Federal emergency relief administration (relief)
supported nearly 5 mil households each month and funded thousands of work projects for the unemployed. provided vaccinations and literary classes for millions of poor ppl.
civilian conservation corporation (relief)
took unmarried men (18-25) from relief rolls and sent them into the woods and fields to work conservation projects (like planting trees, build parks, roads etc.)
civil works administration (relief)
employed 4 mil. ppl in useful construction jobs such as repairing schools, laying sewer pipes, and building toads. some jobs however were criticized as useless (like leaf raking)
public works administration (relief/recovery)
construction projects including public buildings, highways, bridges (e.g. san franciscos golden gate bridge), and dams for water and power
works progress administration (relief)
built thousands of roads, bridges, schools, post office and other public construction projects. thousands of unemployed writers, musicians, artists, actors and photographers temporarily went on the federal payroll, producing public projects ranging from murals to national park guidebooks
national youth administration (relief)
jobs for young people including job training and part time obs for needy students
federal deposit insurance administration (reform)
insure bank customers against the loss of up to $5000 of their deposits if their bank should fail. glass-steagall banking reform act of 1933
national recovery administration (recovery)
promote economic recovery by ending wage and price deflation and restoring competition by setting fair business codes and quotas
securities and exchange commission (reform)
federal "watchdog" administrative agency to protect public and private investors from stock market fraud, deception and insider manipulation on wall street
agricultural adjustment act (recovery)
paid farmers to burn crops, not plant more crops, and kill livestock in order to reduce surpluses (which had been caused by overproduction) so that prices would rise
tennessee valley authority (reform)
built 20 dams to control flooding, generate hydroelectric power, increase agricultural production, and revitalize the region
rural electrification administration (reform)
low cost loans to farm cooperatives to bring power into their rural communities
farm security administration (relief)
set up temporary housing for "okies" and "arkies"
federal housing administration (recovery)
small loans for home construction and repair
home owners loan corporation
loaned money at low interest to homeowners who could not meet mortgage payments
national labor relations act (reform)
(wagner act) protect the rights of organized labor to organize and collectively bargain with employers=finally get the right to be recognized
fair labor standards act (reform)
set minimum wage (25 cents an hour) and maximum hour standards (40 hour work week). it also severely curbed child labor
indian reorganization act (reform)
(dawes act of 1887) stop the loss of indian lands and encourage native american tribes to establish local self govt and to preserve their native crafts and traditions
social security administration (reform)
national pension fund for retired persons