SBM L3 - Choosing brand elements to build brand equity_779f930e4fa81301475586524b071c87

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the different types of brand elements

  • List the general criteria for choosing brand elements

  • Describe key tactics in choosing different brand elements

  • Explain the rationale for “mixing and matching” brand elements

Brand Elements

  1. Brand Names

  2. URLs

  3. Logos & Symbols

  4. Characters

  5. Slogans

  6. Jingles

  7. Packaging

Criteria for Choosing Brand Elements

  1. Memorability

    • Easily recognized within and across product categories

    • Easily recalled across geographic boundaries and cultures

  2. Meaningfulness

    • Descriptive and persuasive

  3. Likability

    • Fun, interesting, and aesthetically pleasing

  4. Transferability

    • Strong across different product categories and cultures

  5. Adaptability

    • Flexible and updatable over time

  6. Protectability

    • Legally protectable and competitively viable

Options and Tactics for Brand Names

  • Ideal Brand Element Characteristics

    • Easily remembered

    • Suggestive of product class and benefits

    • Inherently fun or interesting

    • Rich with creative potential

    • Transferable to different products and geographies

    • Enduring and relevant over time

    • Strong legal protection

  • Importance of Brand Names

    • Captures central theme of a product in an economical way

    • Most challenging element for marketers to change due to strong consumer association

    • Can reinforce important attributes or benefits of the product

Brand Awareness

  • Key Attributes

    • Simple, easy to pronounce or spell

    • Familiar and meaningful

    • Distinctive and unusual

  • Simplicity and Pronunciation

    • Reduces cognitive effort for comprehension and processing

    • Encourages word-of-mouth marketing

Familiarity and Meaningfulness

  • Taps into existing knowledge structures

  • Brand names should be different, distinctive, and unusual

  • Brand associations are critical, considering implicit and explicit meanings

URLs (Domain Names)

  • Protect brands from unauthorized use

  • Methods to protect:

    • Sue for copyright infringement

    • Purchase domains from current owners

    • Register variations ahead of time

  • Cybersquatting:

    • Bad-faith registration to profit from someone else's trademark

Logos and Symbols

  • Functionality

    • Indicate origin, ownership, or association

    • Recognizable and nonverbal, adaptable across cultures

  • Benefits of Logos

    • Easy identification of products

    • Versatile and easily adapted over time

    • Expensive and time-consuming to change

Brand Characters

  • Humanized brand symbols; plays a central role in advertising

  • Attention-getting and enhances brand likability

  • Transferable across product categories but must be updated to remain relevant

  • Culturally specific characters may not have global appeal


  • Short phrases conveying descriptive or persuasive brand information

  • Functions as hooks to help consumers understand brand meaning

  • Build brand awareness and summarize marketing intent

  • Designing and Updating Slogans

    • Contributes to brand equity in multiple ways

    • Retain necessary equities while introducing new meanings


  • Musical messages that enhance brand awareness

  • Catchy and memorable; however, less transferable than other elements


  1. Purpose of Packaging

    • Identifies the brand

    • Provides information and protection

    • Aids in transport and storage

  2. Packaging at Point of Purchase

    • Strong visual appeal to stand out on shelves

    • Innovations can reduce costs and increase demand

  3. Legal Requirements and Costs

    • Subject to regulations; changes can be expensive but cost-effective compared to other marketing methods

Putting It All Together

  • Role of Brand Elements

    • Each brand element contributes uniquely to building brand equity

    • Marketers mix and match elements to maximize impact

  • Brand Identity

    • Total set of brand elements forming a coherent marketing strategy

Critique of Brand Element Options

Brand Element Criterion Overview

  • Memorability: Enhances recall and recognition

  • Meaningfulness: Reinforces various associations

  • Likability: Evokes strong imagery and appeal

  • Transferability: Varies across elements; generally excellent for logos

  • Adaptability: Some are easy to redesign while others are difficult

  • Protectability: Varies by element, generally strong in legal aspects, but vulnerable to copying in packaging.
