1. What are the environmental impacts of modern farm practices?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of organic farming?
3. What is integrated pest management (IPM)?
4. What are some advantages and disadvantages of integrated pest management?
5. What is soil salinization? How does it affect crops? How can it be prevented and remediated?
6. Theory of Island Biogeography
7. Habitat Fragmentation
8. Primary Productivity
9. Aquatic Biomes (fresh and salt water)
10. Aquatic Zones (fresh and salt water)
11. Compare/Contrast Oligotrophic, Mesotrophic, and Eutrophic Lakes.
12. What are the pros and cons of aquaculture?
13. What are the pros and cons of catching fish from the wild?
14. What are the different techniques of fishing and how do they effect the environment?
15. What is bycatch?
16. Why is the air less dense at the equator?
17. Be able to label the global wind patterns, and air cells.
18. Explain the rain shadow effect.
19. What is a thermocline?
20. What is upwelling?
21. What is the Coriolis Effect?
22. What direction do currents move in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
23. What factors affect the patterns of ocean surface currents?
24. What are Convection currents and how do they move?
25. What is ENSO?
26. How does El Nino affect climate?
27. Compare and contrast El Nino and La Nina.
28. Describe Solar Insolation and how it impacts the seasons and climate.
29. What are dead zones? How do they form? What can be done to prevent them?
30. Why are oceans important?
31. Why are coastal wetlands important?
32. Describe the following categories of ecosystem services: Supporting, Regulating, Provisioning, Cultural
33. What are the ecosystem services provided by wetlands?
34. What is ocean acidification? What causes it?
35. What are the environmental, social and economic impacts of ocean acidification?