In exercise 3 you’ll be provided with a passage and are asked to make preferably short and precise notes on different points stated in the passage. Thankfully, this task is rather easy but you’re still advised to be careful and look over the details multiple times.
First you’ll need to read the headings which will tell you what you need to look for and write from the passage. Remember that all the answers will be found in the passage itself so you’ll never need to use your on knowledge.
The second step is quite obvious. After reading the headings and knowing what you need to look for all you’ve got to do now is read the passage and look for that information. It’s better to search for points for one heading then moving on to the next so you don’t mix things up also for practice color-coding the headings with the corresponding information makes your life easier and your less likely to make mistakes. Usually the answers will be found in chronological order but sometimes that may not be the case, either way if you’re careful there shouldn’t be any problem.
. As long as you list the information you don’t need to write a full sentence.
. Only write as many points as required, you won’t get extra marks for writing 4 points when the question asked for 2 points for example.
. No marks will be deducted for spelling/punctuation/grammar mistakes (thankfully :).