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APWH Unit 8.1-8.3

Cold War and Decolonization 

Cold War: Climate of hostility between two countries maintained via treaties, propaganda, arms race rather than open warfare

  • WW2 Ended and US,UK, Russia help meetings on how to move forward

  - Yalta Conference

  - Potsdam Conference

  • Cold War between Soviet Union and United States 

  • Decolonization: empires broken up and former colonies gained independence 


8.1 Setting the Stage for the Cold War and Decolonization 

  • (1994) Yalta Conference 

  • Roosevelt pushed for free elections in Eastern Europe

  • Stalin wanted Eastern Europe under Soviet influence to keep them as a buffer between Soviet Union the West

  • Roosevelt understood there was little he could do to convince Stalin to hold free elections, other than pursuing another war, but Stalin at least gave vague assurance they would have free elections

  • (July 1945) Potsdam Conference 

  • Roosevelt died, Truman also insisted on free Eastern european elections, but Stalin’s troops already occupied much of Eastern Europe and he refused 

  • Deepened the split between US and Soviet Union, two largest superpowers after WW2

  • Russians surprised by US creation of the a-bomb, displeased US hadn’t told its allies 

  • A- bomb began setting the stage for the Cold War

US Vs Russia 

  • no fighting took place in the US (aside from Pearl Harbor), so mailand industry and infrastructure untouched by war

  • US offer $12 billion in aid to European rebuilding (The Marshall Plan) 

  • Russia lost 15-20 million people and damaged by Nazis, but Russia a large country, large population remained 

  • Stalin building industrial sector for years 


  • Empire building and colonialism peaked at the start of WW1 

  • Post WW1 President Wison supported self-determination (allowing colonized nations right to choose own government)

  • Self-determination was never granted, but colonists stull fought for parent countries in WW2 

  •  Post WW2 patent countries financially drained and burying their soldiers, not in a position to repress rebellions in the colonies 

  • Colonies received support from the US and Soviet Union for decolonization 


The United States and Soviet Union had different Economic and Governmental Systems 


Soviet Union


Capitalists: private ownership individuals make their own economic decisions in their own self interests to make a profit 

Communists: Govt ownership, goods distributed to people equally 


Democracy w Free and fair elections

Authoritarian w single political party

United States structured Western Europe in it’s likeness by supporting them w/ Marshall Plan 

  • George Kennan defined containment: since it was difficult to remove communism, best to contain it, and the Marshall Plan was one of his policy ideas 

  • Funding from the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe, was ultimately prevent a weak Europe from succumbing to communism

  • President Truman implemented Truman Doctrine: promised military aid to country threatened by spread d communism (Greece and Turkey)

Soviet Union took the Soviet Bloc countries: Bulgaria, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and others

  • Talin implemented 5 Year Plans to collectivize agriculture and grow industry 

  • Parties other than communism illegal 

  • Stalin made Soviet Bloc countries serve russia rather than their own economies

Arms Race: Stalin envious of a US a-bomb (1 mile radius) and hurried to create his own 

  • (1945) Hiroshima -> (1947) Soviet created their own bigger and more destructive bomb 

  • (1950) US and Soviets created hydrogen bomb, 1000x more powerful, 5-10 mile radius 

  • (1959) Soviets developed intercontinental ballistic missile that could reach the US 

  • Didn’t fire at each other, since it would result in mutual destruction 

Space Race

  • (1957) Soviets launched Sputnik: first satellite

  • (1958) Soviet launched satellite 

  • (April 1961) Soviets sent 1st man to space (Yuri Gagarin)

  • (May 1961) Americans sent 2nd man to space (Alan Shepard)

  • (1969) Americans landed manned capsule on the moon (Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin)

Non-Aligned Movement: new Asian and African nations free of colonial rule wanted nothing to do w/ tension between the superpowers

  • Movement’s Goal: represent interest of developing nations, led by:

  - Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana: won independence from Great Britain and created Organization of African Unity

