Hall of the Bulls, ca. 16,000-14,000 BCE (1-5)
Hall of the Bulls, Prehistory
Ancient Near East:
Ziggurat, Ur, ca. 2100 BCE (1-11)
Statues of Gudea, ca. 2100 BCE
Statues of Gudea
Victory Stele of Eannatum (Stele of the Vultures), ca. 2600-2500
Stele with law code of Hammurabi, ca.1780 BCE (1-17)
Terms: cuneiform, relief, register, hierarchic scale, composite view
Stepped Pyramid, funerary complex of Djoser, by Imhotep, Saqqara ca. 2630-2611 (1-25)
Khafre enthroned, Gizeh, ca. 2520-2494 (1-28)
Menkaure and Khamerernebty(?), Gizeh, ca. 2490-2472 (1-29)
Ti watching a hippopotamus hunt, Saqqara, ca. 2450- 2350 (1-30)
Akhenaton, Karnak, ca. 1353-1335 (1-35)
Akhenaton, Nefertiti and three daughters, Tell el-Amarna, ca. 1353-35
Last Judgment of Hu-Nefer, ca. 1290-1275
Terms: divine kingship, hieroglyphs, papyrus
Archaic Period:
Kouros, ca. 600 BCE (2-16)
Kroisos, from Anavysos, ca. 530 (2-17)
Kore from Acropolis, ca. 510
Classical Period:
Zeus (or Poseidon?), from the sea off Cape Artemision, ca. 460-450
Discobolos by Myron, ca. 450 (Roman copy) (2-32)
Doryphoros (Spear Bearer) by Polykleitos, ca. 450-440 (Roman copy) (2-35)
Athenian Acropolis, rebuilt after Persian sack of 480 BCE (2-36)
Parthenon, 447-432 (2-1, 37-41) Sculptures: Pediments.
Metopes: Lapiths vs. Centaurs. Frieze: Panathenaic Festival procession
Terms: archaic smile; Persian Wars; lost wax method; contrapposto; Doric and Ionic Temples (see Gardner p. 57)
Late Classical Period:
Hermes and the infant Dionysos, Praxiteles, ca. 340 (2-48)
Aphrodite of Knidos by Praxiteles, ca. 350-340 (2-47)
Portrait of Alexander the Great, ca. 200-150
Battle of Issus (Alexander Mosaic), copy from original of ca. 310, Pompeii, (2-50)
The Hellenistic Period:
Priene, 4th c. BCE restored view
Seated Boxer, ca. 100-50 BCE
Sleeping Hermaphrodite, Roman copy of original of 2nd c. BCE
Terms: Peloponnesian Wars 431- 404 BCE, Corinthian column
Head of an elderly patrician, mid-1st c. BCE (3-11)
Portrait of a Roman General, ca. 75-50 BCE
Pompeii: Forum, 2nd c. BCE and later (3-12)
Reconstruction of typical Roman house with atrium, peristyle, p. 93
Gardenscape, Villa of Livia, ca. 30-20 BCE (3-21)
Ixion Room, House of the Vettii, Pompeii, ca. 70-79 CE (3-24)
Pont du Gard, Nimes France, ca. 16 BCE (3-29)
Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater), Rome, 70-80 CE
Forum of Trajan, by Apollodorus of Damascus, dedicated 112 CE (3-35)
Column of Trajan, with scenes from Dacian wars, 112 CE (3-36)
Pantheon, Rome, 118-125 CE (3- 38-40)
Terms: “veristic portraiture,” fresco, aqueduct, arch, barrel vault, concrete, basilica, nave, aisles, gallery, clerestory, apse, dome, oculus, coffers
Early Christianity:
The Good Shepherd, Jonah, orants, Catacomb of Saints Peter and Marcellinus, early 4th c. (4-2)
Old St. Peter’s, Rome, begun ca. 319 (4-3, 4)
Christ as Good Shepherd, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna, ca. 425 (4-7)
Islamic Spain:
Mezquita (Great Mosque), Cordoba, 961-65 (5-7, 8)
Court of the Lions, Alhambra, Granada, 1354-1391 (5-9, 10)
Early Medieval Art:
Plan for a monastery, from Saint Gall, ca. 819 (6-10)
Terms: basilica church, transept, mihrab, muqarnas, cloister
Romanesque Art:
Reliquary of Sainte Foy, ca. 1000 (6-16)
Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, ca. 1070-1120 (6- 17-19)
Last Judgment, by Gislebertus, tympanum Saint-Lazare, Autun, ca. 1120 -35 (6-23)
Abbey church, Fontenay, 1139-1147
Bayeux Tapestry, ca. 1070-1080
Terms: relics, pilgrimage roads, choir, ambulatory, radiating chapels, compound piers, Cistercians, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Normans, William the Conqueror
Gothic Art:
Chartres Cathedral, begun 1134; rebuilt after 1194 (7- 5-6, 9-12)
Royal Portal with jamb statues 1145-55 (7-5, 6); Saint Theodore ca. 1230 (7-12)
Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, 1243-1248 (7-16)
Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, by Pucelle, ca. 1325-28
Terms: pointed arches, rib vaulting, flying buttresses, stained glass, rose window