Identify the different types of brand elements
List the general criteria for choosing brand elements
Describe key tactics in choosing different brand elements
Explain the rationale for “mixing and matching” brand elements
Brand Names
Logos & Symbols
Easily recognized within and across product categories
Easily recalled across geographic boundaries and cultures
Descriptive and persuasive
Fun, interesting, and aesthetically pleasing
Strong across different product categories and cultures
Flexible and updatable over time
Legally protectable and competitively viable
Ideal Brand Element Characteristics
Easily remembered
Suggestive of product class and benefits
Inherently fun or interesting
Rich with creative potential
Transferable to different products and geographies
Enduring and relevant over time
Strong legal protection
Importance of Brand Names
Captures central theme of a product in an economical way
Most challenging element for marketers to change due to strong consumer association
Can reinforce important attributes or benefits of the product
Key Attributes
Simple, easy to pronounce or spell
Familiar and meaningful
Distinctive and unusual
Simplicity and Pronunciation
Reduces cognitive effort for comprehension and processing
Encourages word-of-mouth marketing
Taps into existing knowledge structures
Brand names should be different, distinctive, and unusual
Brand associations are critical, considering implicit and explicit meanings
Protect brands from unauthorized use
Methods to protect:
Sue for copyright infringement
Purchase domains from current owners
Register variations ahead of time
Bad-faith registration to profit from someone else's trademark
Indicate origin, ownership, or association
Recognizable and nonverbal, adaptable across cultures
Benefits of Logos
Easy identification of products
Versatile and easily adapted over time
Expensive and time-consuming to change
Humanized brand symbols; plays a central role in advertising
Attention-getting and enhances brand likability
Transferable across product categories but must be updated to remain relevant
Culturally specific characters may not have global appeal
Short phrases conveying descriptive or persuasive brand information
Functions as hooks to help consumers understand brand meaning
Build brand awareness and summarize marketing intent
Designing and Updating Slogans
Contributes to brand equity in multiple ways
Retain necessary equities while introducing new meanings
Musical messages that enhance brand awareness
Catchy and memorable; however, less transferable than other elements
Purpose of Packaging
Identifies the brand
Provides information and protection
Aids in transport and storage
Packaging at Point of Purchase
Strong visual appeal to stand out on shelves
Innovations can reduce costs and increase demand
Legal Requirements and Costs
Subject to regulations; changes can be expensive but cost-effective compared to other marketing methods
Role of Brand Elements
Each brand element contributes uniquely to building brand equity
Marketers mix and match elements to maximize impact
Brand Identity
Total set of brand elements forming a coherent marketing strategy
Memorability: Enhances recall and recognition
Meaningfulness: Reinforces various associations
Likability: Evokes strong imagery and appeal
Transferability: Varies across elements; generally excellent for logos
Adaptability: Some are easy to redesign while others are difficult
Protectability: Varies by element, generally strong in legal aspects, but vulnerable to copying in packaging.