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Week 12

Carl Cleveland Jr - born 1918

  • childhood home was the campus of Cleveland Kiropractic college in Kansas City, MO

  • Was taught to remain motionless when there was a knock at the door to allow his parents to Pete through the window to determine if the caller might be a policeman, perhaps coming to arrest them for practicing medicine without a license

Missouri did not pass a chiropractic statute until 1927

New Jersey was successful in getting a licensing law with MDs on their board

In Massachusetts, dozens of chiropractors were arrested daily

In New York

  • Dr Lyndon E Lee waged a 50-year war to campaign for licensure

Dr William H Werner = ABC laymen’s board

Dr Lesly - Texas

Dr. Herb Reaver

  • Arrested in Ohio often

  • Wrote many books

Willis family - even children were thrown in jail for parent’s practicing chiropractic

  • happened to a lot of families

Licensing law after WWI, because many Chiropractors fought in the war and were considered hero’s now, and patients didn’t think Hero’s should be thrown in jail

Dr Rutledge organized “go to jail for chiropractic” campaign

In 1922, the people of California passed the licensing boards 2:1

1922, ACA (4th one) was organized

BJ Palmer used the Fountain Head News to keep Chiropractors up to date on the drama

1910 - Universal Chiropractic College in Davenport, IA

Physical Therapy started after WWII

By 1930, 3 dozen states had licensed DCs

Basic Science Statutes:

  • basic science legislation - Connecticut and Missouri 1st

  • Carl S Cleveland Sr.’s college was instrumental in proving basic science statutes were BS

  • These laws were in 23 American states, DC and some Canadian provinces

  • A lot of Chiropractors couldn’t pass

  • These started in 1925 after the Neurocalometer was introduced in 1924

  • They ended in 1979

During WWII, the AMA was successfully sued under the Sherman Anti-trust Act by the Kaiser Corporation

Chiropractic Institute 1944- John Nugent

The Hagens: were arrested for taking BP of patients, this was considered practicing medicine without a license

  • Beatrice B Hagen was president of Logan

Dr Malcolm Macdonald was the 1st license in Massachusetts- 1966

Dewey Andersen, DC - successor of Joh Nugent

  • published “In the Public Interest”

AMA strategies to stop Chiros:

  • prevented confession approval of reimbursement

  • Had an “ethical” boycott against chiropractic

  • Successfully blocked Chiro. Inclusion in Medicare in 1968

Dr Wardwell:

  • Sociological study of Chiropractic

Louisiana federal accreditation in 1974 - Last state

Kansas federal accreditation in 1913 - first state

By 1963, AMA was losing its long battle to prevent Chiropractic licensing

  • The committee on Quackery made a report (PX 464)

    • Boycotted DCs

    • Keep DCs out of hospitals

Chiros were included in Medicare 1973

The Iowa Plan 1962

  • Iowa Medical Society goal of eradicating chiropractors

1966- AMA said Chiropractic was an “Unscientific Cult”

  • medical professionals could not refer patients to, or even associate with, Chiropractors

  • DCs couldn’t get any research published even if an MD was a co-author

    • This allowed the AMA to say there was no evidence that Chiropractic helped or was safe

Committee on Quackery was disbanded in 1974

George McAndrews led the Wilk- Anti-trust lawsuit against the AMA

  • his dad and brother were Chiropractors

  • Judge Susan Getzendanner agreed with Chiropractors in 1987

    • AMA had to settle and pay $15-$20 million

    • also had to publish all of this in its journal

Week 12

Carl Cleveland Jr - born 1918

  • childhood home was the campus of Cleveland Kiropractic college in Kansas City, MO

  • Was taught to remain motionless when there was a knock at the door to allow his parents to Pete through the window to determine if the caller might be a policeman, perhaps coming to arrest them for practicing medicine without a license

Missouri did not pass a chiropractic statute until 1927

New Jersey was successful in getting a licensing law with MDs on their board

In Massachusetts, dozens of chiropractors were arrested daily

In New York

  • Dr Lyndon E Lee waged a 50-year war to campaign for licensure

Dr William H Werner = ABC laymen’s board

Dr Lesly - Texas

Dr. Herb Reaver

  • Arrested in Ohio often

  • Wrote many books

Willis family - even children were thrown in jail for parent’s practicing chiropractic

  • happened to a lot of families

Licensing law after WWI, because many Chiropractors fought in the war and were considered hero’s now, and patients didn’t think Hero’s should be thrown in jail

Dr Rutledge organized “go to jail for chiropractic” campaign

In 1922, the people of California passed the licensing boards 2:1

1922, ACA (4th one) was organized

BJ Palmer used the Fountain Head News to keep Chiropractors up to date on the drama

1910 - Universal Chiropractic College in Davenport, IA

Physical Therapy started after WWII

By 1930, 3 dozen states had licensed DCs

Basic Science Statutes:

  • basic science legislation - Connecticut and Missouri 1st

  • Carl S Cleveland Sr.’s college was instrumental in proving basic science statutes were BS

  • These laws were in 23 American states, DC and some Canadian provinces

  • A lot of Chiropractors couldn’t pass

  • These started in 1925 after the Neurocalometer was introduced in 1924

  • They ended in 1979

During WWII, the AMA was successfully sued under the Sherman Anti-trust Act by the Kaiser Corporation

Chiropractic Institute 1944- John Nugent

The Hagens: were arrested for taking BP of patients, this was considered practicing medicine without a license

  • Beatrice B Hagen was president of Logan

Dr Malcolm Macdonald was the 1st license in Massachusetts- 1966

Dewey Andersen, DC - successor of Joh Nugent

  • published “In the Public Interest”

AMA strategies to stop Chiros:

  • prevented confession approval of reimbursement

  • Had an “ethical” boycott against chiropractic

  • Successfully blocked Chiro. Inclusion in Medicare in 1968

Dr Wardwell:

  • Sociological study of Chiropractic

Louisiana federal accreditation in 1974 - Last state

Kansas federal accreditation in 1913 - first state

By 1963, AMA was losing its long battle to prevent Chiropractic licensing

  • The committee on Quackery made a report (PX 464)

    • Boycotted DCs

    • Keep DCs out of hospitals

Chiros were included in Medicare 1973

The Iowa Plan 1962

  • Iowa Medical Society goal of eradicating chiropractors

1966- AMA said Chiropractic was an “Unscientific Cult”

  • medical professionals could not refer patients to, or even associate with, Chiropractors

  • DCs couldn’t get any research published even if an MD was a co-author

    • This allowed the AMA to say there was no evidence that Chiropractic helped or was safe

Committee on Quackery was disbanded in 1974

George McAndrews led the Wilk- Anti-trust lawsuit against the AMA

  • his dad and brother were Chiropractors

  • Judge Susan Getzendanner agreed with Chiropractors in 1987

    • AMA had to settle and pay $15-$20 million

    • also had to publish all of this in its journal