A collection of interrelated activities/tasks that accomplish a particular goal is known as
A Business Process
Which of the following is the symbol for Buffers?
In _________ shops, high volumes of a standard product with low variable processing cost are produced to take advantage of economies of scale.
Continuous Flow
Using Little's Law, Flow Time = _____________
T = I / R
Which of the following is not process measure/metric?
Flow Chart
What is the difference between Flow Time and Theoretical Flow Time?
Flow Time includes wait time, but Theoretical Flow Time does not.
A bottleneck is the ____________.
Slowest resource (or resource pool) in a process
True or False. The Effective Capacity of the bottleneck becomes the effective capacity of the entire process.
The comparison among Throughput (R), Effective Capacity, and Theoretical Capacity is generally stated as _________________.
R ≤ Effective Capacity < Theoretical Capacity
A Haunted House attraction only opens during the month of October. The attraction typically has a long line. They have trained specific employees to dress up in costumes and interact with customers in line telling jokes or providing a quick scare to keep everyone smiling and laughing. This limits the number of customers that get angry due to a long wait.
Emotions Dominate
A Hair Salon has installed a computer screen that shows each customer's position in line waiting to get a haircut. They designed the screen to show customers that have an appointment and a check mark of whether or not they have checked-in (unchecked means they have yet to arrive to the salon). An appointment saves a spot in line without having to be present in the Salon. This helps customer's understand why a person that arrives after they do gets served first.
Be Fair
Build-A-Pot is a pottery store that allows customers to mold and decorate their own pottery. Upon entering the store they are greeted an sent to station #1. Each station has signs with a list of instructions informing customers of all the steps to be completed before moving on. They also have a TV that shows a demonstration that customers can follow. The instructions and demos have reduced the need for hiring experts for each station.
Eliminate Confusion
A Go Kart racing track can have a max of 8 customers racing on their track at one time and each race lasts 15 minutes. Based on data captured, on average 16 people are waiting to race. Recently, they added a 8 person race car simulator that allows 8 people to race in a virtual simulation of their exact same track. The simulation lasts 10 minutes which allows 5 minutes to brief customers on safety information before their race. Everyone else waiting can both watch actual races or virtual ones.
Keep People Occupied
In prison, solitary confinement is an additional punishment that isolates a prisoner from all other prisoners. It is said that solitary can take a heavy mental toll.
Solo Waits Feel Longer
When Pizzeria Bianco first opened in Phoenix it quickly was ranked as the best pizza in the US. Customers were willing to wait for hours to enjoy the pizza. A line would form before the restaurant opened so customers could get on the waiting list and the average customer stated they had waited 2-4 hours to eat at the restaurant.
The more valuable the service, the longer the customer will wait
A buffet in Las Vegas has 2 lines, one is labeled VIP and the other is for all other guests. During Peak times VIP customer's are taken first before the other guests. One guest at the front of the all other guests line was very disgruntled because they were passed over for a table due to 3 groups entering the VIP line. This disgruntled guest now had to wait longer while the VIP guests were seated immediately.
Unfair waits are longer
Sam boards a plane to Phoenix. The plane gets to the runway and stops. After awhile Sam starts to grow impatient because the plane hasn't taken off. The more time passes the more Sam gets anxious that something is wrong with the plane and he won't make his destination on time. More time passes and now other passengers are starting to talk. Finally, the pilot announces we are next in line to takeoff and will depart in a 3 minutes. Sam checks his watch and sees they have only been waiting 5 minutes, but to him it felt like an eternity.
Unexpected waits are longer
In a "cycle batch" processing, which of the following components is NOT directly required to compute the optimal/economical size of a batch order?
Unit Cost: C
The Total Holding Cost (of a unit of inventory), or H, consists of ________.
Physical cost & Financial cost
Event log has the
Process instance identifier, Timestamp, and Event
Process Mining is a bridge between data science and process science
The process mining category that's used to create a process model is:
The process mining category that's used to validate a process model is:
The process mining category that's used to improve a process model is:
Which of the following is not a technique for process mining?
The process mining algorithm can be the same for various types of data and process models.
As a best practice in process mining, you need to focus on improving performance and results. __________ is/are part of this best practice.
Metrics and KPI
Process mining helps to _______________ and deliver value ___________.
Prioritize, quickly
Audit becomes inefficient and time consuming with process mining.
Which of the following analytics methods answers the question of "what the best course of action might be"?
Prescriptive analytics
Which of the following analytics methods answers the question of "what might happen in the future"?
Predictive analytics
Which of the following analytics methods answers the question of "what happened in the past"?
Descriptive analytics
Which of the following is not a Business Analytics benefit?
Allowing quick, instantaneous decisions
Which of the following were not discussed as part of the "Future of Analytics"?
Data Warehousing
Manufacturing is one of the key industries where Business Process Analytics is commonly deployed.
The Apple Corp. is a major player in the field of Process Analytics software.
Which of the following is the proper definition of Business Process Analytics?
Utilizes process-related data to analyze and improve future process performance
Which of the following are considered an advantage of having business processes managed by a Business Process Management System/Software (BPMS)?
BPMS provides more efficient workflows that are also easier to analyze
BPMS enables thorough data collection/storage and easy access to data sets
BPMS offers data-driven business decisions with predictive analytics
Which of the following is the proper Business Process Analytics general workflow?
Model the 'as-is' process
Collect data about the 'as-is' process
Analyze data
Develop analytics dashboards for process metrics/KPIs
Develop an improved 'to-be' process plan