Focus on the rise of Cash Payment in the context of Industry 4.0 and financial technology.
The integration of technology in payment systems facilitated the emergence of cash and digital transactions.
Investigate factors influencing cash payment usage in Yogyakarta, focusing on Super Indo supermarket.
Utilizes a quantitative approach through a questionnaire, sampling 100 individuals aged 17 and older.
Payment systems have evolved due to technological innovations, but cash payments remain prevalent.
Cash is perceived as safer and serves critical economic functions like medium of exchange and store of value.
The study identifies four main factors influencing cash payment usage:
Manageable: Refers to cash's control over expenditures, which appears insignificant in influencing cash usage.
Flexibility: While flexibility is desired, it does not significantly impact cash usage, as cash payments are universally accepted.
Transaction Volume: A significant factor; higher transaction volumes lead to increased cash payment preferences.
Charge for Non-Cash Payment: Additional fees influence consumers to choose cash payments to avoid transaction costs.
Majority of respondents still prefer cash for daily transactions, despite advancements in digital payments.
Positive correlation between transaction volume and cash usage indicates practicality and ease in daily shopping.
Charge for non-cash payments drives users towards cash to mitigate additional costs.
Overall, despite efforts to promote digital payments, cash remains a preferred payment method in Yogyakarta.