  - Sukarno: first president of Indonesia (1945) who organized bandung conference (1955) which established the Non-Aligned movement 

8.3 Effects of the Cold War

The Cold War did not involve direct conflict, but instead new military alliances, proxy wars, and building nuclear arsenals 

Military Alliances

  • The Soviet Bloc: Soviet Union occupied Eastern Europe and installed communist gov’ts to serve the Soviet Union 

  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (1949): Western European countries anxious w/ Soviet Bloc, formed their own alliance against soviets

  - US, Great Britain, France, Canada, Belgium, Norway, Luxembourg, Denmark,

    Portugal, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands

  • Warsaw Pact (1955): Soviets created their own alliance in response 

  - Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Albania,


Proxy war: indirect fighting where one various conflicts represents the actual tension between US and Russia 

Korean War: After WW2, North Korea occupied by Soviets, south Korea by US and allies 

  • 1950 North Korean attempts to conquer South Korea, so allies (mostly the US) sent troops to South Korean;s aid, Russian’s sent weapons to North Korea's aid

  •  NATO forces pushed North Koreans up to the Chinese board, China thus sent their own troops and North Koreans pushed back down to 38th parallel. 

  • 1953 stalemate, 3 million dead 

Angola Civil War (1975)

  • Portuguese colony in West Africa had combined rival groups in Africa

  • But when Portuguese relinquished their colony in West Africa (Angola) it fell part into civil war, w/ the US supporting one faction and Russia supporting two other factions 

Contra War in Nicaragua 

  • Sandinista National Liberation Front (self-claimed socialists) seized power (1979) US anxious w/ socialists to their continent, so 2 years later, US backed a group of contras (US funded rebel groups) in an attempt to overthrow Sandinistas, Russia supported Sandinistas. 

  • Sandinista committed many human rights violations -> ceasefire -> sandinistas ….

Cuban Missile Crisis (1962): US had placed nukes in Turkey boarding Soviet Union, so Soviet Union retaliated w/ sending nukes to Cuba, especially after US failed attempt to oust Cuban communist leader Fidel Castro 

  • Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchevsent nukes to Cuba, they were now in US backyard

  • President Kennedy ordered naval blockade to prevent nukes from reaching Cuba, w/ US ships surrounding Cuba, Cuba could see this as a declaration of war

  • 13 tense days people world wide feared nuclear war

  • 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: nuclear powers had to prevent non-nuclear nations from developing nukes

The Cold War was concerned about the spread Communism versus Capitalism


  • 1927 Chinese communists vs chinese nationalists fought over who’d control China 

  • 1931 Japanese invaded Northern china so by 1935 nationalists and communists united briefly 

  • By the time WW2 ended, Communists had won and had a Communist Revolution 

  • Chairman Mao in Tiananmen Square1949 and declared funding of the People’s Republic of China 

  • The Great Leap Forward: Chairman Mao nationalized industry and agriculture (took it from private ownership) and redivided it among peasants, who were required to work the land 

  • Chairman Mao established reeducation camps for those who rebelled, if you failed to be brainwashed into supporting Mao’s policies you’d be killed

  • Farm harvest failed, but Mao didn’t want to admit his program a failure so continued exporting the little grain they did grow, so 15-55 million starved to death (6-11 million died in Hitler’s Holocaust ) 

Land Reform


  • During WW2 Iran remained neutral, but the shah, Rezas Shah, stated he supported Hitler

  • So Britain and Russia invaded Iran and set up their own shah sympathetic to the west 

  • (1951) Iranian nationalists overthrew the shah and established their own prime minister in 1953, so Britain and Russia again overthrew the prime minister and replaced him AGAIN with someone they liked: Muhammad Reza Pahlavi

  • Muhammad Reza Pahlavi: could be a harsh authoritarian, but did dd some good policies, such as women’s suffrage and social welfare, and lead the White Revolution: Pahlavi forcibly brought land from the wealthy and resold to peasants as a fraction of the cost, which helped some but ignored others.


