2 bill people world wide consume alcohol
more than half of US resdents consume alcoholic bev
All alcoholic bev contain ethyl alcholol
absorbed into blood thro stomach lining and instestines'
takes effect in blood stream and CNS
Alcohol has depresant actions on the CNS
increases seditive effect of anti histamines
Dose response for alcholol
In nontolerant individuals, Low levels (10 to 50 mg%) are anxiolytic and predoce a feeling of weel being and increased socialbity
As levels increase (150-200 mg%) produce
exceeds 300mg% throw up and blackout
400-500mg% fatal
Alcholol use disorder
clinical pic
reg consumption and reliance affects cognition, social life, and work behaviors
individual patterns of use vary
Destroys families relationships and carreers
Alcohol plays a role in suicicdes, homicides, sexual and phisical assults as well as car accdents
Long term exessive drinking
the leathal does 50% (LD50) in nontolarant humans is aprox 400-500Mg%
Blood levels exceding these levels are often repoted for drunk driving
capacity to metabolize alcholol and in cellular adaptions
College binge drinking
38% of students binge drink once a month, 1/3rd binge 6 times or more monthly
lingering impact on mood mem and heart/brain functioning
Where does alcohol exert its effect
Increases VTA domaine firing rates
animals will self adminster alcholol to posterior VTA (but not anterior)
Long term exposure chnaged the excitabity of the dopamine neurons in the absance of alcholol
Increased doapmine in nucleus accumbens
increaded dopamine durring anticaption of drinking
increased glutamate signaling in straitum and limbic (amygdala) regions leads to stonger learned responses
NMDA receptors are senstive to alcholol -LTP!
Widespread interactions
no one receptor that alcohol binds to
ion channels
Ion channels involved in alcholol
Lingand gated
Voltage gated
potasium K+
Calcium Ca+2
The impact on dopamine neurons
NMDA receptors help inhibit VTA dopamine
alchol disinhibits VTA
NMDA antagonists can mimic alcohol (rat discrimination test)
Votoage gatted ptasioum channels reduce excitabity of VTA dopmaine neurons (alcohol removes that regulation)
Phosophorylation of GABA receptors may be important
Serotonin and acetylcholine
Reduced serintionin levels (5-HT) in problamitic drinkers
SSRIs do not help
In part the prob is likely recpeptor subtype (5-HT) specific
Alcholol increases currents thro 5-HT3 receptors and antagonists like Zofran reduces drinking (espcialy early in the addiction)
Nicotinic acteyocloine receptors are effected by alcholol
Chantix- partial agonist at the a4B2 nicotinic recpetor- used for smoking cessation also appears to reduce alcohol seeking in rats
ATP activates these channles
Structure of the subunits going into receptors matters
Change amino acids in protein subunits (e.g. GABBA) and it changes alcohol response.
Opioids (already in body)
alcohol inreases the reaslease of endogenous opioids
this is part of pleasure feeling
Opioid antagonists (naloxone and naltrexone) reduce alcohol intake in people
Chronic exposure
NMDA channles up regulate over time- more channels get stuck in membane- because the are chronically inhibited
This can cause seizures durring withdrawl
Delirium tremens (the shakes)
3 days into withdrawl and lasts for 2-3 days
can result in death
Long term changes
Anygdala is overactive when seaking cuesn associated with drinking
craving is pronounced even in abstanince
even after withdrawl we see increased reposniveness to associated cues
2 bill people world wide consume alcohol
more than half of US resdents consume alcoholic bev
All alcoholic bev contain ethyl alcholol
absorbed into blood thro stomach lining and instestines'
takes effect in blood stream and CNS
Alcohol has depresant actions on the CNS
increases seditive effect of anti histamines
Dose response for alcholol
In nontolerant individuals, Low levels (10 to 50 mg%) are anxiolytic and predoce a feeling of weel being and increased socialbity
As levels increase (150-200 mg%) produce
exceeds 300mg% throw up and blackout
400-500mg% fatal
Alcholol use disorder
clinical pic
reg consumption and reliance affects cognition, social life, and work behaviors
individual patterns of use vary
Destroys families relationships and carreers
Alcohol plays a role in suicicdes, homicides, sexual and phisical assults as well as car accdents
Long term exessive drinking
the leathal does 50% (LD50) in nontolarant humans is aprox 400-500Mg%
Blood levels exceding these levels are often repoted for drunk driving
capacity to metabolize alcholol and in cellular adaptions
College binge drinking
38% of students binge drink once a month, 1/3rd binge 6 times or more monthly
lingering impact on mood mem and heart/brain functioning
Where does alcohol exert its effect
Increases VTA domaine firing rates
animals will self adminster alcholol to posterior VTA (but not anterior)
Long term exposure chnaged the excitabity of the dopamine neurons in the absance of alcholol
Increased doapmine in nucleus accumbens
increaded dopamine durring anticaption of drinking
increased glutamate signaling in straitum and limbic (amygdala) regions leads to stonger learned responses
NMDA receptors are senstive to alcholol -LTP!
Widespread interactions
no one receptor that alcohol binds to
ion channels
Ion channels involved in alcholol
Lingand gated
Voltage gated
potasium K+
Calcium Ca+2
The impact on dopamine neurons
NMDA receptors help inhibit VTA dopamine
alchol disinhibits VTA
NMDA antagonists can mimic alcohol (rat discrimination test)
Votoage gatted ptasioum channels reduce excitabity of VTA dopmaine neurons (alcohol removes that regulation)
Phosophorylation of GABA receptors may be important
Serotonin and acetylcholine
Reduced serintionin levels (5-HT) in problamitic drinkers
SSRIs do not help
In part the prob is likely recpeptor subtype (5-HT) specific
Alcholol increases currents thro 5-HT3 receptors and antagonists like Zofran reduces drinking (espcialy early in the addiction)
Nicotinic acteyocloine receptors are effected by alcholol
Chantix- partial agonist at the a4B2 nicotinic recpetor- used for smoking cessation also appears to reduce alcohol seeking in rats
ATP activates these channles
Structure of the subunits going into receptors matters
Change amino acids in protein subunits (e.g. GABBA) and it changes alcohol response.
Opioids (already in body)
alcohol inreases the reaslease of endogenous opioids
this is part of pleasure feeling
Opioid antagonists (naloxone and naltrexone) reduce alcohol intake in people
Chronic exposure
NMDA channles up regulate over time- more channels get stuck in membane- because the are chronically inhibited
This can cause seizures durring withdrawl
Delirium tremens (the shakes)
3 days into withdrawl and lasts for 2-3 days
can result in death
Long term changes
Anygdala is overactive when seaking cuesn associated with drinking
craving is pronounced even in abstanince
even after withdrawl we see increased reposniveness to associated cues