Unit 7A: Personality

free association* (psychoanalytic): When patients say the first thing that comes to their mind without a filter.            

psychoanalysis: Concept that unconscious motivations and conflicts effect personality

unconscious*  (psychoanalytic): Where unaccepted thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories are stored.                   

id* (psychoanalytic): Part of your unconscious personality, seeks immediate gratification through pleasure.                                    

ego* (psychoanalytic): Conscious personality, mediates conflicts between superego and the id. Operates on reality principle.

Reality Principle: Satisfies the id’s desires in realistic ways.

superego* (psychoanalytic): Pushes you towards perfection, focuses on morals, develops around 4 or 5.                          

oedipus complex* (psychoanalytic): Boys having sexual feelings for their mother and hatred towards their father.                      

identification*   (psychoanalytic): Process that children add their parents’ values to their superegos                       

fixation*   (psychoanalytic): When one is fixated on the pleasure from an earlier psycho sexual stage that war overindulges or deprived.

defense mechanism*  (psychoanalytic): How the ego defends itself against anxiety.           

repression*  (psychoanalytic): Trauma is forgotten/repressed.

reaction formation*  (psychoanalytic): True feelings are switched to their opposites (I always hated my ex that I was in love with)

projection*   (psychoanalytic): When one accuses others of desires that only they have (gay senator making anti-gay laws)

displacement*    (psychoanalytic): Redirecting anger to safer outlets (punching your pillow)  

sublimation*   (psychoanalytic): When unacceptable impulses are channeled into socially approved activities (violence impulse—> football)

rationalization*  (psychoanalytic): Offering more acceptable explanations for a bad action rather than the true reason. (I pirate movies bc companies shouldn’t be making that much money)    

regression*  (psychoanalytic): When one returns to a pyschosexual stage to cope (drinking when stressed)                 

Thematic Apperception Test*  (psychoanalytic): When inner feelings are expressed through one’s interpretation of a picture.          

Rorschach inkblot test* (psychoanalytic): Identifies inner feelings through images that one sees from an inkblot.              

Big 5 Personality* (Trait): OCEAN

Openness* (Trait): Creativity and willingness to try new things

Conscientiousness*, (Trait): Discipline

Extraversion*, (Trait): Whether you like meeting new people + if you’re assertive

Agreeableness*, (Trait): Open-mindedness and tendency to be liked.

Neuroticism* (pg. 580-581 and in notes)*(Trait): Emotional stability.

unconditional positive regard* (Humanistic):

Self-actualizing tendency* (Humanistic)

real self vs. Ideal self* (Humanstic)     

external locus of control*  (Social cognitive)             

internal locus of control*  (social cognitive)              

learned helplessness*   (social cognitive)        

Self-concept*    (social cognitive)                           

reciprocal determinism*  (social cognitive)            

Self-serving bias                           

social cognitive perspective
