ELLA/Columbia: Liberals and conservatives battled back and forth exchanging power.
Rojas Pinilla did nothing to limit destruction, Lots of civilians felt very unheard from the gov so guerilla groups gained power
Farc ws main group in colombia and rose to power in 1960s and became more powerful and controlled more rural areas of columbia
Columbia coffee fars was one of the way they made money at this time, some had to turn for marijuana farms which made many people move to drug trade
Peace corp employee explains drug cartel over communities
U.S. gave CIA a vast amount of financial aid to anti Allende groups throughout elections and during Allende’s leadership
First ad: CIA anti communist ad
CIA increased actions to finish the likely hood of the presidencies of allende
Chilean anti ITT carton OWned 70% of the telephone industry, Allende sought to nationalizenthsese froegrugty contrlled things in the industry
Economic data in Chile : Whata is an invisiable blockade?
Wjhat are these negatives on teh chart for he ecnomic? I dont udnerstand… There is red and blue adn the red has negatives
Allende Relations with fidel castro
DINA LOGO: Suspiscious suicide…. What are you talkjing abut? Why was it suspicsious?
Artist sketch of interagation room: VILLA GRIMALDI, were they ever freed? You say that people were abused and there was electric shock as torture, so did they de? Did these people get freed?
46th presient and was female, Isabelle Peron, first ever frmale president!! She was VP at time, what did she do? She got couped, but did she ever have anything significant as wshe was president? it was 1974-1975, so anything big? Her beliefes weres bstringly for femeinisim, abd socialism
Eva peron: Strong political leader, fought for womens rights. Seen as who was once a luving saint. Wrote laws and refroms that benefited lower class. How did she wriote the laws? How was the governmnet lile in Argentina for hwr to write laws?
V HOMES< followed black out regulations, picture perfect american family. Spread throuhout U.S. and Argenyina
Einsenhower was not good, they hated him, they ripped all the posters down and hated the ,man. He was not looking good, hatedmilitary regime. Unhappy with US for leting the military regime take over.
Jadea/Argentina: Strengthing the middle in lower class, JUan Perron, Upper class didnt like that… President didnt work in favor of the U.S>
EVA worked closey with her hubby.
Ciudad Evita was creasted with the layout of her side profile of her face, used to builds homes for workunng and poor people
Eva died of cancer
bombing killed 308 citizens
admindistartoon was ran by Pedro Euginio Arambaru, what good acts did he do? What did he contribute to? WSas there anything? What was he best known for?
coup of 1976: Widow of Juan petron was taken the place of eva and people hated that she did that, she wasnt the OG, she was ousstated, the dirty war start adn was a time of genocide, tourtyre against citizens, wanted to keep partnership with US so was very secretive about treatment of civilians
US tolerance towards authotarian regimes to prevent possinle soiet union
Soren/Ecuador: Southern Ecador near the border
Most people lived in underdevolped infrastructyre, not access to much. No electricity, lack of paved roads, agriculture was very important, limited.
What was the relationships between rural people with others? Were theywever able to get in urban areas or get talking?
Quito equador was much better. Only quater of the population lived in the major centers after WWII. So why was that? Why didnt more people live there? What was the issue? Too expensive? You say they have more access and better public transportation, but why was it not accessible to others?
Zayyan/El Salvador:
Coup every 5 years, nota single structure of givernmnet in he time spand. HAs always been changing and caused tension
upcoming communist party led aby farmers and peasents. <artinez killed all of them, then had agenocide of all native americans in the area. What party was he overthrow by and why?
Castro took position as leader after marteniez
Focused on makung the rich more wealthy
Duarte was one of the frst people who ran one of the parties against martienez rule, he won the electrion but did no get control becaise miitary said no
Chilean milk programs
Chile canm be divided in 3 oeriods
1, close with US and allie forces, Salvador indtroduction, Pinochet dictator ship
Juan Rio passing report- Sided allies and many people liked that. US was a big resource for Chile. Many US companies were controlled by SU companies, Stable governmemnt want,
Milk too much, no more free milk. People were too interested, but they became broke!
Fascism in Argentina- Italian propaganda!