Chapter 2-Strategic e-Marketing and Performance Metrics-

Canadian University of Dubai - MKT 340 E-Marketing

Chapter 2: Strategic e-Marketing and Performance Metrics

  • Presenter: Dr. Soumaya Askri

  • Theme: The strategic role of e-marketing in the business landscape.

Learning Outcomes

  • Importance of strategic planning, e-business strategy, and e-marketing strategy.

  • Identification of main e-business models at various levels: activity, business processes, and enterprise.

  • Understanding the use of performance metrics and the Balanced Scorecard in measuring e-business and e-marketing performance.

  • Key performance metrics for social media communication.

Strategic Planning

  • Definition: The process of aligning organizational goals and capabilities with market opportunities.

  • Goals include:

    • Growth

    • Competitive position

    • Geographic scope

    • Other objectives (industry, products, channels, etc.)

ESP Model: Environment, Strategy, and Performance

  • Concept: Illustrates the relationships among environment (E), strategy (S), and performance (P).

    • Factors affecting the environment include legal-ethics, technology, internet, competition, and markets.

  • SWOT Analysis: Utilized to shape strategy and measure performance.

    • Performance metrics evaluate effectiveness and efficiency of operations.

E-Business and E-Marketing Strategy

  • E-business strategy: Resource deployment to meet performance objectives and create competitive advantages.

  • E-marketing strategy: Utilizes information technology to achieve specific goals.

Levels of Business Impact and Commitment to E-Business

  1. Business transformation

    • Enhances competitive advantage and industry redefinition.

  2. E-Business Levels:

    • Pure dot-com (e.g., Amazon, Twitter)

    • Combination of online and offline business efforts

  3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Enhances effectiveness and efficiency, incorporating marketing tools (e.g., email, blogging).

Business Models

  • Businesses select one or more models to achieve enterprise goals:

    • E-Business Model: Method to sustain long-term goals using technology and outlining value propositions.

  • Examples of Activity-Level E-Business Models:

    1. Online purchasing

    2. Order processing

    3. Email communications

    4. Content publishing

    5. Business intelligence

    6. Online advertising

    7. Sales promotions

    8. Pricing strategies

    9. Social media communication

    10. Search marketing

Business Process-Level E-Business Models

  • Focus on managing customer interactions and operational efficiencies:

    • CRM

    • Knowledge Management

    • Supply Chain Management

    • Community building

    • Affiliate programs

    • Database marketing

    • ERP

    • Mass customization

    • Crowdsourcing

    • Location-based marketing

Enterprise-Level E-Business Models

  1. E-commerce: Online transactions for selling goods and services.

  2. Social commerce: Facilitates online sales via social media.

  3. Direct distribution: Manufacturers selling directly to consumers.

  4. Content sponsorship: Advertising on digital content platforms.

  5. Portal: An entry point to the internet combining various content.

Performance Metrics

  • Definition: Specific measures designed to assess effectiveness and efficiency within online/offline operations.

    • Must be measurable, easy to understand, actionable, and motivate decision-making.

Web Analytics

  • Definition: Study of user behavior on web pages.

  • Activities measured include:

    • Click-through rates from ads

    • Page views

    • Blog comments

    • Facebook likes

    • Conversions to sales

Data Collection Methods

  1. Website server logs

  2. Cookie files

  3. Page tags

  4. Geolocation data collection

The Balanced Scorecard

  • Provides a framework for analyzing e-marketing metrics.

  • Perspectives included:

    • Customer

    • Internal

    • Learning and Growth

    • Financial

Balanced Scorecard Perspectives

Customer Perspective

  • Measures customer satisfaction, engagement, and retention (e.g., return visitor percentages, cart abandonment).

Internal Perspective

  • Measures related to online service quality (e.g., customer service complaints, response times).

Learning and Growth Perspective

  • Focus on human resources and marketing processes (e.g., new service rollouts, complaint resolutions).

Financial Perspective

  • Evaluates financial goals (e.g., sales growth, average order value).

Social Media Performance Metrics

  • Measured outcomes such as unique visitors, page views, impressions, and search engine rankings.

Engagement Metrics

  • Include content view rates, tagging, sharing, and member interactions.

Action & Innovation Metrics

  • Action Metrics: Such as click-through rates, form completions, attendance, and purchases.

  • Innovation Metrics: Focus on idea sharing and trend spotting.
