Dr. Tiara Moore
Environmental scientist at The Nature Conservancy
Research focuses on:
Environmental conservation
Field ecology
Eutrophication and acidification
Nutrient cycling in marine sediments using environmental DNA (eDNA)
Focus on increasing diversity in science
Programs supporting minority women
Founder of:
A WOC SPACE: Workshops, personal training, and outreach
#BlackinMarineScience: Amplifying Black voices in marine science
General overview of course expectations, lab safety, and design
Arrive on time to class
Notify instructor of absences promptly via email: mtorabi@iu.edu
Review syllabus, lab schedule, and announcements before class
Engage with materials ahead of time (reading/watching)
Maintain patience and respect in interactions
Strive for excellence in all activities
Begin classes on time and open doors early
Announce upcoming week details by Friday
Respond to emails promptly during office hours (9:30 AM – 5:30 PM, Mon-Fri)
Return graded assignments within 1-2 weeks post due date
Practice patience and respect
Mandatory Safety Gear:
Eye protection
Closed-toe shoes
Long pants
Clean area upon entering/leaving lab
Organism Disposal:
Live organisms returned to labeled containers
Dead organisms disposed of in fume hood in labeled beakers
Lab Exams (Total: 140 pts):
Exam 1: 50 pts
Exam 2: 40 pts
Exam 3: 50 pts
2 pts per class (excluding exam days), max 20 pts
Assignments (Total: 45 pts):
Environmental Ecology: 10 pts
iWorx Reflexes: 5 pts
Special Senses: 10 pts
Immunology: 5 pts
iWorx Grip Strength: 5 pts
iWorx Circulation: 5 pts
iWorx Respiration: 5 pts
Safety Goggles:
Standard chemistry goggles acceptable
Photographic Zoology Lab Atlas (available on TopHat)
Office Software:
Microsoft or Google Office
Introduction to ecological topics to be covered during the course
Interactions between populations of organisms and their environment
Atmospheric conditions:
Land ice
Sulfate aerosols
Cloud fractions
Evaporative demand
Species Interactions:
Distributions, migrations, and phenology
Biodiversity hotspots and ecosystem hydrology
Biogeochemical cycles and energy flows
Pyramid of Energy:
Primary Producers (Plants, Algae, Cyanobacteria)
Primary Consumers (Herbivores)
Secondary Consumers (Carnivores)
Tertiary Consumers (Top Carnivores)
Energy Transfer Efficiency:
Approximately 10% energy transfer between trophic levels
Great Pacific Garbage Patch Size:
Covers approximately 1.6 million km²
Size equivalents: Twice Texas or Three times France
Impact on Marine Life:
Annual impact on 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals
Carbon Sequestration Projects:
Example: Net Zero Teesside undersea carbon capture
Alternative Feeding for Cows:
Seaweed to reduce methane emissions
Technological Innovations:
Remote working, improved data center use, and energy efficiency for households
Predatory Behavior:
Hunting instincts (e.g., cats stalking mice)
Maternal Care:
Nursing behaviors and care by mother dogs
Building Lore:
Construction of nests by birds and wasps
Thermoregulatory Behavior:
Lizards sunning themselves for body temperature regulation
Escape Responses:
Prey behavior in response to predators (e.g., rabbits and foxes)
Innate Behaviors:
Kineses, Taxes (phototaxis, rheotaxis, chemotaxis, gravitaxis)
Learned Behaviors:
Fixed action patterns
Analyze behaviors of five species:
Lion, Meerkat, Tiger, Orangutan, Hippopotamus
Tasks include interpreting observed behaviors and predicting climate change impacts on species.
Complete assignment by January 17th, 11:59 PM, via Canvas.