Reading & Understanding
Theme: Identity and culture
Who am I?: relationships; when I was younger; what my friends and family are like; what makes a good friend; interests; socialising with friends and family; role models
Daily life: customs and everyday life; food and drink; shopping; social media and technology (use of, advantages and disadvantages)
Cultural life: celebrations and festivals; reading; music; sport; film and television
Theme: Local area, holiday and travel
Holidays: preferences; experiences; destinations
Travel and tourist transactions: travel and accommodation; asking for help and dealing with problems; directions; eating out; shopping
Town, region and country: weather; places to see; things to do
Theme: School
What school is like: school types; school day; subjects; rules and pressures; celebrating success
School activities: school trips; events and exchanges
Theme: Future aspirations, study and work
Using languages beyond the classroom: forming relationships; travel; employment
Ambitions: further study; volunteering; training
Work: jobs; careers and professions
Theme: International and global dimension
Bringing the world together: sports events; music events; campaigns and good causes
Environmental issues: being ‘green’; access to natural resources