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Other AP German Language and Culture unit study guides
Unit 1: Families in Different Societies
Unit 2: The Influence of Language and Culture on Identity
Unit 3: Influences of Beauty and Art
Unit 4: How Science and Technology Affect Our Lives
Unit 5: Factors That Impact the Quality of Life
Unit 6: Environmental, Political, and Societal Challenges
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AP German Language and Culture
Wohnung Quizlet
die Lage - location
herkommen - come here
hingehen - to go to
die Ausgrenzung - social exclusion
die Ausweglosigkeit - hopelessness
obdachlos - homeless
die Unabhängigkeit - independence
Umgebung - surroundings
ausstatten mit - to equip with
bewegend - moving, touching
umbauen - to convert
beweisen - to demonstrate/prove
eindeutig - clear
fleißig - diligent
die Ursache - the cause
Stelle - position
besorgen - to take care of
bezahlen - to pay for
entscheiden - to decide
umgezogen - moved
bequem - comfortable
in der Nähe - nearby
Angebot - offering
Sozialamt - benefits office
die Gesellschaft - society, company
Unterstützung - support
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Other AP German Language and Culture unit study guides
Unit 1: Families in Different Societies
Unit 2: The Influence of Language and Culture on Identity
Unit 3: Influences of Beauty and Art
Unit 4: How Science and Technology Affect Our Lives
Unit 5: Factors That Impact the Quality of Life
Unit 6: Environmental, Political, and Societal Challenges
Studying for another AP Exam?
Check out our other AP study guides
AP German Language and Culture
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AP English Language and Composition
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AP Biology
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AP United States History
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