no one’s gonna vote for the Nazis again!”
Chancellor has no real political party anyway
Hindenburg appoints Hitler as Chancellor in January of 1933
Drives to Hitler’s office, waits by his car, says “congrats” and leaves
Operating on assumption that Nazis will be gone in a year
Does not have control of Germany, but is an amazing political victory for Nazis
Hitler began to receive word that the Nazis were about to lose seats in the Election of 1933
Burning of the Reichstag
February 1933
Communists were blamed for the fire and two were arrested
This is true! But these communists had terrible timing
Hitler goes to Hindenburg and requests emergency powers within the German constitution
Suspend elections and to pass laws without majority rule
Granted with the idea that they’re going to go after the Communists
Communists are hunted down
Put into facilities known as Concentration Camps
Not extermination camps
More like a Soviet gulag, political prison
Hitler is buying time and is able to suspend individual freedoms
Nazis start going after other political rivals
Turning on conservatives they had allied with, along with socialists and socialist democrats
July Election- bump of Nazi seats in the Reichstag
Powers were meant to be only temporary
Chancellor was meant to surrender powers at an agreed upon time
Hindenburg dies
No foul play, died of old age
According to german constitution, immediate elections
Chancellor does not become president
However, due to emergency powers, hitler suspends these elections
Weimar dies- Hitler declares himself Fuhrer
Means leader
Weimar republic is dead
Germany is under Nazi control
Early implementation of racial beliefs
Pass a series of policies
Nuremburg Laws
Nuremburg is the quintessential “Nordic” place
German Jews are stripped of citizenship, not protected by law
Forced to identify themselves as Jews by wearing the Star of David
Property is now forfeit of the state, forced to live in small enclosed areas of cities into ghettos
Call back on the Romans casting out the Hebrews
Emergence of the mentality that “if its not messing with me, why should I get involved?”
Germans do not intervene
“When they came for the Communists, I was not a Communist so I said nothing. When they came for the Jews, I was not a Jew so I said nothing. When they came for me, there was no one left to say anything.”
Came for other religious groups
Goal was to replace Christianity with Nordic mythology
Germans applying for Nazi party membership, you’d need to prove that 8 generations back, you are of pure nordic pedigree
With the failure of the LEague of Nations, other totalitarian regimes will test the resolve of the organization
Back to Mussolini
Italians were upset by their failed conquest of Ethiopia
Mussolini orders updated Italian military to invade Ethiopia
Invasion of Ethiopia- 1935
League of Nations determines that Italy is not justified and condemns them
Emperor of Ethiopia makes a famous speech- “It is us today, it is you tomorrow.”
This is the guy Bob Marley worshipped yk yk
Remilitarization of Rhineland
Hitler violates the Versailles Treaty in 1936
Area between Germany and France
Had Britain and France made some demonstration of force, he would have backed off
They don’t
Spanish Civil War
Pro-democracy vs fascist vs Communist
Fascists get supplies and soldiers from Germany and Italy, communists get supplies from Stalin, pro-democracy get barely anything
Fascism takes control- 1936
Led by Francisco Franco
Testing ground for WW2
Witnessed by Pablo Picasso
Bombing of spanish town of Guernica
Instance of total war
1936- German soldiers swear personal allegiance to Hitler instead of Germany
Hitler orders rearming, surpassing the 100,000 man limit
Fascists movements funded by Nazis
Austria has its own Nazi party
France- Cross of Fire party
Included religious figures
United States
German-American League
Most famous rally occurs in Madison Square Garden
1936- Germany, Italy, and Japan join in this alliance
Despite Nazi racial theory, Nazi theorists go back and classify Japanese and Italians as Nordics
Invasion of China- 1937
Official start of WW2
First instance of Japanese mentality towards conquered people
Believe just as much in Social Darwinism
Bechito Code- seppuku
View people of China as less than human
Nanking- Chinese city where Japanese tie up POWs and use as live bayonet practice
Launch into frenzy of brutality
Babies taken from mothers and thrown against walls, sexual assault of women and children, beheading competitions between Japanese officers (over 100 each)
China has the second most casualties by end of WW2, 25 million
Annex of Austria- March, 1938
Nazis are welcomed in by Austrian Nazis
Austria becomes nothing more than a province– no longer independent
Night of Broken Glass- November 9, 1938
Sponsored and promoted night of violence against Austrian and German Jews
Many Jews with the means flee
Including Albert Einstein
October 1938
3 million ethnic Germans
Munich Conference
Chamberlain allows Hitler to take the area in an act of appeasement
German troops enter Sudetenland….
Invasion of Czechoslovakia
Yeah, the whole thing
League of Nations is ineffective
Britain and France are watching Hitler’s aggression grow
Beginning of WW2