APWH Unit 8.1-8.3

Cold War and Decolonization 

Cold War: Climate of hostility between two countries maintained via treaties, propaganda, arms race rather than open warfare

  • WW2 Ended and US,UK, Russia help meetings on how to move forward

  - Yalta Conference

  - Potsdam Conference

  • Cold War between Soviet Union and United States 

  • Decolonization: empires broken up and former colonies gained independence 


8.1 Setting the Stage for the Cold War and Decolonization 

  • (1994) Yalta Conference 

  • Roosevelt pushed for free elections in Eastern Europe

  • Stalin wanted Eastern Europe under Soviet influence to keep them as a buffer between Soviet Union the West

  • Roosevelt understood there was little he could do to convince Stalin to hold free elections, other than pursuing another war, but Stalin at least gave vague assurance they would have free elections

  • (July 1945) Potsdam Conference 

  • Roosevelt died, Truman also insisted on free Eastern european elections, but Stalin’s troops already occupied much of Eastern Europe and he refused 

  • Deepened the split between US and Soviet Union, two largest superpowers after WW2

  • Russians surprised by US creation of the a-bomb, displeased US hadn’t told its allies 

  • A- bomb began setting the stage for the Cold War

US Vs Russia 

  • no fighting took place in the US (aside from Pearl Harbor), so mailand industry and infrastructure untouched by war

  • US offer $12 billion in aid to European rebuilding (The Marshall Plan) 

  • Russia lost 15-20 million people and damaged by Nazis, but Russia a large country, large population remained 

  • Stalin building industrial sector for years 


  • Empire building and colonialism peaked at the start of WW1 

  • Post WW1 President Wison supported self-determination (allowing colonized nations right to choose own government)

  • Self-determination was never granted, but colonists stull fought for parent countries in WW2 

  •  Post WW2 patent countries financially drained and burying their soldiers, not in a position to repress rebellions in the colonies 

  • Colonies received support from the US and Soviet Union for decolonization 


The United States and Soviet Union had different Economic and Governmental Systems 


Soviet Union


Capitalists: private ownership individuals make their own economic decisions in their own self interests to make a profit 

Communists: Govt ownership, goods distributed to people equally 


Democracy w Free and fair elections

Authoritarian w single political party

United States structured Western Europe in it’s likeness by supporting them w/ Marshall Plan 

  • George Kennan defined containment: since it was difficult to remove communism, best to contain it, and the Marshall Plan was one of his policy ideas 

  • Funding from the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe, was ultimately prevent a weak Europe from succumbing to communism

  • President Truman implemented Truman Doctrine: promised military aid to country threatened by spread d communism (Greece and Turkey)

Soviet Union took the Soviet Bloc countries: Bulgaria, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and others

  • Talin implemented 5 Year Plans to collectivize agriculture and grow industry 

  • Parties other than communism illegal 

  • Stalin made Soviet Bloc countries serve russia rather than their own economies

Arms Race: Stalin envious of a US a-bomb (1 mile radius) and hurried to create his own 

  • (1945) Hiroshima -> (1947) Soviet created their own bigger and more destructive bomb 

  • (1950) US and Soviets created hydrogen bomb, 1000x more powerful, 5-10 mile radius 

  • (1959) Soviets developed intercontinental ballistic missile that could reach the US 

  • Didn’t fire at each other, since it would result in mutual destruction 

Space Race

  • (1957) Soviets launched Sputnik: first satellite

  • (1958) Soviet launched satellite 

  • (April 1961) Soviets sent 1st man to space (Yuri Gagarin)

  • (May 1961) Americans sent 2nd man to space (Alan Shepard)

  • (1969) Americans landed manned capsule on the moon (Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin)

Non-Aligned Movement: new Asian and African nations free of colonial rule wanted nothing to do w/ tension between the superpowers

  • Movement’s Goal: represent interest of developing nations, led by:

  - Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana: won independence from Great Britain and created Organization of African Unity

