Fiqh - refers to when scholars disagree on an issue regrading what the shar’iah is saying
2. Shariah - everything that was revealed to prophet muhammad (saw)
3. Islam - the 5 pillars
4. Imaan - the 6 pillars of faith
5. Ihsaan - worship All like you see him but you don’t but knowing that he sees you.
6. Madthab - A school of thought within fiqh
7. Haram - prohibited
8. Makruh - discouraged/ disliked
9. Mubah - Allowed
10. Mustahaab - Encouraged
11. Wajib - Obligatory
12. Deen - Your world view and how Islam helps you understand in this life and the hereafter
13. Religion - Based on only things religious
15. Understand the difference between: Fiqh and Shariah, Deen and Religion
Shariah is a code of life and fiqh is islamic law> Deen is Islam helping in every aspect and religon is just talking about the hereafter
16. Know the types of purification & types of water
Inner Purification and physical purification
Tahoor: Pure and purifying
Tahir : Pure and not purifying
Najis : not pure