1. assay (v) – to tempt
2. assail (v) - To attack verbally
3. compact (n) - An agreement or a covenant
4. moiety (n) - A part, portion, or share
5. portentous (adj) – ominously significant
6. liege (n) - A loyal supporter, follower, or subject.
7. enmity (n) - Deep-seated, often mutual hatred.
8. orison (n) - A prayer.
9. calumny (n) - A false statement maliciously made to injure another's reputation
10. journeymen (n) – unskilled workers
11. knave (n) - An unprincipled, crafty fellow
12. arrant (adj) - Completely such; thoroughly: an arrant fool, the arrant luxury of the cruise
13. physic (n) - A medicine or drug
14. doublet (n) - A close-fitting jacket, with or without sleeves
15. closet (n) – private room
16. arras (n) – a wall hanging or tapestry
17. diadem (n) - A crown worn as a sign of royalty
18. ducat (n) – slang - A piece of money
19. pleurisy (n) – excess of humors (emotions)
20. anoint (v) - To apply oil, ointment, or a similar substance to.
21. abatement (n) - The amount lowered; a reduction.
22. contagion (n) - Disease transmission by direct or indirect contact.
23. indenture (n) - A deed or legal contract
24. importunate (adj) – troublesomely urgent or persistent in requesting
25. antic (adj) – crazy or bizarre
26. conjecture (n) – a statement, opinion, or conclusion based on guesswork
27. superfluous (adj) – beyond what is required or sufficient
28. rabble (n) – the lowest or coarsest class of people
29. commune (v) – to have common dealings with, to converse
30.pestilence (n) – a fatal epidemic disease or evil influence