  - Sukarno: first president of Indonesia (1945) who organized bandung conference (1955) which established the Non-Aligned movement 

8.3 Effects of the Cold War

The Cold War did not involve direct conflict, but instead new military alliances, proxy wars, and building nuclear arsenals 

Military Alliances

  • The Soviet Bloc: Soviet Union occupied Eastern Europe and installed communist gov’ts to serve the Soviet Union 

  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (1949): Western European countries anxious w/ Soviet Bloc, formed their own alliance against soviets

  - US, Great Britain, France, Canada, Belgium, Norway, Luxembourg, Denmark,

    Portugal, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands

  • Warsaw Pact (1955): Soviets created their own alliance in response 

  - Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Albania,


Proxy war: indirect fighting where one various conflicts represents the actual tension between US and Russia 

Korean War: After WW2, North Korea occupied by Soviets, south Korea by US and allies 

  • 1950 North Korean attempts to conquer South Korea, so allies (mostly the US) sent troops to South Korean;s aid, Russian’s sent weapons to North Korea's aid

  •  NATO forces pushed North Koreans up to the Chinese board, China thus sent their own troops and North Koreans pushed back down to 38th parallel. 

  • 1953 stalemate, 3 million dead 

Angola Civil War (1975)

  • Portuguese colony in West Africa had combined rival groups in Africa

  • But when Portuguese relinquished their colony in West Africa (Angola) it fell part into civil war, w/ the US supporting one faction and Russia supporting two other factions 

Contra War in Nicaragua 

  • Sandinista National Liberation Front (self-claimed socialists) seized power (1979) US anxious w/ socialists to their continent, so 2 years later, US backed a group of contras (US funded rebel groups) in an attempt to overthrow Sandinistas, Russia supported Sandinistas. 

  • Sandinista committed many human rights violations -> ceasefire -> sandinistas ….

Cuban Missile Crisis (1962): US had placed nukes in Turkey boarding Soviet Union, so Soviet Union retaliated w/ sending nukes to Cuba, especially after US failed attempt to oust Cuban communist leader Fidel Castro 

  • Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchevsent nukes to Cuba, they were now in US backyard

  • President Kennedy ordered naval blockade to prevent nukes from reaching Cuba, w/ US ships surrounding Cuba, Cuba could see this as a declaration of war

  • 13 tense days people world wide feared nuclear war

  • 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: nuclear powers had to prevent non-nuclear nations from developing nukes

The Cold War was concerned about the spread Communism versus Capitalism


  • 1927 Chinese communists vs chinese nationalists fought over who’d control China 

  • 1931 Japanese invaded Northern china so by 1935 nationalists and communists united briefly 

  • By the time WW2 ended, Communists had won and had a Communist Revolution 

  • Chairman Mao in Tiananmen Square1949 and declared funding of the People’s Republic of China 

  • The Great Leap Forward: Chairman Mao nationalized industry and agriculture (took it from private ownership) and redivided it among peasants, who were required to work the land 

  • Chairman Mao established reeducation camps for those who rebelled, if you failed to be brainwashed into supporting Mao’s policies you’d be killed

  • Farm harvest failed, but Mao didn’t want to admit his program a failure so continued exporting the little grain they did grow, so 15-55 million starved to death (6-11 million died in Hitler’s Holocaust ) 

Land Reform


  • During WW2 Iran remained neutral, but the shah, Rezas Shah, stated he supported Hitler

  • So Britain and Russia invaded Iran and set up their own shah sympathetic to the west 

  • (1951) Iranian nationalists overthrew the shah and established their own prime minister in 1953, so Britain and Russia again overthrew the prime minister and replaced him AGAIN with someone they liked: Muhammad Reza Pahlavi

  • Muhammad Reza Pahlavi: could be a harsh authoritarian, but did dd some good policies, such as women’s suffrage and social welfare, and lead the White Revolution: Pahlavi forcibly brought land from the wealthy and resold to peasants as a fraction of the cost, which helped some but ignored others.