Definition: Activities aimed at effectively executing a program, which can take significant time (e.g., ACA).
Key Roles in Implementation:
Doers: Street-level bureaucrats (e.g., case workers, teachers, police).
Managers: Direct policy implementation and coordinate efforts.
Fixers: Resolve tensions between managers and doers.
Red Tape
Definition: Burdensome administrative rules; clarity on not all rules are red tape.
Examples: Certain legal requirements in France highlight how excessive documentation can hinder processes.
Key Question: Assess the effectiveness and necessity of rules to identify red tape.
Implementation Factors
Source of Policy: Responsible parties influence implementation (e.g., presidential directives).
Clarity: Clear policy intent is essential for successful enactment.
Support: Strong support correlates with higher success rates.
Complexity: Coordination required among agencies can lead to deviations from initial policy goals.
Incentives: Aligning incentives for administrators is crucial for motivation.
Resource Allocation: Availability of resources directly impacts policy success; refer to historical examples like Executive Orders.
Policy Coordination
Horizontal Coordination: Involves multiple agencies at the same government level (e.g., DACA example).
Vertical Coordination: Involves hierarchical relationships between levels of government (e.g., No Child Left Behind).
Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Policy Making
Top-Down: Focus on policy maker predictions on implementation outcomes.
Bottom-Up: Focuses on behavior change at the street level.
Examples: California fuel standards (top-down) vs. encouraging sustainable transport choices (bottom-up).
Encouraging Successful Implementation
Design Levers: Mechanisms established during formulation.
Operating System Levers: Guidelines for implementation.
Organizational Levers: Agency structure impacts.
Political Levers: Requires strong personal relationships to promote policies.
Summary of Key Concepts
Understand policy implementation, key roles—doers, managers, fixers—and the factors influencing implementation, including red tape, clarity of policy, support, complexity, incentives, and resource allocation.
Upcoming Topics
Week 7 Focus: Policy Analysis and Evaluation; preparation for tools for policy analysis.