Nullification Crisis

Nullification Crisis






International Trade

Protective Tariff



Ā Alien and Sedition Acts

American Civil War

Brown v. Board of Education











Null and Void

to put an end to or do away with something

the increase in cost of goods due to declining purchasing power of money

the trade between companies or individuals located in different countries

an import tariff intended to protect domestic production of the same product

a tax imposed by a nation on goods imported from another nationĀ 

In opposition to the U.S. Constitution

lawsĀ  passed by the US Congress in 1798, restricting the activities of restricting the activities of foreign residents in the country and limiting freedom of speech and of the press, in anticipation of an expected war with france

the North American war between the Union and the Confederate States of America.

A 1954 Supreme Court decision that outlawed racial segregation in public schools.

the basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in it.

A form of government in which power is distributed between a central authority and several constituent territorial units.

to become more highly developed in manufacturing

the action of a state attempting to prevent the operation and enforcement within its territory of a law of the US.

to withdraw from an organization

Having autonomy and exercising supreme authority in a specific geographic areaĀ 

A thing regarded with disgust or hatred

The distribution of power in an organization (such as a government) between a central authority and the constituent units.

To encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another

The process of making something from raw materials by hand or by machinery, especially when carried on systematically with division of labor.

Having no force, binding power, or validity.

  • the War of 1812 and the Napoleonic Wars of Europe caused economic decline in the US.

  • Britainā€™s prices were so low that the US could not compete so the first protective tariff was passed in 1816.

  • The Tariff of 1816 benefited the North, had opposition from the South but all in all helped the US recover from the economic decline.

  • The second tariff was passed in 1828 which started the political crisis that led the USā€™s unity being threatened.

  • In 1824 the 1816 tariffā€™s tax rate was increased. This angered the South further.

  • John C. Calhoun was elected in 1824 and he was one of the most outspoken against the increase in taxes. He went on to claim it was unconstitutional.

  • Calhoun came up with a plan to make a tariff that heavily taxed imported goods that the North used with an intent to never pass it. He just wanted to turn the Northern voters against President John Quincy Adams.

  • They intended to withdraw the tariff and blame it on Adams.

  • To their surprise the tariff passed due to the support from the new western stateā€™s legislators.

  • The tariff of 1828 became known as ā€œthe Tariff of Abominationsā€. This caused high inflation in the South.

  • Ā In the election of 1828 the economic state of the South was majorly suffering and blamed the suffering on Admas so during the election Andrew Jackson easily won.

  • Calhoun wrote an anonymous pamphlet called ā€œ The South Carolina Exposition and Protestā€. A lot of Southerners agreed with him.

  • A new tariff was passed in 1832 slightly lowering the taxes.

  • Calhoun was not satisfied by what was being done so he resigned and then was quickly elected to be a US Senator the following year.

  • SC refused to enforce both tariffs.

  • Jackson threatened to send an army to the South for refusing.

  • Finally there was a compromise. Jackson signed the new tariff of 1833 and the South enforced the tariffs in exchange,

  • This led to the gradual reduction of taxes.

  • Nullification is a constitutional theory that says states can refuse to enforce laws or court decisions they think violate the constitution.

  • This theory was very controversial when it was introduced because some people believed the opposite.

  • The belief in nullification was first introduced by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

  • The first attempt to nullify was done by Kentucky. They tried to nullify the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798.Ā 

  • The second, of course, was SC trying to nullify the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832.

  • The third attempt was in 1957 when Arkansas attempted to nullify the Brown vs Board of Education.

  • Each of these times the nullification was rejected.

  • The North loved the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 because it made more people buy their products because it was cheaper.

  • The South hated these tariffs because it made importing their supplies more expensive and this damaged their economy.

  • The South felt that the federal government was favoring the North.

  • December 24th, 1832 the SC legislators voted to nullify the tariffs.

  • SC threatened to secede if the federal government tried to enforce the tariffs.

  • The North had a manufacturing economy and the South had an agricultural economy.

  • In 1830 55% of SCā€™s population was enslaved and they produced most of the stateā€™s agriculture.

  • The top products in the South were cotton, rice and tobacco.

  • When Andrew Jackson became President he got a bill passed that allowed the federal government to send troops into the South to collect the taxes of the tariffs. This was called the Force Bill.

  • Kentucky senator, Henry Clay, helped come up with a compromise.

  • The compromise was the tariff of 1833 that lowered the taxes of imported goods. SC agreed to enforce this tariff.

  • Later in 1833 SC nullified the Force Bill and this nullification crisis led to many debated between SC and the federal government.
