Final Exam Review
Listed below are a review of major topics of study for each of the four units this trimester
Unit One
Declaration of Independence
FRED J values
Other voices challenging the meaning of FRED J(Abigail Adams, David Walker)
Causes of the American Revolution
Shays’ Rebellion
Constitutional Convention and Compromise (Great, ⅗)
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson’s views and philosophies
Alexander Hamilton views and philosophies
Election of 1800
Andrew Jackson’s domestic affairs - King or Common Man
Indian Removal Act and Trail of Tears
Westward expansion and Manifest destiny
Reform movements for women, African American and Native American rights
Know-Nothing Party
Waves of Immigration
Unit Two
Active vs passive resistance
Frederick Douglas - What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?
Abolitionist Movement
Founding Documents on Slavery
Missouri Compromise (1820)
Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slave Law
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Popular sovereignty, Bleeding Kansas
Dred Scott Case
John Brown - Fanatic or Freedom Fighter
Northern vs Southern advantages in the war
Battle of Gettysburg and Gettysburg Address
Field Order 15/Forty Acres and a Mule
13th, 14th and 15th amendments
Black Codes
Freedmen’s Bureau
Presidential vs Congressional Reconstruction
Andrew Johnson and his Reconstruction plan
Thaddeus Stevens and Radical Republicans
Interracial Democracy during Reconstruction
The South under Congressional Reconstruction
Why does Reconstruction End?
Supreme Court and the End of Reconstruction
Compromise of 1877
Unit Three
Protestant Work Ethic
Horatio Alger and Rags to Riches
Captains/Titans of Industry vs Robber Baron?
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory workers
Background on Labor Unions
Homestead - Pullman Strikes
Farming/Parallels to the workers
Inflation vs Deflation
Upton Sinclair-The Jungle
Laissez Faire
Progressivism (Who were the progressives and problem/solutions)
Mobilizing for Reform (GrassRoots Progressivism and Social Gospel Movement)
Environmentalism (John Muir, National Parks and health/sanitation improvements
Trusts (Sherman and Clayton Act)
Women’s Movement (Temperance, Suffrage, Settlement Houses)
Entry to World War 1 (M.A.I.N causes and U.S. reasons for entry)
Propaganda, George Creel and CPI
Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points, League of Nations and a Flawed Peace
Women’s Suffrage and the 19th Amendment
Sacco and Vanzetti
Unit Four
Harding - Coolidge - Hoover approach to government
The Business of America - in practice and in popular culture
Development of a consumer society and culture
Buying on Credit
Taylorism and Scientific Management
Welfare Capitalism and Ford Five Dollar Day
Effect of the Automobile on American economy and society
Charlie Chaplin and Modern Times
Advertising in the 1920s - Creating Incentives
Clash of Cultures - Old vs New - Modern vs Traditional - Rural vs Urban
Prohibition - Immigration Restriction/Klan - New Women - Scopes Trial as a clash of cultures
Push and Pull Factors of Great Migration
Harlem Renaissance and the African American experience in 1920s America
Modern Women - Rise of the Flapper and reactions for and against