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Module 56: the biomedical therapies and preventing psychological disorders

Biomedical therapy

Prescribed medication or procedures that act directly on the persons physiology


The study of the effects of drugs on the mind and behavior

Antipsychotic drugs

Drugs used to treat, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders Such as Thorazine

Anti-anxiety drugs

Drugs used to control, anxiety and agitation, such as Xanax, Glopen and Ativan. They depress the central nervous system activity.

Anti-depressant drugs

Drugs used to treat depressive disorders, anxiety, disorders, obsessive, compulsive, and related disorders, and post traumatic stress disorder. They work by increasing the availability of neurotransmitter such as nor epinephrine or serotonin, which elevate arousal in mood.

Psychedelic drugs

Hallucinogenic drugs used to treat depressive disorders, anxiety, disorders, post, traumatic stress, disorders, and substance use disorders these drugs, cause temporary, visual, psychological, and auditory changes, and an altered state of consciousness often called a psych, psychedelic experience or trip

Electroconvulsive therapy ECT

Manipulates the brain with mild shock, a biomedical therapy for severe and treatment, resistant depressant, and which a brief election current is sent through the brain oven and sides person

Transcranial magnetic stimulation TMS

The application of repeated pulses of magnetic energy to the brain, used to simulate or suppress brain activity


The most drastic and least used medical intervention surgery that removes or destroys brain tissue to change behavior


Surgical procedure once used to become uncontrollably, emotional or violent patients, the procedure cut the nerves to connect the frontal lobes to the emotion controlling centers of the inner brain


The personal strength that helps people cope with stress and recover from adversity and even trauma

Post traumatic growth

Positive psychological changes following a struggle with challenging circumstances, and life crisis

The double blind technique


Controls seizures and bipolar disorder


Anti anxiety


Reduces suicidal


Antipsychotic medication


Serotonin booster


Module 56: the biomedical therapies and preventing psychological disorders

Biomedical therapy

Prescribed medication or procedures that act directly on the persons physiology


The study of the effects of drugs on the mind and behavior

Antipsychotic drugs

Drugs used to treat, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders Such as Thorazine

Anti-anxiety drugs

Drugs used to control, anxiety and agitation, such as Xanax, Glopen and Ativan. They depress the central nervous system activity.

Anti-depressant drugs

Drugs used to treat depressive disorders, anxiety, disorders, obsessive, compulsive, and related disorders, and post traumatic stress disorder. They work by increasing the availability of neurotransmitter such as nor epinephrine or serotonin, which elevate arousal in mood.

Psychedelic drugs

Hallucinogenic drugs used to treat depressive disorders, anxiety, disorders, post, traumatic stress, disorders, and substance use disorders these drugs, cause temporary, visual, psychological, and auditory changes, and an altered state of consciousness often called a psych, psychedelic experience or trip

Electroconvulsive therapy ECT

Manipulates the brain with mild shock, a biomedical therapy for severe and treatment, resistant depressant, and which a brief election current is sent through the brain oven and sides person

Transcranial magnetic stimulation TMS

The application of repeated pulses of magnetic energy to the brain, used to simulate or suppress brain activity


The most drastic and least used medical intervention surgery that removes or destroys brain tissue to change behavior


Surgical procedure once used to become uncontrollably, emotional or violent patients, the procedure cut the nerves to connect the frontal lobes to the emotion controlling centers of the inner brain


The personal strength that helps people cope with stress and recover from adversity and even trauma

Post traumatic growth

Positive psychological changes following a struggle with challenging circumstances, and life crisis

The double blind technique


Controls seizures and bipolar disorder


Anti anxiety


Reduces suicidal


Antipsychotic medication


Serotonin booster