Root - expresses the basic meaning of the term
Prefix - Position or Direction
Sense of negation
Suffix - Disease
Combing form - a vowel added to a root word to enable two parts to be connected.
a/an - not, without
anti - against
arthr - joint
Cardi - heart
Crani - skull
Derm - skin
ectomy - surgical removal
endo - in or within
Epi - above or upon
Gastr - stomach
Hepat - liver
itis - inflammation of
logist - one who specializes in the study of
logy - science or study of
my - muscle
neur- nerves
oma - tumor
oste - bone
pathy - disease
peri - around/surronding
pulmon - lung
Abduction - movement away from the midline
Adduction - movement toward the midline
anterior - towards the front of the body
deep - away from the surface of the body (internal)
distal - away from the point of attachment
extension - increasing the angle of a join; straightening at a joint
flexion - decreasing the angle of a joint; bending a joint
inferior - closer to the bottom of the body
lateral - further from midline
medial- closer to midline
posterior - closer to the back of the body
prone - lying face down
proximal - close to the point of attachment
superficial - closer to the surface of the body (external)
superior - closer to the top of the body
supine - lying face up
sagittal - a plane that divides the body into left and right parts
Transverse plane - Splits body in upper and lower halves
Frontal plane - splits the body into front and back halves