1. Foundling: n. a small child found abandoned
2. Canny: adj. skilled; expert
3. Boon: n. something to be thankful for
4. Flail: v. to wave or swing vigorously
5. Outlandish: adj. freakishly or grotesquely strange or odd in appearance
6. Accoutrement: n. an accessory or piece of equipment
7. Stint: v. to limit to a certain amount
8. Mere: n. A lake or a pond
9. Virulent: adj. intensely bitter, spiteful, or malicious
10. Bane: n. a person or thing that ruins or spoils
11. Gumption: n. common sense; shrewdness
12. Interloper: n. one who intrudes, trespasses, or interferes
13. Filigree: n. A delicate ornamental work of fine silver, gold, or metal wires
14. Gainsay: v. to deny, dispute, or contradict
15. Scourge: n. A person who administers punishment or inspires fear
16. Effulgent: adj. Shining brilliantly; radiant
17. Fortify: v. To strengthen or secure
18. Barrow: n. A hill or mound generally used as a tomb
19. Infringement: n. A violation, as of a law, regulation, or agreement a breach
20. Torque: n. A collar or necklace consisting of a twisted narrow band
21. Rebuke: v. To express sharp, stern disapproval of
22. Heirloom: n. Family possession handed down from generation to generation
23. Wassail: n. A noisy celebration with drinking
24. Pyre: n. A pile of wood for burning a dead body
25. Languish: v. To become weak or feeble
26. Foment: v. To instigate or promote the growth or development of
27. Heath: n. A wasteland overgrown with shrubs
28. Spurn: v. To reject disdainfully or contemptuously; to scorn
29. Baleful: adj. Full of menacing influences; evil
30. Hale: adj. Free from disease or infirmity; healthy