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Vocabulary #11

English 9 Honors Name:

Ms. Wilde

Vocabulary #11

Abridge – v. To shorten, to reduce

EX. I built a bridge to abridge my walk home; it went from 60 minutes to 2.

Arcane – adj. Known or understood by very few; mysterious; secret; obscure

EX. Not many people know of the arcane werewolf because those who do are never seen again.

Belated – adj. Delayed past the proper time

EX. On Facebook, my aunt wished me a happy belated birthday, but it was three days after my birthday.

Cohesive – adj. Unified, well integrated

EX. The synchronized swimmers performed perfectly together in a cohesive manner.

Loquacious – adj. Very talkative; liking to talk, garrulous

EX. Zachariah is extremely loquacious especially when it comes to politics, and

he won’t stop talking about Robert F Kennedy Jr.

Decrepit – adj. weakened by old age; feeble; infirm

EX. Kaylin Kathmannviolently cried over the decrepit old man sitting alone in a Skyline.

Mandate – n. Order, command

EX. In 202o, there was a mask mandate in order to help prevent the spread of


Scrutinize – v. Inspect; to examine closely and minutely

EX. After a robbery had taken place, officers scrutinized the crime scene to make

sure they didn’t miss anything.

Tentative – adj. Not fully worked out or developed

EX. The tentative vacation plans still needed to be confirmed.

Qualm – n. a sudden feeling of apprehensive uneasiness, esp concerning moral conduct

EX. Lydia Huffmeyer experienced qualms about having to be homeschooled next year, and not getting to see her friends anymore.


Vocabulary #11

English 9 Honors Name:

Ms. Wilde

Vocabulary #11

Abridge – v. To shorten, to reduce

EX. I built a bridge to abridge my walk home; it went from 60 minutes to 2.

Arcane – adj. Known or understood by very few; mysterious; secret; obscure

EX. Not many people know of the arcane werewolf because those who do are never seen again.

Belated – adj. Delayed past the proper time

EX. On Facebook, my aunt wished me a happy belated birthday, but it was three days after my birthday.

Cohesive – adj. Unified, well integrated

EX. The synchronized swimmers performed perfectly together in a cohesive manner.

Loquacious – adj. Very talkative; liking to talk, garrulous

EX. Zachariah is extremely loquacious especially when it comes to politics, and

he won’t stop talking about Robert F Kennedy Jr.

Decrepit – adj. weakened by old age; feeble; infirm

EX. Kaylin Kathmannviolently cried over the decrepit old man sitting alone in a Skyline.

Mandate – n. Order, command

EX. In 202o, there was a mask mandate in order to help prevent the spread of


Scrutinize – v. Inspect; to examine closely and minutely

EX. After a robbery had taken place, officers scrutinized the crime scene to make

sure they didn’t miss anything.

Tentative – adj. Not fully worked out or developed

EX. The tentative vacation plans still needed to be confirmed.

Qualm – n. a sudden feeling of apprehensive uneasiness, esp concerning moral conduct

EX. Lydia Huffmeyer experienced qualms about having to be homeschooled next year, and not getting to see her friends anymore.