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Quiz 1 Slatistics

Sampling Methods and Concepts

  1. Simple Random Sample (SRS): Each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.

  2. Census: Data collection that includes every member of the population.

  3. Convenience Sample: A sample drawn from a part of the population that is easy to reach, often leading to biased results.

  4. Voluntary Response Sample: A sample consisting of volunteers, typically those with strong opinions, which can result in bias.

  5. Random Sampling: The process of selecting a sample in such a way that every individual has a known, equal chance of being chosen.

  6. Stratified Sampling: Dividing the population into distinct subgroups (strata) and randomly sampling from each subgroup.

  7. Systematic Sampling: Selecting every kkkth member from a list of the population.

  8. Cluster Sampling: Dividing the population into sections (clusters) and randomly selecting entire clusters for the sample.

  9. Confounding: Occurs when two variables are intertwined in such a way that their individual effects on a response variable cannot be distinguished from each other.

Types of Variables

  1. Categorical Variables: Variables that categorize or describe attributes of a population. They can be:

    • Nominal: Categories with no logical order.

      • Example of Nominal: Eye color.

    • Ordinal: Categories with a logical order.

      • Example of Ordinal: Education level (e.g., high school, bachelor's, master's).

  2. Numerical Variables: Variables that represent quantities and can be measured. They can be:

    • Discrete: Countable values.

      • Example of Discrete: Number of parking spots.

    • Continuous: Values that can take on any value within a range.

      • Example of Continuous: Height or temperature.

Additional Statistical Terms

  1. Variable: A characteristic or attribute that can take on different values.

  2. Population: The entire group of interest in a study.

  3. Parameter: A numerical value summarizing a characteristic of a population (e.g., population mean).

  4. Sample: A subset of the population selected for study.

  5. Statistic: A numerical value summarizing a characteristic of a sample (e.g., sample mean).

These corrections and refinements should help clarify the concepts for your quiz. Good luck!

Quiz 1 Slatistics

Sampling Methods and Concepts

  1. Simple Random Sample (SRS): Each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.

  2. Census: Data collection that includes every member of the population.

  3. Convenience Sample: A sample drawn from a part of the population that is easy to reach, often leading to biased results.

  4. Voluntary Response Sample: A sample consisting of volunteers, typically those with strong opinions, which can result in bias.

  5. Random Sampling: The process of selecting a sample in such a way that every individual has a known, equal chance of being chosen.

  6. Stratified Sampling: Dividing the population into distinct subgroups (strata) and randomly sampling from each subgroup.

  7. Systematic Sampling: Selecting every kkkth member from a list of the population.

  8. Cluster Sampling: Dividing the population into sections (clusters) and randomly selecting entire clusters for the sample.

  9. Confounding: Occurs when two variables are intertwined in such a way that their individual effects on a response variable cannot be distinguished from each other.

Types of Variables

  1. Categorical Variables: Variables that categorize or describe attributes of a population. They can be:

    • Nominal: Categories with no logical order.

      • Example of Nominal: Eye color.

    • Ordinal: Categories with a logical order.

      • Example of Ordinal: Education level (e.g., high school, bachelor's, master's).

  2. Numerical Variables: Variables that represent quantities and can be measured. They can be:

    • Discrete: Countable values.

      • Example of Discrete: Number of parking spots.

    • Continuous: Values that can take on any value within a range.

      • Example of Continuous: Height or temperature.

Additional Statistical Terms

  1. Variable: A characteristic or attribute that can take on different values.

  2. Population: The entire group of interest in a study.

  3. Parameter: A numerical value summarizing a characteristic of a population (e.g., population mean).

  4. Sample: A subset of the population selected for study.

  5. Statistic: A numerical value summarizing a characteristic of a sample (e.g., sample mean).

These corrections and refinements should help clarify the concepts for your quiz. Good luck!