4.5 Communicative Functions

4.5 Communicative Functions

Task #1 Directions:

  1. Move this copy into your student work folder

  2. Go through your 4.5 slides and write in the Russian for the given functions. Please do not cut and paste from the website - typing out the words will help you to remember the words and how to spell them.

Function****(How do you express….?)

Как сказать по-русски?

How do you ask someone if they bought something?

noun+купила?Ты купил/а…… (+ accus. case)

How do you tell someone that you can do something in a certain place?

Можно + infinitive of the verb+ object + где? (in prepositional case)Можно пить чай в кафе? (in prepositional case)Можно читать книгу в школе?

How do you suggest going to a cafe (or another place)?

Чай можно пить в кафе?

How do you suggest tomorrow instead?

Можно завтра?Можно в пятницу? (в + accus. for days of the week)

How do you agree to a suggestion?


How do you ask if someone likes something?

Тебе нравится+ noun in nom. case?

How do you tell a friend to tell a bit about himself?

Расскажи немного о себе,

How do you ask where someone is from?

Откуда ты?

How do you say where you are from?

Из + place in genitive case.

How do you say where you were born?

он/я родился/ она/я родилАсь, мы/вы/они родилИсь + place (в + prep.)

How do you say where you used to live and where you live now?

Раньше мы жили в place in prep.), но недавно родители купили дом в placeтеперь мы живём в place in prep.)

How do you tell someone to tell a bit about their family

Расскажи мне что-нибудь о твоей семье

How do you give your father’s and mother’s name?

Моего отца зовут ___(nom), и мою мать/маму зовут __(nom).

How do you say that two people met at a certain place?

Они познакомились в ___ (+ prep.).

How do you ask where someone has studied?

А где он/онa/они учился/учИлась/ учИлись?

How do you say where someone has studied?

Они учИлись в ___ (+ prep.).

How do you ask if someone has any brothers or sisters?

У тебя есть братья или сёстра (брат или сестрА)?

How do you tell someone where you study now and where you used to study?

Раньше я училась в ____(+ prep.)., а теперь я учусь в ___(+ prep.)..

How do you say where your school or university is located?

University который находится в city (+ prep.)..

How do you ask someone the name of his older sister/brother?

У тебя есть старший брат/сестра?Как зовут твоегО стАршего брата/твоЮ стАршую сестрУ.

How do you ask someone what they study (at the university)?

Что ты изучаюешь в университете?

How do you tell someone what you study (at the university)?

Я изучаю ____ (+ accus).

How do you ask someone what year they are in the university?

(А) на каком ты курсе?

How do you ask someone what grade they are in in school?

А на каком ты класс?В каком ты классе?

How do you tell someone what grade you are in?

А grade ужеЯ в одИннадцатом классе.

How do you tell someone that it is time to go?

Надо идти

How do you tell someone that it is time to do something (like time to do homework)?

Пора думать о работе.Пора делать домашнее задание.

How do you tell someone the classes that you like and don’t like?

Я люблю ___ (+accus), а я не люблю ___ (+accus).Мне нравится (+nom), а мне не нравится___ (+nom).

How do you ask if someone likes a certain subject in school?

Что любит ___?Ты любишь …. + accus.Тебе нравится…. + nom.

Task 2 Directions: Write out (in English) a description of three scenarios that use as many of the above functions as possible. Try to be a little creative while also staying within the bounds of what you have learned. You can use expressions that you have learned in the past as well.

Scenario #1:

Do you want to go to the cafe?

Maybe tomorrow, we can drink tea there.


Next day

Did you get a latte or tea?

I got a tea

Do you like it?

Yes, very much

So, where do you go to school?

I go to school at friends school of baltimore

Do you like math?

Yes, I like math but I do not like english. My favorite subject is chemistry. Do you like history?

Yes I love history, but I do not like math, math is very hard.

Now it is time for me to go do homework, goodbye


Scenario #2:

Welcome to st petersburg university, I am caitlyn.

Hi kaitlyn

So tell me a little about yourself.

I am 19 years old, and I am visiting st petersburg for an exchange year

Where are you from?

I was born in Baltimore, Maryland, but now live in california.

Where do you study?

I study at university california in LA, located in LA california

What do you study at university?

I study Russian and biology.

What year are you in university?

I am a first year student

So tell me about your family

I have one younger sister. My mothers name is Kathy, and my fathers name is chris. they met at washington university

What is your younger sister's name?

My sisters name is maria

Thank you goodbye

Scenario #3:

Did you buy that teakettle?

No, it was too expensive

Do you want to go to the school cafe with me to get some tea?

Sure, but does tomorrow work for you?


Do you like the latte here?

*new person

Yes, it is very good. I don't know you, tell me about yourself.

Yes, I am an exchange student from california.

Where do you study?

I study at the university of california la, located in la california.

What do you study there, and what year are you in?

I study the Russian language and Russian literature, and I am a first year student.

It's time for me to go do homework, it was nice meeting you.


Task 3 Directions: Use the different color fonts to color code the expressions that you used for each scenario.

Scenario #1     Scenario #2     Scenario #3
